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Oct. 12, 2023

Unraveling the Power of Quantum Energy for Profound Healing

How can your body's natural energy steer you toward healing and transformation? Today, I introduce you to Joshua Bloom, a quantum energy transformation expert who redefines conventional paradigms with his groundbreaking work. This episode is a journey of discovery, as we discuss the limitations of the traditional Newtonian worldview and how a quantum perspective opens up fields of possibilities. We delve into how our body oscillates between two states - growth and protection - and how understanding this can catalyze profound healing.Β 

Our conversation with Joshua takes a fascinating turn as we delve into processing complex emotions such as grief and anxiety. He unfolds the power of 'being quantum,' and how staying present using the body to move energy can be life-changing. We also explore the use of chakra systems in this approach and how it's a powerful tool for navigating meditation techniques. Joshua shares his journey from breakdown to breakthrough, lighting the path for others to follow.

But that's not all! We challenge traditional medical models and their short-term fixes versus the holistic, empowering quantum energy transformation. Joshua enlightens us about the power of manifestation and how quantum change helps in shifting identities from a place of problems to potential. As we wrap up this enlightening episode, you'll be equipped with valuable insights to navigate your journey of transformation and healing, the quantum way!

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00:00 - Exploring Quantum Transformation With Joshua Bloom

15:07 - Quantum Energy Transformation and Grief Processing

22:44 - Managing Anxiety and Staying Present

27:10 - Understanding and Navigating Meditation Techniques

40:10 - Traditional Medicine Versus Quantum Energy Transformation

46:05 - Quantum Opposites and Forgiveness Concept

59:14 - Exploring Multiple Identities and Quantum Transformation

01:06:01 - Understanding the Power of Manifestation

Speaker 1:

Hey everybody, this is Brian, back with another episode of Grief to Growth, where we explore the depths of human potentials, transformation and the mysteries of existence. As I said, I'm your host, brian Smith, and today we have a guest who's on the frontier of transforming lives by shifting energy at the quantum level. For you who might be new to the show, what we do is we regularly bring in experts who have invaluable insights into the journey of life, touch you on subjects like grief, the afterlife and the mystical connection between science and spirituality, and our guest today, joshua Bloom, is perfect for that. He's a luminary in the world of quantum transformation. He's not just an expert. He's a living testament to the life-changing potential of the techniques that he advocates. He's transformed his own life and he's made it his mission to empower others for over 20 years, and he works particularly with people who are spiritually minded, people like or empaths, and people who are sensitive souls. He's a mastermind behind quantum energy transformation, which is a groundbreaking approach that stems from his personal journey from breakdown to breakthrough.

Speaker 1:

His work is rooted in the revolutionary studies of quantum biology, by a claim to researcher Bruce Lipton, who's validated the science behind Joshua's life-altering methods. So, whether you're dealing with chronic pain, anxiety, depression or any range of emotional or physical ailments. He's got a way to help you transform that. He's the author of the book the Ultimate Answer is Inside, with a foreword written by Bruce Lipton PhD. So he's not just an author, though. He's also a TV host. He's got a show called Emotionally Free TV and he's executive producer of the film the Ultimate Answer is Inside. So, as I said, joshua is a trusted authority on the application of quantum transformation. We're going to talk about today his technique and his book and what his expertise is in in that field. I want to welcome Joshua Bloom.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm really excited to have you here to say what you do fits right in with what we try to do here at Grief to Growth, to help people to make transformations. And your book, I have to say, was very unique from everything other things that I've read. And you start off and you talk about this idea of Newtonian physics versus quantum physics. So if you could explain to people what that means from not only a physics perspective, but how it relates to us as human beings.

Speaker 2:

Well, the Newtonian worldview is what we see when we think about the medical model or the scholastic model or the religious model. All of the models that we have out there today are all in what you might call the therapy model or the parenting model. They're all the same model. They're all the same model. So what's different about a quantum worldview is that from a quantum perspective it's more open. We've taken out the rules. We look at things from a more open space where we can see things not as far as protocols and steps and strategies, but instead we look at things as possibilities, because, you know, quantum is the study of possibility. So what I do interesting that you said earlier techniques we don't do that. Techniques are in the therapy model, while processes, playing, experiencing, all has to do with the quantum model. So it's very different. The biggest issue, I think, about the two different models is it's hard to recognize that you're even in a model. It's sort of like a fish in water. The fish doesn't know it's in water. The fish is just doing what fish do. It doesn't say, hey, I'm in water, I'm splashing. It just knows that it is a fish or maybe not even that, but it doesn't know that the model. The body of water it's in is water, just like we don't know that the body of systems that we're in is that Newtonian model or that therapy kind of model. So even our legal, legal is all in the same model too. It's very interesting how everything falls into this model. It's very restricted as lots of rules, and the problem with that, when it comes to healing, transformation and allowing possibilities to happen, is that it can't happen with all those restrictions. It requires the space, it requires the openness, it requires a different experience. So I look at the models very interestingly because when you look at, for example, the idea of someone having a problem, an illness, an anxiety, like I had when people have an issue, we typically look at that issue and tell people hey, we're going to follow this protocol of this step-by-step way of doing this, and the problem is by following a strategy. It only works for a percentage of people but it doesn't work for everyone.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of times there's a bigger issue called growth versus protection. When we're using protocols, dr Bruce Lipton says that you're either in growth or you're in protection. You can't be in both. You have to be in one or the other. Growth is that place where all of your cells are working perfectly in every way. If there's a cell that's not right, your body knows how to resolve it right then, and so your body is in growth in that place. But if you're in protection, that's when you're in a place of fight or flight You're in a protection mode, but you're not very protected in that mode, if that makes sense. So being in protection means you're in fight or flight, you're kind of climbing up, you're bringing everything in, you're tightening up, sort of like sitting on the bus, and you're like I can't give myself space, I'm going to bring myself in. So the opposite is the growth place. So when we're in protection we tend to get sicker because you can't heal, you can't transform when you're in protection.

Speaker 2:

Now I remember many years ago I was trying to deal with my anxiety, and boy did I have an issue with anxiety. My anxiety was so bad that I wasn't functional. So that means couldn't work, couldn't do anything that normal people would do. Going out of the house that day and maybe standing on the porch would have been a win. So that's just to give you a perspective of how bad the anxiety was. Stepping out of the house even further may not have been a possibility that particular day. So I have transformed that using my method quantum energy transformation and it has changed my life More than any words I could even say.

Speaker 2:

When I was having this issue with anxiety, I went to someone and they had me lay on a massage table and they asked me to just lay there and they were going to do their healing. I don't know what he was doing, but whatever I was there, he was going to do this healing, laying on the massage table, and all I can think about is what is he doing? I don't know. I don't know him all that well and I trust that he's not going to do something I don't want him to do. Am I going to be okay after this? Am I going to be better? Maybe I'll be better, maybe I won't. All this stuff going on in my head.

Speaker 2:

And so, as I was doing that, the session ended and nothing happened. I didn't have any benefit and I realized oh, this goes to what Dr Bruce Eblon says Either you're in protection or you're in growth. What was I in that moment? Well, I was scared. I wasn't sure that this was going to work. I was just as much scared as about. I was just as much scared about it not working as much as it was whether we're going to do something I didn't like. So there's a lot of fear going on for me in this, which means I was in protection, not growth.

Speaker 2:

So in quantum energy transformation, I learned from that experience and many others that it's nothing's going to work unless you're in a growth place. So we start that way. We start in what growth is and growth. I had to learn what it was because I've read so many books and researched so many things. Nobody tells you how to get into growth. So I was able to discover it for myself.

Speaker 2:

And what it is is. It's being in the body. Either you're in your head or, even worse, out of body, or you're in here, which means your higher self is literally within side of you. When your higher self doesn't have the frequency it needs to feel good inside your body, it kind of floats up above your head. It stays with you, but it's just above your head and unfortunately, when your higher self is up there, you are either in your head or out of body or both, and when you're in that place, you're in protection, as we just discussed, but more than that you're disconnected. So this is where we get depression, anxiety and all these other problems that people have, and they don't realize that the source of that problem is that disconnection.

Speaker 2:

So when I talk to people about depression, for example, how do we resolve depression? Well, first you got to connect, you got to reconnect what is disconnected and then it's possible. So I remember I went over a friend's house and she was concerned because her husband was starting to go into depression again, which he had gone into before, and she knew the sign. So she was realizing uh-oh, we're in trouble here. She says would you work with my husband for just a few minutes? I said sure, and so I take him through a process that literally took about two minutes and I got him back into his body, I got him to open up his Orc field and that was it. He did not go back into that depression mode anymore and that was an amazing experience. So Thanks for your time.

Speaker 2:

When I work with people, it's so important that we work in the model that works best for the person. There's no right or wrong model, it's just what do you expect the outcome to be? If you want an outcome to be something like I just discussed, where someone who is going into depression and then doesn't. That's not going to happen in a therapy model. Because first of all, I got to stop everything, go through the protocol and go through the strategies, make sure I've set it up properly, make sure I do it right, I can't do it wrong or I'm wrong. So that's how the protocols work, so the power of understanding how things work when it comes to the models that we're using and we're using a quantum model, that more open model that allows for the possibilities. In other words, when you are in a strategy, there are no possibilities. You've collapsed the possibilities into whatever is happening in the moment. So you only have what you have. You can't have more, you only have what you have. But when you work in a quantum model, we don't work with strategies, we work with possibility. What's the possibility that this person who has depression doesn't have that, or this person who might be feeling grief could change that?

Speaker 2:

I remember I worked with two women. Kind of unexpectedly, I was in front of an audience and now, mind you, if you're in front of an audience, people are patient only so much. So I knew that within seven minutes, whatever I was going to work with, or whoever I was going to work with, that they would have to resolve whatever I'm working with them on in seven minutes or they'd walk out the room. So, in front of hundreds or so people, and I'm in the front on the stage giving an experience, a transformation talk, and I was ready to take guests and I thought that I was pretty smart because I knew that if I could work with somebody in the area of an event, event clearing is very fast. I can do that many times in less than seven minutes. I can sometimes do that in two minutes. Sounds like I named that tune, but anyway, I was excited because I thought that I had this all planned out. You know, I knew that if I had people do this in a specific way, they're going to have an event.

Speaker 2:

So this one lady raised her hand when I asked for volunteers and she raised her hand. She says I would really like you to help me. And I said OK, great. What's the event? You know it needs a time and a place. That's what an event is. And she's like yes, I know she said within a week's time my mom and dad passed and on top of that another relative I forgot which one she said. But another relative of her also passed and she's never gone over it and it's been about a year. At that time Now, at this time in my career, I had dealt with working with people with grief, but it took me three hours to get that result, which I thought was incredible To work with somebody who is in deep grief and for them to be out of grief literally in three hours.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was a win. Now that was with one person who passed. This lady's got three and she's got trauma upon that. It was her parents. That's a very difficult loss. She's got another relative. All of them seem connected.

Speaker 2:

It was, it was complicated, it wasn't easy and I didn't I really want to tell her. No, no, you know, maybe I could, maybe you can call me, I'll work with you later. But I was getting this, this positive sign that I should go into it. So I looked her in the eye and I said listen, are you willing to go for it? She said yes. I said if you're willing to go for it, then I'm willing to help you. So she comes up and so you know, in my mind I'm looking up at God and saying why did you put me in this position. You know I've got seven minutes. You know, anyway, I had to let that go because I knew that if I was going to stay in my head I'd be in protection and I was definitely not going to get the result. So I brought myself back into my body and I had her bring up the issue and I took her through the quantum energy transformation process and in seven minutes she released the grief.

Speaker 2:

That was very debilitating for her. She wasn't working, she wasn't really moving forward in her life, she was stuck and you think after a year that she'd be in a better place, but it seemed like she was in a worse place than you would imagine. It was very, very difficult. And so when I worked with her in that seven minutes, we did it and I felt.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's two things I felt.

Speaker 2:

I felt, yay, that was a really big win.

Speaker 2:

I also felt like that was like a miracle, because I've never done that before in seven minutes.

Speaker 2:

And so, wow, just took me back for the moment. I was really ready for the next person and really relieved because now I can go work with the next person and you know they'll pick an event where we could just go through something more easy and that'll be a relief. So, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it this other lady raised her hand and she says well, I have the same problem. Can you help me? You know what I'm like, I don't know. So I agreed to do it because she seemed to be willing to go for it too. And she came up and I did that in seven minutes, also with her, and so it really showed me that anything was really possible, that people can go through something as very, very difficult and complicated as grief is, and they can process the information, because that's what it is. We're processing energy at the cellular structure of the body that's holding what we might call a trigger or a number of triggers that are causing us to feel a certain way.

Speaker 2:

And there is a grief process. You know there are different stages of grief that people go through and that's important to recognize. It's not like, hey, let's you know, wham bam, let's get this done. It really is a process that people have to go through. The power of going through that with these two women was that it proved to me and showed me that more was possible than I even thought and that we could go through grief and go through all the stages in an extremely short period of time. So I always knew that time was irrelevant in a quantum field.

Speaker 2:

So when you're in the quantum experience, in that quantum model, things happen very, very quickly. You don't need all the time that we might need in the other model, where you're going to be doing something for 31 days or longer and that's. You know how that works. You're working on in the quantum model. You're working in a quantum way where energy is moving at the cellular level of the body to create that change. Your body is intelligent, it knows what to do, it knows what energies it needs to move first, second, third, fourth, fifth, until it's done.

Speaker 2:

I don't worry about that part, the part that I work with is the person, the whole person. That person that I'm working with isn't a problem. They're holding information that just needs processing, and we're so good at suppressing that we have become experts at suppressing it. So when people have grief, for example, they have been suppressing that for so long, and when it comes up at all for a moment, they suppress it even more.

Speaker 2:

And that's an intelligent thing to do, because when something feels bad, it's good to say wait a second, that's too big for me to deal with right now, and that makes sense. We push it down. It's intelligent, it's it makes sense. What's great with quantum energy transformation, though, is you're not reliving it, you're not going through all the grief, you're not feeling every little bit of grief that's happening just to release it, because we're releasing it as energy versus releasing it as emotion. So there's a difference between how you release with energy, which is neutral, versus emotion as a charge, as a very big charge, and still, when you release it with energy, the charge is released.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's awesome. So because, as I was reading your book and as I think about this, you know the different perspectives Newtonian versus quantum, and both are true on different levels. Newtonian physics is what we had for a very long time, but then, with quantum physics, we found that okay, things that are impossible from a Newtonian point of view, like entanglement, for example, something happening here and affecting something you know a million miles away exact same mentors, instant is not possible with Newtonian physics, but it's possible with the quantum physics.

Speaker 1:

So, what I'm understanding from your technique is we're not technique, but from this perspective and those words, it's hard to get away from.

Speaker 2:

It's hard to get away from that model right, it's a technique.

Speaker 1:

It's something's broken. We need to fix it. But this is more of a different way of looking at it. You know, and I hear you say, you know, get out of your mind and get in, get in your body, which for a lot of us is very difficult because we, that's all we do, and I, I suffer it with anxiety and depression for a very long time. So I can relate to what you're saying. And the thing about anxiety is it's the thoughts that make it ramp up. Right, you feel the anxiety and then you start thinking the thoughts and then it gets worse, and then it gets worse, and then it gets worse.

Speaker 2:

Right. Thoughts create intensity. That's really big. So when the thought, when you get that, when you have the thoughts, there's kind of. There's a couple of processes going on with that. By the way. First of all, your body is intelligent and it knows that you need to deal with something. So it keeps repeating it over and over again in a loop, giving you the opportunity. Although it doesn't feel like an opportunity at the moment, it feels really trickery and awful, right. So but when, when it, when it's repeating it over and over again, it then builds a momentum of itself. So the momentum is building. So you have that thought and then you feel badly. And then you feel badly that you had the thought, and then you're thinking I shouldn't have that thought. And then you're thinking, well, I can't, I need to stop that thought. And then now you're having, you know, judgment about the thoughts and the feeling at the same time, and that is spinning around, going over and over and over again.

Speaker 2:

So now you're really you know if you haven't already made it bad you've made it really really worse, not intentionally, but just sort of naturally, because it's like how do I stop it? Then we're judging ourselves on on that as well. So now we're judging ourselves and we have the anxiety and we have multiple judgements and multiple things that we say. It's not just one thing that you say. There are many things that you say that are going on in your mind. This is why, in quantum energy transformation is good to be out of your mind, in this case, and get back into the body. But, as you said, it can be very difficult. This is why we use the tailbone, which is the base of the spine, to bring our attention, and when you bring your attention down to the tailbone, you're really away from your head. You know you're bringing it down so that it's far away. By doing that you can get out of that pattern that's happening. And even though that's really really good because I've been doing that for 20 some odd years and it works like a charm it does eventually get you back into the body. We have other things like there's a, there's a practice we call actually, it's not a practice, it's a process that we call being quantum. See, it's even hard for me to get out of the words, those words called being quantum. And being quantum is a way of going even deeper than that bringing literally bringing that higher self into the body so that you're fully present, fully in your body.

Speaker 2:

And then we also have the pendants. I'm wearing quite a few of them today. So we have the pendants because sometimes, or many times, it can be really hard to get in your body. You're working to get into your body and then what do you do? You pop out into your head, you have a thought Uh-oh, that's the end of that and you gotta bring it back down. And you have a thought again and you bring it back down and it could be a challenge. But the pendants help us stay in our body If they first get us into the body, help us stay in the body and we don't need to go through that being quantum process because the pendants are doing that for us.

Speaker 2:

But the pendants also are a releasing agent Because of how they're created. They're always, if you think about it this way, the pendants are going against your energy. Where you're wearing them under, in your heart area, they're vibrating like that the whole time. Now that I'm wearing five of them at the moment they're all vibrating together, kind of all playing a different song, but in the same symphony, right? So they're all working together to balance my energy, which is amazing, because I get to feel awesome every day, and the power of that is that I don't have to keep trying to get myself back in my body or ground myself, because it's a problem for so many people. It does it for you, now that you're in the growth place, automatically, which is a win, I have to tell you. It's a win because you don't have that struggle going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. You just now in your body. Now the quantum energy transformation is even much easier.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I noticed as I was reading your book. I've been practicing meditation for quite a while and I just took about six, six, eight months ago, took some meditation course with someone. Teach me you know meditation techniques and I love what you talked about, like going up versus going in, and you were talking about the. I think a lot of times when people, when we go, when they're going in the meditation, they see themselves as like I need to go up, right, I need to, I need to go up. So could you talk about that a little bit?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. It's really important that we recognize how things work in our energy system. Most of us go up to spirit because, you know, god's spirit is up and our programming, or you might say our conditioning, is of that we are. We've been taught that. You know, there it is, that's, that's where you want to be, you know, connected to your source, right, and so which is a good thing, you might think but the way that the chakra system works, we have a chakra system that goes right down the center of our body, and the chakra system is like a two way highway it works both ways, but it doesn't give you the same result when you go both ways. So when you go up, what do you think happens? When you go up to source, you leave your body and so, unintentionally, but we do we leave our body. So now you don't have a ground. Here's what's important to know. When you plug your blender in to the wall, it has three prongs, two of them to make the electricity work, one of them to ground the electricity, so you don't get shocked. Okay, if they didn't have that third prong, then there's a really good potential not every time, but a good potential that you could get shocked when you pull out the plug. The same thing happens when you go straight up to spirituality. Spirituality is a very, very beautiful energy. It's also very intense and it like the sun the sun is beautiful, but it's also intense, right? Same kind of thing. It's a very intense energy and it could shock you if you don't have a ground so think about leaving your body not having a ground and it can shock you. That's not great, but most people are going up.

Speaker 2:

I remember I was in a class a lady accidentally did this in my class. She was making a commitment to herself and she went to a very spiritual place to make that commitment, which was not the exercise, okay, but it was, it was, it was what it was, and she stated this commitment. But she went so high up she fainted, literally fainted. And so in the class I had to, you know, make sure everybody was away from her, give her some space and then guide her through a quantum energy transformation process to get her back into her body, because she was so out, and have her recover from that experience. And then eventually he had an opportunity to talk to her about it and and let her know that if we're going to do that kind of a really, if you're going to go up, we're not going to go up, we're going to go down to make the commitment.

Speaker 2:

So we think about that two lane highway of the chakra system Instead of going up. It works the same way. If you go down, you get the same experience. When you go down the body, down to the root chakra, and you connect with the root chakra versus, you might say, the third eye or the crown chakra, when you, when you go to the root chakra, think about the chakra system being a circle or globe or round, we tend to look at it of what we see on our computer screens. When we type in chakra, right, we look at the chakras, what do we see? It looks like, you know, almost like a piece of paper with a person, and then we have the chakras going up and down. That's what we normally see.

Speaker 2:

If you see them as a circle. The top and the bottom are connected. So when you go down you can get to the top and it's very quick because when you go down you go right to the top. What's there right? So by going down to go up and it's so powerful when you go down to go up it literally grounds you and brings you to spirituality in a in a way that allows you to Feel powerful, because when you're grounded you feel powerful when you go up.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people in meditation unfortunately don't understand the concept. There's a difference between being in your body and trance. Trance is a meditation experience. See, it happens in hypnosis, it happens in meditation. You go into a light or deep state of trance, being in your body. Trance is not required. It's literally your higher self being in your body and your attention low in your body. That's what creates being in your body. They're two separate things.

Speaker 2:

So when you're laying back in a chair and you're going into a nice meditation, we tend to be thinking about things and then we're. You know, of course we have that problem. I shouldn't be thinking about something right now. Go back to the breath, go back to the breath, and we're going back and forth. You know our mind is saying something no, I got to go back to the breath and we're arguing with ourselves just a little bit or a lot, depending on what is doing it and we're going back and forth with that and that becomes a struggle. Or we're really, really enjoying it and we're just going up, up, up, up, up up and we're leaving our body and in doing so we're in protection, not in growth, and there can be some complications that happen when people do that and you don't get a.

Speaker 2:

You certainly don't get a quantum experience with that, because quantum requires that you're connected to the field system. We call it the quantum field because it's part of all the fields. So you have the chakra fields we just talked about the chakras right, all down the body chakra fields and that's connected to your auric field and your auric field is connected to all the other fields. The quantum field, the morphogenetic field, which is the field that holds what everybody does, all the things that everyone does, gets recorded in the morphogenetic field. So all the fields are connected. You're connected to one field and you're connected to them all. And, yes, you can go up to connect to a field, but the problem is your body as a safety mechanism. If it's not safe to transform, you won't. As simple as that. That's why, when I was laying on that massage table, nothing happened, because I wasn't in a safe place, because I was in protection.

Speaker 2:

When you're in protection, your body shuts down, so it doesn't allow you to to transform. So you could do all the breathing that you want. When you're in in, in protection, you can breathe all day long. Nothing will happen. You can do all the great things in the world, nothing will happen.

Speaker 2:

So it's really important to understand how this energy works. It's important to be in your body, not necessarily in trance. You're in trance, it's okay. You don't have to be in trance, but you can be in trance if you want. But you got to go down into the base of your spine. Some people prefer under their feet, to put their awareness under their feet instead. That also works because you're low enough, at least as low as the base of your spine or lower. When you go down into the base of your spine, the power of that is that you feel more confident, stronger. You feel like you have more energy. You know when people feel like they, they lose all their energy because they've been in their head too long. When you're in your head and you're in, the smoke is coming out, right, that's a time to remember. Get back in the body, because that's just going to tire you out. Now do that for 20 years and not realize, oh, I'm in my head. Then you know people have issues where they're always tired, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know it's interesting, as we talk about this, when you're talking about, you know, being in your head versus being in your body. A lot of times, when it comes to spirituality, we're thinking, okay, I want to get, I'm trying to get out of the body, I'm trying to, I'm trying to escape and trying to get you know to to this other place, and for when I'm taking it's like it's like exactly the opposite. We want to be more grounded. You know we are, we are part of an entire system and we're disconnecting from our, our power when we're, when we're doing that escapism.

Speaker 2:

I like that you say escape, because that's what people are doing. We tend to think if we're not feeling the bad feeling by escaping, it's handling it, but really it's making it worse unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

And that's what you said before. The thought comes and then it escalates. So that's really what's happening. You're just escalating. Whatever the bad feeling is, regardless of its anxiety, depression, grief, all of it, it all escalates in the same way. So to de-escalate it, you want to be grounded and you're grounded. Your body gets a signal that says, hey, you're strong enough to deal with this now and you can move that negative feeling that we do it in quantum energy, transformation as energy. We move it as energy, so that we move the energy so that it no longer has a charge. So then, when you're thinking about the situation or even the feeling itself, you can't even find it.

Speaker 2:

I was working with a lady I think it was yesterday, and and she, she's, she also she interviewed me also and it was very, very interesting and she wanted, she wanted to experience it. I said, absolutely, come in, I'll help you. So I took her through a process. Well, you know, she scheduled a long time. She said, well, she said let's do an hour. I said Okay. So you know, I met with her and within five minutes we had released her. Really, really, really big problem Five minutes.

Speaker 2:

We had all that other time to talk about how amazing it was that we released it in five minutes, took longer to talk about that than it did to do the process. Why did that work so fast? And she had a big problem that she was dealing with a fast life kind of big issue. And when you work with such big stuff, quantum energy transformation has the ability to handle many aspects at once. Most other modalities can only handle one aspect at a time and then you resolve that aspect and then you resolve the next aspect and then you resolve the next aspect. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

So the problem with that is we really have thousands of aspects and if you have bigger problems than that, it could be millions of aspects. You are not going to be able to do that with every single aspect. It would take it would take more than your lifetime to be able to do it. So this is why in quantum energy transformation it's dealing with all these aspects at the same time and it only took five minutes for this woman to transform an issue that probably, if she did it through counseling, it would have taken 20 years. So different process, different model.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. Well, I like that model, or I like the word perspective. For me, yes, it's a different way of approaching it, and so I'm a little bit familiar with Dr Lipton's work. So did you develop this out of, from his studies or how did you? How did you discover quantum energy transformation?

Speaker 2:

Well, it started out where I went and I took a little class in Canada and I was going to learn neurolinguistic programming.

Speaker 2:

That was what I went for, and they flew in this other modality where they taught some quantum work, and it started me on this quantum path, because that was the only thing that really ended up working in my life was the quantum work. Because the neurolinguistic programming how fabulous it was and it was great didn't fully work for me, and I learned why in this class. Because the level in which I was trying to make the change was too low and I needed to make it at a higher level in order to actually make that change. And so in quantum energy transformation, I discovered how to actually create change at the different levels and actually updated the model that I now call the model of life, and I use my understanding of how to shift energy, with the understanding of the model, so that we can make changes at higher levels, which in a sense, is a deeper change. I know that sounds interesting because the level is higher, but the change is actually deeper.

Speaker 2:

And we transform our lives very, very fast and very, very easy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so would you say that traditional medicine is making change at probably like the lowest level? Then Like if we're, I have anxiety so they give me a pill, right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's the environmental level. I'm going to put something in my environment, basically in your mouth, the environment of the body, and of course, it only works while you're on the medication, right? It doesn't work if you stop taking the medication, so it's not really resolving the big issue. It's a band-aid, it's giving you a, it's making your body work the way that you want it to, given the parameters that it can do it in.

Speaker 2:

The problem with a medication, though, is that there are lots of side effects. That goes into a political thing, but basically, the bottom line to that is that, in order for them to copyright a medication, they need to have it be unique. Can't be, it can't be like a plant, right, so they've got to change it enough, and because they're augmenting, not using the whole plant, for example, they're augmenting it, and by doing that now there's side effects Most of the time. Like, for example, essential oils has little to no side effects because they're using the whole plant, whereas a medication, well, they can't. They can't just use essential oils, because then they can't copyright it.

Speaker 2:

So, basically, that's why we have the side effects. It's really a money thing, unfortunately. So the power that we have in quantum energy transformation is that the energy itself is the medicine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a great way of looking at it, a great way of putting it, and I know, for example, with anxiety and depression, those are some of the most heavily prescribed medications that we have and they're not. They're effective for a few people for a while, they're not effective for a lot of people and they're typically not effective long-term.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, even Norm Shealy in my book. He kind of said it really strongly. He's like they're the worst medications on the market. There's so many medications but if there was a worse one it would be the ones for mood the worst.

Speaker 1:

Right, because they're not addressing the root of the problem, which we're going to. The brains have these issues, but where are the issues coming from? And I think that's what Dr Lipton's work and your work talks about is what's, as you said, addressing it from a higher level, but it's really addressing it at the root. It's like what is what's actually causing this? And so it's a broader perspective and, as you said, also with little to no side effects. Right, it's just the way our bodies are designed to work.

Speaker 2:

There's no side effects at the work that I do. There are some energy works that people do where people get what's called a healing crisis. I'm not into that, so I have. I have found ways to do the same work without requiring a healing crisis.

Speaker 2:

A healing crisis happens when and the healing crisis can be many things, by the way, it could be like flu type symptoms, it could be pain, it could be anxiety, it could be depression, it could be your problem getting worse.

Speaker 2:

Whatever that problem is, All of that is is is is like a healing crisis, and usually it's like over the top of whatever the problem is. And so what happens is you move the energy only a little bit. Not enough of the energy movement happens, and so the body has to readjust, and not only move it the rest of the way, but it also has to readjust while it's doing it, and it becomes. It becomes the body finds a way to do it, and it finds a way to through giving you a cold or having you know nasal drip or whatever it needs to do in order to provide the resolution, because it knows something changed, but it didn't change enough Quantum energy transformation, since we're moving it at the energetic level and we're doing it in the quantum level too. In the quantum experience, we're moving it very fast and we're doing that movement fully. Now it doesn't have to move all the way, but it moves most of the way, and once it moves most of the way, there's no healing crisis.

Speaker 1:

So when people work with you, is it a matter of like I read your book or I take a course, or is there something that you're doing energetically? And I know you mentioned in your book Reiki we're all familiar with Reiki that someone you know runs their hands over you or you know does something like that. So is it like that or something that I'm doing, or is it a combination of the two?

Speaker 2:

So I'm really a facilitator, so I take people through processes that help people transform whatever it is that they're looking to change. So the experience of working with me whether it's in a class or whether it's one on one or people reading the book even in the book I give you processes to do. In the book, the idea of what we're doing is maybe opposite and I call that a quantum opposite, opposite of what most people do. So, for example, instead of going up, we're going down. That would be an opposite, right.

Speaker 2:

So we're going down, we're getting grounded, we're moving the energy at the cellular level of the body, and I do that by teaching you how to do it. Are there things that I can do that help that? Yes, there are things that I can do. I use the pendants. I use I have my spirit guides, of course, and they help me. I call them the travelers because it's funny. They like the name, so that's why I call them the travelers, because they travel along with me. But the point of it is is, yes, I have energy experiences, energy helpers, whether it's the pendants or my spirit guides. I mean, all the time my spirit guides are saying go this way, do this. They give me the direction of what that person needs. So, instead of a protocol, I know exactly what to do to help that person, because I'm getting guided on exactly what that person needs. So that's kind of cool.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

At the same time, there are some quantum energy transformation. People might take a class where I'm taking a group through the experience, or people take my certification program where there are many different experiences, where they're taking the experiences to see what happens to them so that they can therefore be a practitioner and do it with other people. Right, because now they have to know what it feels like. They've got to know what happens when I breathe this way versus that way, what happens when I move the energy in this way versus a different way, and what happens when I let go of the protocol thing, because that's a big thing everybody has to let go of. What do you mean, joshua? There is no technique. Yeah, there's no technique.

Speaker 2:

There is no step-by-step process, but I teach my clients to do the same thing I can do and my clients can learn it. They learn to be guided, to know exactly what needs to change and, at the same time, you don't even need to do anything. If you just give the body the opportunity to transform, it will. So we don't have to go through. It doesn't have to be this magic bullet that I've got from my guides that tells me exactly what it is that does work, as they tell me, and at the same time you can just get into your body, move the energy and have amazing transformation. So when people work with me, it'll either happen in one of those two ways.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that sounds great and instead of reading the book and understanding from talking to you, it's a way of looking at things that, as you said, kind of opposite of the way we've been taught a lot of times it's like getting out of our body and getting up to that. You know the quote higher level and as I've gone through my own, like I said, meditation practice and stuff, I've realized a lot of it. It's not that it's not trying to get away, it's more about being in the body and experiencing what's going on, and I know from reading the book it really helped me to kind of solidify that perspective. Another thing you talked about in the book, which wasn't really the direct purpose of the book, but you talked about forgiveness and I thought you had a really interesting take on forgiveness and what it is, because people get all hung up on forgiveness. Do I have to forgive people? What does it mean? Why do I have to forgive people? So, yeah, talk about that for a little while.

Speaker 2:

It's funny because you're mentioning some of these things that you're mentioning are points that I make that are very strong and interesting. Like you talked about Reiki, because I went into the Reiki community and said wait a second, reiki needs to be evolved and of course, I got myself in trouble there, but that's okay.

Speaker 2:

We need to evolve things and make things better and not be stuck with sticking with the rules. Sometimes it's okay to break the rules to open up to a new possibility. So, when it comes to forgiveness, I really studied forgiveness and got an understanding of it. And when you think about the word forgiveness, I don't know about you, but when I feel it in my body and it doesn't feel so good, it feels negative really. And so people are working on forgiving people and they're getting stuck into that feeling, that negative feeling that they're feeling. They're feeling it too, and they're feeling this negative feeling called forgiveness. And the problem with that is, if you're sitting in the negative feeling, you're not changing it, you're just sitting in it. That's not good.

Speaker 2:

So I thought about forgiveness and I realized that forgiveness was a judgment and that in order to forgive someone, you have to first decide that they did something wrong and then you have to judge the wrong that they did. And now that you're there, think about that. Now you're really into the feeling. Do you know what I mean? Now you're really in a bad feeling about what they've done that you are trying to forgive them on. And remember we talked about it escalating. That's what it does.

Speaker 2:

So the feeling escalates more and more and more and more, and now it's not really about forgiveness anymore. You've passed that point. You're like, can we get this energy to go away? Because it's now really plaguing me with that bad feeling, and so it's kind of funny, right, funny and not funny, because it's a serious issue. So I look at forgiveness in a different way. I like to look at release. Now, when you hear the word release, notice the difference in the energy of it. Release and forgiveness have two different energies when you think about them. If you just release it, you don't have to forgive. Forgiveness in the way that people think about forgiveness and the it was basically, is the letting go of the judgment, letting go of what someone has done. That is a byproduct of releasing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wanted to say the reason why I wouldn't read books is because it makes me think about something differently than the way I thought about it before. So I know it might be controversial for some people, but people get. They get tripped up on that word forgiveness and, as you said, it's because they're still so stuck in the judgment that they know that to truly forgive is to release. So what they think of forgiveness is like what you're trying to say is tell them what they did was okay, which means I'm saying what I'm saying is what they did was wrong. So that's, that's therefore a judgment.

Speaker 1:

And I interviewed a guy who's he was all about forgiveness and he studied forgiveness and he's like perfect forgiveness is when you can pre forgive somebody, like before they even commit the wrong, or or you don't even judge them at all. And that's when. That's when you're at the point where you know you're, you're truly free. And again, people we kind of push back against that because, well, that would give permit people permission to do anything they wanted to do. So it's it really brings out the fear when, when people really go into this word. So I appreciate you bringing that up in the book because I think it's something that a lot of people really struggle with.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I feel so it I feel the same way. People get hung up in the process of forgiveness and they don't end up forgiving. Recently, actually, there was a woman who did a process that was similar to forgiveness, but it's. It was not my process, it wasn't a quantum process, at least it wasn't supposed to be a quantum process when she started to do it. And she, she's a, she's a, she's trained in this process, so she, she knows that she's supposed to forgive one person by following this In this case, it's a protocol following this energy protocol to forgive someone. So she had just gotten my pendant and she had put it on and she decided to go through this process.

Speaker 1:

This is kind of.

Speaker 2:

She was just getting introduced to me, she didn't know about my other work, she just put the pendant on, she didn't do anything else. And all of a sudden she realized, after she did the forgiveness process once. Now she said, in order to forgive someone, you go through it several times. You don't do it just once. In other words, the protocol, it's not a quantum thing. So you have to go through the process, the forgiveness process, over and over and over again until it actually does what it's supposed to do.

Speaker 2:

But she did it once and just simply by wearing the pendant, it cleared several people, like 10 or 15 people cleared, and so she was having to figure out who got cleared through this because she only worked on one person. Remember, oh, wow, before, when you're working on like, you work on one issue, but many issues could get resolved at the same time with quantum. Same thing happened when she was just wearing the pendant. It went into a quantum process, even though she was doing this protocol. That had nothing to do with what I taught her, right, but it healed all these people all at once. And she said, joshua, that's like amazing, because all I did was do it once and you're supposed to do it many times, so she was floored by it, to be honest, and so now she uses the pendant, because the pendant brings anything really into a quantum experience too.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, that's awesome, and that's yeah, and that's again, that's that. Linear versus quantum, exactly, whereas, you know, instead of doing things in linear fashion, we can do things in parallel. We can do many things at one time. I would imagine that we're also with healing of the body, that, you know, we don't have to focus on each individual thing we're going through, but if we get to this kind of release where we're, you know, allowing the body to heal itself, it could probably cure multiple things at the same time.

Speaker 2:

It can, but we can't say the word cure yeah.

Speaker 1:

As soon as I said that, I was like I shouldn't use that word.

Speaker 2:

That's okay. I just don't want you to come and visit me in jail, so but I'm just kidding. But the the what I say. You know, I work with people. They may have had something like fibromyalgia or Crohn's disease or whatever, and what I say is they no longer experience the symptoms of it, which is which is the way that you need to say it to be to be good in that way, legally Right.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is, you know, the power of what's possible is amazing, that we are so much more powerful than we think that we are. We can transform so much more than we think we can. And so I have proven that to myself, because I'm really my only judge in my life, right, and I, you know I've, I have a passion for helping people. I want people to transform yesterday, because that's just how I work. I don't want to take any time. Why should you suffer another minute? You know that's just how I am. So when I work with people, I'm very passionate about releasing it quickly. Well, I'm glad that I found the quantum, because in the quantum experience, we can transform it quickly.

Speaker 2:

Right and that makes me feel really good. So it's it's wonderful to be able to have really good tools, and it's also great to understand that there's science behind the tools that I use to create fast, if not instant, change.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I'm glad you corrected me on the word cure, because it really goes again. It goes back to that model We've got a disease, we've got a problem and we have a cure, which is that, that Newtonian model, as opposed to there are some things I need to release, or some things that I can release so that I could be, you know, operated at a higher level. And it's not focusing on what the problem was. You say it's that growth versus protect mode, right. So when we're in like, oh, I've got this problem I have to fix, and you're drilling down, you're focusing on the problem, as opposed to I want to release my potential, I want, I want to operate at a higher level and let the problem dissolve. You know, I and I like the way you say it I no longer have that problem and, no, it's no longer manifesting, not that I've cured it or I fixed it.

Speaker 2:

Become a person who no longer requires the problem.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, I know you use a lot of times to the person that no longer requires the problem. I thought that was interesting.

Speaker 2:

That's an identity shift. So I work with people at the identity level and higher, and those are the levels I was alluding to earlier. So when we're working at those higher levels, we can change things at the identity level, and even higher than that. What that means is, when you shift at the identity level, you become a person that's different than you were before. In my book I talk about people who have this experience of having multiple identities and they consider that to be a psychiatric issue. Who people have multiple identities. But I find it interesting and I also find that very powerful, to recognize somebody was in such need of help that they brought along other people within them, other people within themselves, to help them cope with it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's really powerful. But in quantum energy transformation you can become a new identity. So a good example of this is somebody has an allergy in one identity, but then they switch to a different identity and they don't have that allergy at all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this is a medical thing, this actually happens.

Speaker 2:

This is a medical thing. This is really cool. So in quantum energy transformation we're shifting identities to. We don't have multiple identities, but we can shift from one identity to an identity that no longer has that problem within it, and so that's what we're doing. So when we were shifting at those high levels, we literally shift our identity to become more of ourselves. We don't really become a different person. I want people get scared about them, say, oh you, what do you mean? I'm going to change my identity. I want to be me you know, are you.

Speaker 2:

You're just now more of who you are and you're done. It's not. It's now including a you that does not have the problem that you don't like in it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it also includes more than that, because in quantum, multiple things happen at the same time, because the body knows with its intelligence what to do to solve it, and most of the time it's solving that and several problems at the same time. So it becomes a very powerful thing to to happen. I remember when I was doing in person sessions and it also happens, not in person, but the metaphor works better if it's in person so people would come into my room, my office, and then I would take them through a transformation. They would leave the office a different person, so they would shift their identity and their problem would not be within that identity anymore.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's a powerful way to to to leave. It's like, wait a second, I come as this person, I leave as that person and it's amazing what's possible. So jumping into the quantum experience is powerful. But another thing that's important the way that I do it. It's easy. There's nothing that I do is complicated. Actually, people think whatever I have them do is so easy that can't possibly work. You know, because they're like, they're into like this, getting involved and saying that's too easy, that you can't just do that and have it happen. Yeah, you can.

Speaker 2:

Because when you're working with the energy properly and you know how the energy in the system works, yes, you can create a change at the identity level, where a person who had allergies now no longer holds those allergies anymore.

Speaker 1:

I love that you're talking about that and you mentioned something in the book about a woman who I think it was allergies that she got over and then she went and her father didn't believe it and then her allergies came back. So we all have different identities, if you want to use that word, depending on where we are people. People will you know. If I'm with my wife, I can be one person, for my parents might be another person, and so I see this is doing. Is it's freeing us up to be, as you said, more of who we truly are as opposed to? And we can get, we can have a condition for so long that we start to identify with that condition and then it becomes part of our identity.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we become that, that identity, and now it's my this or my, my anxiety, my fibromyalgia, my pain, whatever it is right, and then it becomes. We got to let go of that, that, that idea that it's mine, and instead we need to shift into a higher level of change to create the me that no longer requires that problem. So in that experience that you brought up about that, that young woman, I it was early in my career when she released those allergies and we did not release them at the identity level at that time.

Speaker 2:

No, about that at the time right right like 15 years back and so when so that was so she she shifted them at the belief level, and she was a great example for why not to work at the belief level. Right, she believes she didn't have the I didn't have the allergies anymore, so the allergies went away and that was fine, until, right, she went and talked to her dad and her dad said that can't be true, that's stupid. You know that. What are you talking about? You went to a class and now you don't have the allergies, and immediately her belief changed to what her father thought.

Speaker 2:

He was a very, you know, influential person in her life and she got the allergies. She came back to me and said Joshua, now I've got my allergies back. What happened? And I said, ah, let's talk about that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I think. Well, again, it's. This is like I said. Some of them are the work of Dr Lipton and you know it's starting. Western medicine is starting to embrace some of these things because we've gotten so caught up in this Newtonian model. This is the way genes express. This is the reason why you have cancer, this is the reason why you have this. It's all, it's all mechanical, whereas you know, I see, this is more like. Everything is spiritual, even what we call the mechanical, recall the physical. It's all made of spirit, and so we're addressing it from the, from the spiritual perspective. You know, we think of OK, I'm a body, maybe I'm a body that has a soul in it, as opposed to I'm a spirit and that contains my body. And let me operate on things from a spiritual level. So I love what you're, what you're doing with this.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, thank you, it's powerful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So tell people again, remind people of the book. I know you said you had a free gift you wanted to offer to our listeners and I'll put a link in the show notes, but tell people how they can reach out to you and remind people of the book.

Speaker 2:

So you can go to my website being quantum dot com, and that's B I, n, g, q, u, a N T U M dot com, and when you get there, you can. You can get the book and all sorts of things there. The the free gift I'm going to give you is pretty amazing. It also has Dr Bruce Lipton in it, by the way. It's called discovering the science of quantum manifestation, and this is about healing manifestation, because we tend to talk about money manifestation way too much. So I really wanted to make something that would give us an understanding. How do we manifest our health better? How do we manifest out of having this problem that we have? How do we change that? So Dr Bruce Lipton, bernie Siegel, donald Eden and many others are sharing their viewpoint. We're all saying the same thing, just in our own way to help you understand manifestation at a whole new level.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Well, again, thanks so much for being here, thanks for sharing what you, what you've learned with, with my audience, and I know some people reach out to you for this.

Speaker 2:

Great. Thank you for having me. It was a blast and I loved your questions. You took me to places that really gave me an opportunity to express the power of what's possible.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Have a great rest of your day.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.