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Feb. 6, 2023

Who Is In? Who Am I?- Avikal Costantino

Avikal's book "Who Is In?" will challenge you to discover who you truly are. Often the belief that we know who we are blocks us from discovering who we indeed are.

Some of the things we discuss:

The questionsΒ  "Who is in?" and "Who am I?"
You often use the word Koan, what is that, and is it different from an existential question or the same?
Why would anybody start asking Who is in? or Who am I? What kind of benefit might that have?
Β At the beginning of the second chapter, you write about the myth of identity. Don’t we need an identity to be in the world?
What do you mean by going beyond self-image?
You define Narcissism as a general human condition, please
You state that we are all complete, what do you mean by that?
What about attachment to the Direct Experience?

Avikal E. Costantino is a mystic, poet, and martial artist. Curiosity, passion, and love for the truth guide his life and teaching. He is the director of the Integral Being Institute active in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Avikal worked as an anthropologist and a freelance photographer. His love for Martial Arts, which he began in 1970, took him to teach Aikido and Sword in 1987, while his love for the body produced diplomas and professional activity in Shiatsu, Yu-Ki, and Seitai (healing techniques).

Reach Avikal at: and

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avikal costantino


Avikal Costantino is a leading international spiritual teacher, mystic and best-selling author known for his life changing methodologies and ability to inspire radical self-inquiry.

His books have been translated into multiple languages and his innovative work around the β€˜Inner Judge’ has impacted audiences all over the world. He has appeared on stages throughout Europe, Asia, and Australia; and has been called upon by brands such as Bayer AG, Allianz and Coca Cola Communication to deliver his unique insights on resilience, conflict management and resolution.

Propelled by an unwavering sense curiosity, Avikal has spent the last five decades at the forefront of spiritual philosophy and metaphysical practices. For many years he worked alongside world renowned mystic, Osho, as the Director of the Osho School for Centering and Zen Martial Arts in Pune, India. His fields of mastery include Zen, Advaita, Satori, The Dimensions of Being (Essence), Yu-Ki , Seitai and Enneagram.

β€˜Provocative’, β€˜visionary’ and β€˜uncompromising’ are only some words used to describe Avikal’s work and his dedicated effort in helping individuals all over the world wake up, find their identity and celebrate their uniqueness.