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Sept. 24, 2024

Break Free From Others' Emotional Programming With Laura Foster

Break Free From Others' Emotional Programming With Laura Foster

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In this powerful episode of **Grief 2 Growth**, host Brian Smith sits down with *Laura Foster*—a woman who turned profound grief and depression into a life of healing and self-discovery. 🌟

After witnessing her family struggle with illness and loss, Laura made the courageous decision to break free from the limiting beliefs and societal programming that kept her trapped. Through her unique approach called *Holistic Scaffolding*, she now helps others overcome depression, anxiety, and trauma to rediscover their true selves. 💫

✨ *In this episode, you’ll discover:* 
- **Healing from Grief**: How loss can be a catalyst for personal growth 
- **Overcoming Depression and Trauma**: Learn the steps Laura took to reclaim her power 
- **Breaking Free from Societal Conditioning**: Unlock the mental and emotional blocks that keep you stuck 
- **Becoming Your Own Guru**: Tap into your inner strength and wisdom for true transformation 
- **Holistic Scaffolding**: Explore Laura’s groundbreaking method for overcoming anxiety, healing trauma, and living authentically

💔 *If you’ve ever felt buried by life’s challenges, this episode will show you that you haven’t been buried—you’ve been planted.* 🌿

Ready to awaken your true self and start your own healing journey? Join us in this transformative conversation and discover the path to reclaiming your power. 🌸

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Brian Smith  0:00  
Close your eyes and imagine. What if the things in life that cause us the greatest pain, the things that bring us grief, are challenges, challenges designed to help us grow to ultimately become what we were always meant to be. We feel like we've been buried. But what if, like a seed. We've been planted, and having been planted, we grow to become a mighty tree. Now open your eyes. Open your eyes to this way of viewing life. Come with me as we explore your true, infinite, eternal nature. This is grief to growth, and I am your host. Brian Smith,

Hey there. Welcome to another, another episode of grief to growth, where we help you navigate the difficult times in life and explore deeper truths about who we are, where we came from, where we're going, and why we're here. So whether you're tuning in for the first time, you've been with with us for a while, I'm glad you're here. My name is Brian Smith, and I'm your host today. Today, I'm thrilled to welcome Laura Foster to the show. Laura is a dynamic and transformative force who is truly awakened by making the bold decision to cut through all the bullshit after witnessing her parents and only siblings struggling with ill health, tragedy and depression, Laura knew she had to make critical, calculated decisions to transform her own life, and the results were nothing short of extraordinary, leading to a profound shift in her physical, mental and spiritual well being that has impacted not only her story, but those around her. Laura is committed to helping others by discover their joy and unpack their bullshit through innovative, holistic scaffolding technology. Her approach is designed to help you take back your power, discover your true self and break free from the human programming and conditioning to hold you back. In today's episode, we'll explore what it means to take back your power. We'll talk about the concept of the true self and why it's important for each of us to be our own Guru. We'll also dive into her holistic scaffolding and talk about how that's different from most self help programs, and how can specifically address anxiety, drama and trauma. And Laura's going to share with us her personal journey and the turning points that let her develop this unique approach. So if you're ready to question everything and start living a life designed for you, by you, for you, this episode's for you. So join us as we go into these transformative topics and learn practical steps to begin your journey towards healing and self discovery. And don't forget to join us after the show at grief to, to continue the conversation there. So with that, I want to welcome Laura Foster,

Laura Foster  2:47  
thank you so much. Is my honor and privilege to be here. Thank you. Yeah,

Brian Smith  2:51  
I'm really glad to have you here. We were just discussing before we started recording, you're in Quito Ecuador, and I was asking, what brings you to keto?

Laura Foster  3:03  
And it's just interesting. I know it sound may sound a little strange, but I'm at the point in my life where I just trust the universe, spirit, whatever you call it, and it sends me to where I need to be. So I reversed a lot of the programming how I was raised, of having a lot of possessions. I don't have a house, I don't have a car, I have very few possessions, and I am on fire to help humanity.

Brian Smith  3:26  
That's I think that's awesome. I admire your your your spirit and your spirit of adventure. Now I think you got started on this journey with there were some issues going on in your family, and you were seeing how their programming was affecting them. So tell me how you get started with this, this transformative thing you're going through

Laura Foster  3:43  
exactly. I call it moments of change, and we all have them as humans, and sometimes we have several of them that kind of have to kick us in the head to get us to wake up. One of my first moments of change was actually watching my parents living the same lifestyle as Ryan I was living, and they passed away at young ages. And then a few years after that, my only sibling, closest brother, he passed away same lifestyle, 56 years young, you know. So it really woke me up to I'm not going to go out like that it and I can see it now. It's a beautiful gift that my family gave me because it's the ripple effect. Now I'm able to help others just like you're able to help others through kind of the grief and loss that we had in this helping other people. Yeah. So,

Brian Smith  4:40  
yeah, it's, it's amazing how grief can break us open, you know, and really make us question these patterns of our lives and where we are. And I see that with my clients, they're like, at first, you feel lost. I don't know how you feel felt, but tell me how you felt and how you again, how you made that shift when

Laura Foster  4:58  
I lost my parents. Then there were 72 and 75 which I think is really young, they passed away three months, you know, my my dad went first, then my mom exactly three months later. So I felt really lost on completely untethered from my own reality of, you know, my role as a daughter in the physical was over, and it was really, really shocking. And I'm sure you can relate to that, and I'm sure our listeners can relate to that. And so I had another moment of change, of I was suffering from debilitating depression, and you know, it was a few years later, another moment of change, as I call it, of just I didn't want to I was suicidal. I mean, there's no other way to put it. My first thought when I would awaken would be, why am I still here? I didn't want to be here anymore. Yeah, so it took me drawing my line in the sand. And I know there are listeners out there right now. You're going through those moments of change, whether you've lost someone or whatever has happened to your house of cards, it's just crumbled, and you are lost and you are like, may even be suicidal so, but I drew my line in the sand, and I didn't want to live like that anymore. And that's when the holistic scaffolding technology came through from the universe to help me. But it's not about me. I know I'm, you know, telling my story, because I know a lot of other people, the emotions are very similar. Our stories are different, but the emotions are the same, but the holistic scaffolding is for humanity. It's not for me. Yeah,

Brian Smith  6:45  
well, it, it's both, right? We're because we're all one, we're all connected, and we all and what's for one, I think, is for all. And I appreciate humility, your humility, because a lot of times we hesitate to tell our story, because it's like, well, that's just my story, but it's not. It's universal. Like you said, the feelings are universal. And I applaud you for being brave enough to say that you were feeling that suicidal feeling, because I think a lot of us go through that and we're and we're scared to admit it, you know, because some people will think there's something wrong with me, but that feeling of loss, of a sense of purpose, I think, is, is kind of universal. Can all relate to that?

Laura Foster  7:24  
Yeah, absolutely, yeah. And we all all are one that that's the thing when we when we shut away our programming that we've had, we do come into alignment with our true self, and that that's the love, that's the connection, I happen to feel. It's like God's Spirit, and he's not religious. It's just, you know, different labels. It's your intuition. We all have it. It's under that so and how

Brian Smith  7:53  
would you describe the lifestyle or the way that your your parents and your brother were living that you found to be not desirable,

Laura Foster  8:03  
to be honest, it was, you know, eating the standard American diet, which is sad so lots of meat and potatoes and processed foods, you know, very little movement, a lot of blaming other people for things, not really taking accountability of, you know, I'm creating this for myself, lots of illnesses, and I had, already, in my very early 40s, part of my story, I already had type two diabetes. I spent the majority of my life being 260, some pounds. You know, all my family was obese, so I was, that was the programming. We're all obese, we all have type two diabetes, we all have high cholesterol. So that was the programming that only I could shatter, yeah, and I did, yeah, and I've been, you know, I don't say this to brag, but to give people, if I can do it, anybody can do it. I've been med free, you know, for eight years. I mean, it was on a lot of different, you know, depression medications as well. So there was a lot of programming.

Brian Smith  9:11  
Yeah, sure. Well that that makes sense. We all, we all have these patterns that we think and I appreciate you again. You sharing that, you know, because, well, my family just has this. We have type two diabetes, we have high blood pressure, we have, we're all we're all obese. It's in our genetics, you know, I'm depressed, so just give me a pill. I mean, that's, that's the standard, I think, you know, it's interesting. Use that analogy, the standard American diet. It's been just, you know, the sad, but it's also the standard American lifestyle that I think we have trouble breaking out of. You know, I'm just reading a book right now about it's called the Great Cholesterol Myth. You know, we've all bought into this idea of statins and all that stuff. And my background is engineering. I'm a chemical engineer. So. I'm like, I believe in science and stuff, but the older I get, the more I realize they're feeding us a lot of stuff literally. And figure the that's not true, that's not scientifically even true,

Laura Foster  10:11  
right? Yeah, we've been it's part of the programming. And until you like, until you have those moments of change where you draw your line in the sand and you're like, going, I can't live like this anymore. And then you start like you said, you know, you read, you start to question, and you go, Oh, okay, yeah, rewrite that for yourself.

Brian Smith  10:30  
So was this, was this a download for you, or is it something that you started doing your own research and developed? Or how did, how did you come about making the program or the system that you've got now,

Laura Foster  10:42  
yeah, it's, it's actually a pretty long story, but it came in bits and pieces from the universe to help me shed my own bullshit programming and conditioning. But it's, it is. I call it a technology because there are six platforms to it, and I and I'll tell you guys what the platforms are in just a moment, but I want you guys to know that one of the things that's really, really different about my approach is that it's available for free, for humanity. So I have really taken a stand against kind of gatekeeping information, because that's kind of how we are now in the cyber world of like, if you have something, we'll give somebody a tiny little taste, put it behind a paywall and then charge it. I am not for that. This has not been given to me to make money. It's been given to me to help humanity. So I want people to know when they visit souls, healing humanity, the holistic scaffold thing, the whole thing is there for free. So I don't want them to anybody to think that and trying to be a shyster or anything like that. I'm not doing that. Okay? But the technology itself, there are six platforms. Once people kind of install that technology, they have it for the rest of their life, and it kind of it runs in the background all the time, so it's the fastest way I know that you can shed your bullshit, programming and conditioning constantly in the background. You keep questioning everything, and you use the framework.

Brian Smith  12:16  
Wow. Okay, so you said this, this has come to you, and I guess, bits and pieces, but you do feel like it's a download or it's a channel thing,

Laura Foster  12:26  
yeah, I Yeah, absolutely I wouldn't. Yeah, it was not absolutely given I'm a conduit. I mean, it came from the universe. I don't know how, I don't know why. I don't take credit for writing, set up, not fucked up, which is the book in the course, I don't take credit for any of that. That's come through me to help people. So, yeah, but you know, do I have, like, a direct channel? I don't know. I like, I said, I don't have all the answers. Brian, I'm like, I'm always learning that is,

Brian Smith  12:57  
that is, I think, a really interesting question, because I'm, you know, studying this stuff like as you are. We're all growing and learning. And so I was listening to the other day, and they were talking, and I believe a lot of music and art and stuff is channeled films. And I think it was Prince one day called his band in the studio and said, You gotta get here. It was like three o'clock in the morning. And they said, well, it's three o'clock in the morning. Why do we have to get there? He says, because I've got this song and I don't record it. Michael Jackson, well, because it was like, it's like, the stuff those people realize it's a, I think it's a cooperative thing. We always like, do I take credit for this, or was it channeled and, you know, I don't know, but going back to we're all one, it's like, we're all tapping into the same thing anyway

Laura Foster  13:42  
we are, yeah, that's amazing. How can actually be happening everything all at once. Like you said, you know, either he was going to record it or Michael Jackson was and, and I believe that. I mean, if he didn't go there and do that, I think it probably would have

Brian Smith  13:58  
been a Michael Jackson, yeah, yeah. So, so tell us a little bit more about the scaffolding. You said six, six platforms. So can you kind of outline those? Absolutely the the very

Laura Foster  14:07  
base platform is awareness. And I always say you cannot change what you do not see. You cannot change what you do not see. So it begins with awareness. The next platform is actually celebrating you, and that's another way that soul's healing. Humanity is different. We don't spend a lot of time excavating what is quote, unquote, gone wrong in your life. We celebrate that those things happened. Not only did you survive them, but she thrived because of them. So celebrating and getting in you into that higher vibration, which also is celebrating you being a creator, because the universe is going to keep sending you the same stuff. So if you're stuck in a lower vibration, like I was for decades, the universe kept sending me more of the same. I call it evolve, or repeat. Me, and it is your choice. The next platform up is celebrating all of you is celebrating the full cornucopia of the human emotion and experience, and that is so powerful because we've been programmed from from the womb on, not to accept that we're broken, we're messed up. You know, we have this. We have that. Now, learning how to accept all that. Then the next platform up is the tools and the knowledge. And it's being a lifelong learner. And I call them wisdom wands and wisdom nuggets and souls healing humanity. And I just learned ancient practices and kind of repackaged them into modern Dippy, easy to learn. You know that you can use them all the time, so yeah, and then the next platform up from that is called triumphs and tantrums. We've learned how to triumph. We've learned how to celebrate when our team wins, we get the job. What we've not really learned as humanity to do very well is productively tantrum, when things fall apart and people pass away, or your mate leaves, or you get divorced, or your dog dies, we have not been able to learn how to effectively tantrum and the program, and I'm still learning that as well, learning right along with everybody. And then the final platform is alignment, and that is alignment with your True Self, soul, spirit, intuition. And that is when your thoughts, your words and your actions are all lined up with your true purpose, your true self. And the one other thing I want to say when they go to the website, the graphic is there and in the background of the holistic scaffolding, although I presented it in a linear fashion, it is not a linear process. There's a figure eight in the background. You flip it on the side, it is an infinity symbol. So you're at different levels, different times, maybe a couple of different platforms, all at once. So that's it in a nutshell. And like I said, you can learn it. You just learned it, and you just started to install it. You have it for the rest of your life. You become your own guru.

Brian Smith  17:28  
Yeah, there's, well, it's it in a nutshell, but there's a lot in there. There's a lot in there, I think, to unpack like, what you said about like, our the things that have gone what we call wrong in our lives. And I think you'd mentioned we, thrive because of them a lot of times. First of all, we think they've crushed us, and then maybe we thrive in spite of them. But I heard you say we thrive because of them.

Laura Foster  17:51  
Yes, we thrive because of them. We realize that everything happened perfectly, and even when people pass away in the physical and I know that that can be a radical thing for some people to hear, to even grasp from the pain that they're in. I understand that. But from where I am now, I understand that although my brother passed away at 56, years young. His journey was perfect. He stayed the perfect amount of time. And I'm thriving because of what I've learned and what I've been able to you know, have the holistic scaffolding. And like I said, it's the ripple effect. So it's not just helping me, it's helping a lot of other people. Yeah, I

Brian Smith  18:47  
think that's a very, very important concept, and it is difficult for people to hear the first time they hear it. It's difficult for people to hear when they're when they've lost a job, or they've gotten a divorce, or they've lost a loved one. In my case, it was my 15 year old daughter, and, you know, and I remember when the when I first heard that concept, it was, it was, it's shocking. But if you can start, if you can, just as you're listening right now, if you can just think about the possibility this is possibly be true. And then when I encourage people is look at something that's gone wrong in your life, that's that's in the past, and not not a death, but maybe you lost a job, or maybe your girlfriend broke up with you, whatever it is, see if you can see how that changed your life. For positive and universally, people can find, and almost everything they could find something positive that came out of it. Yeah, absolutely.

Laura Foster  19:44  
And that that is such, that's where taking back your power is, because then you are, you are accepting a bit of responsibility, and no matter what happened, and I know that's also a very. Radical thing to say, even if it's 99.9% quote, unquote, somebody else's fault, there's still a part of you that allowed that to happen, that drew that in for you to learn, for your unfoldment, and I say a lot in the community, until you realize, and you really accept that it's happening for you and not to you, you're going to stay stuck in that repeat cycle. You know, I always, I give it to people straight with no tasty chaser. I mean, I just do, yeah, yeah. So we have the power to choose,

Brian Smith  20:40  
yeah. Well, there's, you know, you use the word responsibility, and what, when people sometimes will hear is the word blame. So what there's, you'll say, what you're saying is, it's my fault that it happened, but that comes from that perspective, that it happened to you, as opposed to for you,

Laura Foster  20:55  
exactly, exactly. And it is happening for you, for you to wake up, for you to question, for you to shed the programming that's telling you that you're you're broken, you're not enough, you're messed up. Yeah, your true self wants the best for you always. So, yeah, yeah.

Brian Smith  21:20  
Well, let's talk about the true self and what the true self is. Because I think I know what you're saying, but maybe some people that don't know what do you mean by my true self?

Laura Foster  21:31  
It is, and this is my understanding right now, but it is your your soul, your spirit, your intuition has nothing to do with religion. So even no matter what religious beliefs or even if you're an atheist, it is that gut feeling when you go to make a decision in the gut feeling may be telling you to do something else. You know your your gut feeling is your true self. It is your your guidance system in essence. And I just find, even still in my life, Brian, when I don't follow my gut intuition, things go sideways, and that's when I really learn stuff. So that's why I'm saying I reframe it. It's like, oh, I didn't like how this turned out, but boy, didn't I learn stuff. Yay.

Brian Smith  22:21  
Yeah, which is probably how you ended up in keto, right? Your your intuition said it's go to, let's go to Ecuador. And that's exactly that's a difficult thing in our in our society, to to understand, to explain to someone, you know, I I'm at the age now where my friends and I all have kids that are their kids. They're young adults. My daughter's 27 and, you know, they'll do things, and we'll ask, Well, why are you doing that? What's the, what's the long term outcome from this? Well, you you want to major in this, you know, you want to go to college and major. You should major in that. Or you should go to college, as opposed to, you should follow your gut and become a mechanic or whatever it happens to be. So we try to almost drive that out of people. And I think that's the programming that you're talking about. That

Laura Foster  23:07  
is absolutely the programming that I'm talking about. And my daughter's 32 so I totally know where you're coming from. But that so the programming, when we talk about that, where where does it come from? It you know it comes from your family. You know your religious upbringing, or non religious, it comes big time from schooling, big time from media. I mean, you know whether it's like mass media or all day advertising, I think about all what you're bombarded with. If you actually do watch programming, they call it television programming for a reason, right? Constantly trying to tell you you're not enough, you're not pretty enough. You know, I'm 55 so I have wrinkles or gray hair. You should be doing something about that. No, thank you. Yeah, so my true self knows I'm exactly where I need to be, and I can identify that programming. Now, that's the power of the holistic scaffolding. Yeah,

Brian Smith  24:10  
it's really, it's really interesting. This is something I've been pondering a lot. You know, we come in, come into this world, and I believe we're souls, spirits. You know, whatever you want to call it, that is our true self, and we are conditioned, programmed, whatever you want to come and it's not. It's not like our parents or teachers want to do bad things to us. It's that's why we have societies, because we have to socialize each other. We have to tell each other what's acceptable and what's not acceptable and what's not polite, but then there's this balance, and we lose that because we forget like us. They tell us, you know, it's not about you, it's about treating other people well, which is important, of course, but they tell us to forget about ourselves Exactly.

Laura Foster  24:56  
And I love how you're you. Yes, you're you're framing that, that, you know, our parents and our schooling and everything, they weren't doing anything bad. And that's that's a big part, the big tenant of soul healing humanity and the whole scaffolding, is that we do not play the blame game. We do not live in victimhood. Because I know it's really easy when you first wake up and you realize you've been programmed. And I went through it too, and I blame my parents. I was pissed off. How dare them, you know? Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I love that you're bringing that to people's attention, because I truly believe that there they were just doing the best they could with what they had. And yeah, well,

Brian Smith  25:42  
they they had their programming. I was fortunate enough to live with my grandmother as I was growing up, but so my grandmother moved in with us and stayed with us for for quite a while, from the time I was eight till I was like 21 and I got to observe her and the way she interacted with my mother, and I heard her tell her story, which was, I had a mean stepmother, so I didn't learn how to be kind and, you know, speak, you know, kindly people. It's like that. And I realized, okay, that was, that was her thing, that she passed to my mother, that these then she passed to me. And this is the way society is, and this is the way that we are, until we really get intentional, which is what you're we're talking about here. Really, is really understanding who we are, and being saying, okay, I get to choose what my programming is going to be, yes, exactly.

Laura Foster  26:31  
And I get to choose, yeah, what my programming is going to be, and, and it's a big thing, of the awareness, you know, how have you been programmed? And then it's your choice. So going back to the marketing and, you know, I choose not to wear makeup or dye my hair, I make that conscious choice. I'm aware of the programming. Now, the another layer to that is I absolutely don't judge anybody if they decide to have a lot of makeup, dye their hair, blah, blah, blah, you know, that's okay. I always say I love all you people, and I do, yeah, I love, I love all the beautiful souls. Because I realize, even if they're still wrapped in their programming, and some of the programming is pretty nasty, let's be honest, it is, I choose to love them anyway, because I see through all that.

Brian Smith  27:25  
Yeah, well. And the thing is, also, I think as long as you're making the choices consciously, and you're making the choice that's for you, I think the problem is, when we we make the choices unconsciously, we're just we're falling, and we don't realize it even is a choice to dyeing your hair is, I think, a great example. I see more women now are starting to accept the fact that they're gray. And I forgot what the statistics were. It's like there's a huge percentage of women who are gray in their 30s and their 40s, but if you look at them, you would never know it, because everybody's dyeing their hair,

Laura Foster  28:03  
yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's the thing, the conscious decision, you're aware of the programming, and then you decide, that's my message. It's like, I did a blog post about you define sexy. It's like, you get to define that. You know, don't let a corporation decide that for you. We've had enough of that,

Brian Smith  28:20  
yeah, yeah, exactly. And we end up very we chase these images that are unattainable, and it just it makes us sad. I think that's why we have so much depression, etc. Now, so I which leads to my next question for you, how does your system help with people with with anxiety, depression, trauma, all these things that are becoming more and more common.

Laura Foster  28:51  
There's a platform on the holistic scaffolding, accepting all of you, and it really is so so powerful of understanding, accepting all of the roles and archetypes that are playing, playing in your life, and becoming aware of, for example, maybe you have, maybe your husband left you, and you know you're angry and upset over that, but there's a reason you're angry and upset. There's a reason why you're drawing that in and accepting that part of you and what you can learn from that. So it's very empowering when you know your true self, and you can you're able to see your programming and conditioning. And that's a place of true power. We talked about it earlier, just that coming out of the blame game in victimhood and knowing your power, standing in your power is is liberating, and the other thing is knowing, accepting the full cornucopia of human emotions. So I think there's. A misconception where people are kind of on a spiritual path, or got a lot of woo, woo world stuff out there, and you think, Oh, I'm going to do this program and I'm going to follow this guru, and then everything's going to be wonderful. No, you didn't come for 100% wonderful. You came for the contrast. You came for the full cornucopia, accepting all of you, full cornucopia of human emotion. And then you realize I'm going to have some downtime, some things are going to happen for me, but there's gifts there. There's learning there, and that's empowerment, instead of just spiraling out of control, which you know, I did for a number of years, so I get it,

Brian Smith  30:45  
yeah, I think that that's a really tough concept, too, because as I'm, as I'm working with with clients now introduce this concept to them, and things are happening, you know, for you, instead of to you. And you know, even this could be a good thing, and but these are people have suffered multiple deaths in the family, you know, chronic diseases, things that they're dealing with. And, you know, so people might say, Well, I'm supposed to be happy about this, and that's not what it means. But then we do have people that say, Well, I'm so spiritual that this doesn't affect me, that I don't, I don't have those emotions, and I've seen that with people as well. And that's, I don't hear, that's, that's what you're advocating. No,

Laura Foster  31:27  
not at all. And because I still embrace my humanity, which is to me, that full spectrum I did come for. I did come for sadness and grief as well. It helps. It has helped me be empathetic. Yeah, and not sympathy. There's a huge difference there, not feeling sorry for people, but empathy, and that's a really deep thing, even seeing people homeless on the street, I don't feel sorry for them, and I know that may sound shocking to people, but I Empath emphasize with them, because I am them. They are me, and I see their beautiful soul. Yeah, yeah. So sorry. I didn't mean to go a little sideways on that, but no,

Brian Smith  32:21  
I think this wonderful. I'm glad that you did, because, as I said, we're talking about some pretty nuanced things here, and that that true self and we're, I believe we're multi dimensional beings, that we are a lot more complex than we think we are. Some people think we're just our bodies. Some people think we're our minds. Some people think we're our brains. But even when we become spiritual, it was like, well, now I'm a spirit. Now I'm a soul. So I don't nothing bothers me. But as a multi dimensional being, we're also human, and our soul may desire something like our soul may say, okay, yeah, I really like to experience what it's like to lose a child, you know, but our human part of us goes, yeah, and, no, I don't want that. So there's this. There's always this, this tension going on,

Laura Foster  33:06  
yeah, yeah. There is so. But we did, we did come for that and, and I don't have the answers. I don't know why. I don't know why. You know you lost your daughter. I don't know why I lost my family, and had a lot of other really pretty horrific things happen for this human right. I don't, I don't know, but I know now where I am. I'm at peace with it. Yeah, I'm at real peace with it. And I see the gift, and I know that's a very it can be shocking, like it can be shocking for people to hear that. So,

Brian Smith  33:48  
yeah, yeah. Well, I just said what I try to tell people, just, just consider it. You know, right now, if it's something that you can't swallow or doesn't resonate with you, that's fine. Think about it. It. You know, it took me years to get to this perspective that I'm at now. And I'm sure that took you years. You talked about even downloading the framework. It takes, it takes a while. And even, you know, there's a lot of speculation about why we come we come to learn, we come to experience, we come to grow. And then people say, Well, if we're already perfect, then why are we growing? I don't think we'll ever have all the answers why we're here, but the framework that you present gives us a way of coping with all this, of making at least some sense out of it. And you can take this, this thing that's happened to you, and you can choose to be a victim, and it is a choice, or you can choose, I'm going to do something with it, and you're giving people way of doing something with it, then they can accept it, or not

Laura Foster  34:50  
exactly, yeah, it's it is a gift for them. So and looping back of how the holistic scaffolding, I said, it's a very. A long story, but I'm going to give a just a little brief when I first was aware that it was coming in from the universe was actually when I was in florentinely and I was standing in front of the sculpture of David michelangeless sculpture, and at that time, I was severely depressed with my husband and daughter, and I stood in front of that sculpture and Brian, I became unglued, completely unglued, just weeping. I didn't really realize what was happening then, but the universe was helping me download the colicit scaffolding, because that's the greatest analogy for the scaffolding. Michelangelo has a quote about David was already in there. All he had to do was chip away to release him. Your true self is David. The programming that we have, have all had is the granite, the holistic scaffolding and the wisdom one and the wisdom nuggets are the tools and the framework to free yourself. And that's another huge thing, is you becoming your own guru. It is

Brian Smith  36:19  
so powerful, yeah, that that's beautiful, and that wasn't long at all, and I got covered with goosebumps, as you said that, because there's such a I love that, that analogy, and I have heard that quote from Michelangelo, and to equate that to the human, it's really interesting, because I see it as like, this is the cycle we come in. I think we're perfect. When we come in. I think babies are still connected to the other side. They're perfect. But then we do take on all this stuff, and then we forget, like I said, we forget who we are. We don't even know where we we end, and the programming begins. And I think it's, I'm in the movies and stuff. So the matrix covers this. There's a movie by Pink Floyd called the wall, the wall. And I just, I watched the wall. I was, I was talking with the guy hasn't come out yet. I was interviewing guy. We're talking about our favorite movies, and we both said the wall. We're both and we're about the same age, and it's just so well done, because this guy's taking on all this stuff from his mother and his father and his teachers and everything else, and then he realizes he's built a prison for himself. And that's kind of that, that block of granite that we are, and we can, we can chip away at that and get back towards that's the game I think we play as humans. And so I think the nutshell, I think that's why we come it's, it's, it's kind of a game from a spirit perspective. It's like, can you figure this out?

Laura Foster  37:42  
Yeah, yeah, how free can you get yourself? Yeah, in this lifetime,

Brian Smith  37:48  
while you're still in the matrix? Yeah,

Laura Foster  37:50  
exactly. It's challenged so, but a challenge that is so worth it, and you know that as well, and that's that's a big message of hope for humanity is, yeah, it can be challenging, but it's so worth it. I wouldn't exchange where I am now to where I was 15 years ago, right? Although the facade of what I had looked perfect, because it was exactly how I was programmed.

Brian Smith  38:18  
Yeah? Well, you know, just when, when you first came on the screen, I could, I can see that the joy in your face and the way that you're way you're carrying yourself, and you're like, but I don't have the traditional stuff. I don't have I don't have the house, I don't have the car. I don't have the stuff that people think's going to make them happy. And what's really interesting, if you again, if you're observant, you watch people, the people that have that stuff are usually the most miserable people. It's almost once you get to a certain point of of possessions, your happiness actually goes down. And people, people don't realize this, and we think, but just that, one more thing is going to make me happy, and what I sense from you is freedom,

Laura Foster  39:00  
absolutely because, as when I was living as I was programmed, like a lot of humans still are, we have been programmed to look for the external to bring us happiness and joy, that new job, that new shiny boyfriend, the new car. Oh, wait, I gotta get a luxury car that's going to make me happier. How long does that last? It doesn't. It doesn't. And our ancient teachers, whoever you want to quote, the Ancient Ones, knew a happiness. It comes from the alignment within, yeah, so what you're talking you're right. It is freedom. It is, it is peace. Yeah, yeah. And I'm gonna, and I'm gonna go just a little sideways a bit. No, please talk about, we talk about world peace, and we all want it. We all so desperately want it. I do too, but it starts with your peace. Call. Debating it from within. If you're not at peace with who you are, you're still going out on that street or on social media or talking with your mate, such and such. Should be doing this. They should be voting this way. They should think that way. You're not at peace. I'm at peace. Oh, wow. I love on humanity no matter what. Yeah,

Brian Smith  40:23  
yeah, that's a little weird. No, no, no. I think that's important, especially now, as we're recording this in July of 2024 we're all seeing all kinds of conflict. And again, it's a lesson I'm hearing more and more from from wisdom teachers. And this is coming from the universe. It's being channeled so which shouldn't be surprised that we're getting the same message, but the conflict we see in the world is a reflection of what's going on inside of us. So we want to go out and fix the circumstances, whereas we really should be looking inward to fix our peace. And if we all did that, and it doesn't mean that just because you're at peace, that no war in the Middle East is going to stop as an individual, but collectively, if we did that, everything would simmer down. Yes, exactly.

Laura Foster  41:07  
And I say that all the time, it's like, I don't want to be your next guru. I want people to become their own Guru. Because the only work you can do, Ryan, and you know, this is on yourself. It's that settling in and doing your own work, and then it's ripple effect. Yeah, yeah, there will. We're on our way. We will reach that tipping point in humanity. I know that it's, it's, it's coming. I don't know how. I don't know, yeah, but it's coming. So I

Brian Smith  41:36  
hear that, and I hear that from a lot of people, and I want to be true. And you know, again, we look at outside circumstances and we go those circumstances don't really indicate that, but I what I does take, and it kind of comes back to what we were talking about before, like with us individually, it takes something to kind of break us open, to say this is not working for me anymore. And I see more and more people, what I do see as a growing level of dissatisfaction with the status quo. A rejection of this is what's going to make me happy, rejection of, you know, I should just listen to what mass media is telling me and and I don't, I don't like being conspiracy theorist. I'm not at all. But I'm realizing that there are times like this book I'm reading right now, the great Cholesterol Myth, and written by scientists and citing studies and, you know, and I'm going to my doctor, my doctor's like, you've got to take this pill. You've got to take this pill because this is what they said in the 1950s and you've got to do your own research and find out this.

Laura Foster  42:44  
That was the real story behind that. Because I've read that book as well. It's really, really interesting. Yeah, it's like, wow, that's not how it was intended at all. And that's not what's really true, and even the scientific research, yeah. So,

Brian Smith  42:58  
yeah, well, I just started it this morning and but that's just, I don't want to go down too far down that rabbit hole, but it's true of a lot of different things that we've been told this is just the truth. You know, you talked about antidepressants, and I'm not anti science. I'm not any anti medication, not even a little bit. But we've been oversold the effectiveness of those, and we've been taught, instead of working on yourself, take this pill. Just keep doing what you're doing. Keep living a very lonely life, keep working a job that you hate, and you're going and then people are like, Well, why am I why am I depressed? You're depressed because you're not being fulfilled. You're not getting what your your spirit needs. Mm, hmm, exactly,

Laura Foster  43:44  
yeah, and your spirit is literally kicking you in the head. And, yeah, it really is so absolutely and I, you know, part of my story that I did share was, you know, I was on a number of different antidepressants, because one of my moments of change was, you know, being so suicidal. There wasn't a suicide attempt, but, you know, I was taken to the emergency room, that kind of stuff, and then started this cocktail of, like, you said, it's an external we've been sold to. Think, just pop this pill. And, you know, that didn't work for me. And like, you know, I'm not in the medical field, so I don't want anybody to like but like I said, I've been Ned free for eight years, and not that I don't get sad. That's part of my human experience. But I'm not depressed. I'm not depressed anymore, right? Yeah, well,

Brian Smith  44:34  
it's funny. I'll just tell this story really quickly. When you said sad, because another acronym, seasonal affective disorder, which I thought I suffered with for a long time, because in the energy, I have been a winner of very low energy. And I live in Ohio, so it's great here. It gets dark, late, it gets it gets in the morning. It's late when it gets dark, or it gets light and it gets dark early. And so I got this light from my desk, this sad light. And was, you know, using the satellite. And after a couple years, I was like, What in the winter, like, the natural cycle is, everything else is like, low energy. You know, the Delete, the trees have lost their leaves. Animals are hibernating. So I'm just going to accept in the winter that I'm not going to be as energetic as I am in the summer. Like a friend of mine said she was suffering from sad, so I sent her my light. This was several years ago, and now I just accept this is what winter is for me,

Laura Foster  45:26  
exactly. It's a time to like nature. Is it time for you to kind of rest your story you don't have as much energy, that's okay. And then when spring comes, you pipe up again. I know I lived in Michigan for a while. Yeah.

Brian Smith  45:39  
So, yeah. So, yeah, same thing, you know, if you live in the Midwest and, and I'm so, I've learned, even though I still don't like the cold and, but I've learned to appreciate it also. The older you get, the faster it gets over with anyway. So I'm like, it doesn't last that long. And this is true with anything we're going through in our life. This is, this is a, you know, I think nature gives us analogies. It gives us signs that we can, we can take wisdom from that. So when you're going through a difficult time, look at it as a season, but we typically look at it as like it's going to be this way forever. It's it's never going to change. And I just can't deal with this.

Laura Foster  46:18  
And that's part of the power of celebrating you and celebrating your Creator, if you're telling yourself that it's going to be true, but if you're telling yourself, you know what, I'm drawing my line in the sand. I'm not living like this anymore. I'm going to open up, I'm going to learn, I'm going to explore, I'm going to question, and yes, I may have been like this for all my life, for 40 some years, but that doesn't mean the rest of my life has to be like that. Yeah, and you can change, like I said, the oldest scaffolding stuff, fastest way I know how, and I'm using it all the time, and a lot of other people are too. So yeah, yes, you have that power.

Brian Smith  46:56  
So with the scaffolding now, you said, I'm giving this away. It's on my website. Do you have a book that people can buy, or any type of a course, or anything?

Laura Foster  47:06  
Absolutely. I'm actually the author of the book called fed up, not fucked up, and it's available on Amazon. There's a free Kindle version, print version. It's also on my website. There's also a full blown course. It's 22 visual video modules. They're like, 15 minutes. 20 minutes each teaches you the whole all the wisdom wands, wisdom nuggets, all the in depth on how to use the holistic scaffolding, you know, completely, yeah, to really transform your life. But yeah, there's lots of I've got, like, a quit ship workbook. I mean, there's all kinds of stuff, free stuff, assessments and and I think we're going to link it to your listeners, a take back your power. It's a free five days, like 10 minutes a day, you're already going to start to transform your life and take back your power. So, yeah,

Brian Smith  47:59  
that's, that's extremely generous of you to do that. I know you said this isn't, you know, this isn't for you, but most people aren't making that generous of an offer. So I think it's really, it's awesome, and it shows your, you know, your sincerity and the mission that you're on. Yeah. So trying to think the next question I want to ask you, because we've covered quite a bit. So if people are just getting started, and because you do have a lot that you're offering, so where would they start? Would they start with learning the six, the six levels you talked about? Or where I

Laura Foster  48:37  
would really recommend that they go ahead and download the Take Back Your power workbook. Okay, five days, like 10 minutes a day, it walks them through, and it gives them a really good flavor of the the awareness platform and the celebrating you platform, so they already start learning in depth what those two platforms feel like. And, yeah, it's just a really powerful tool. A lot of people have downloaded it and use it and and sometimes that's enough, and they and they look at the holistic scaffolding and they understand it. And then other people, they come back and it's like, oh, I want to try this out, or I'm going to love on people, no matter where they are. Yeah, I Brian. I just want people to settle in and do their work become their own Guru, no matter if they use the holistic scaffolding or something else. It's time, you know. So people you know never where you're going through it can get better. Like Brian said, it's a season. And like I say, Isn't it time for you to draw your line in the sand? Yeah,

Brian Smith  49:41  
well, I think it's I, the fact that you are, and I, this is my conclusion I've come to, is we need to empower people. And you keep saying, I don't want to be your guru. You need to be your guru. And my friend, Kelvin Chen, who has memories of like, 1000s of years of life, and you. He's like the same thing. It's like the time of the guru in man's development, or development's over. It's time for us to take back our power. So you're not, and you've been very clear, this is not a religious thing. This is not like, I'm trying to get you to have faith or sell you on anything. This is really a turning within which is, again, counter to our culture, which is tell, keeps telling us, go to an expert, go to a go to a guru, go to a priest, go to a go to a doctor, go to a whatever. And the answers that you know, we've always sought are within and that's, again, yes, we were talking about, I think both movie buffs and that's, that's the lesson from the movies that we watch. Are always like, Okay, you are your own hero. And, yeah, and so you're telling people, accept yourself, accept all of you. You know, which is another, I think, just extremely important lesson. Yeah,

Laura Foster  50:58  
it is. And it's really important to become your own guru, because of the information overload that we're all and with the influx of AI, we won't go into all that, but I mean, it's just flooded information. And if you break down the word inform is to keep you informed. Inform in programming, in the matrix, whatever. And I always say, you know, who knows what's best for you? You Your true self, but you've got to shed enough of the programming so you know what the true self is. Otherwise you're going to be stuck in that repeat cycle. Yeah,

Brian Smith  51:41  
well, again too. I mean, yeah, it kind of like everything happens, I think for us individually, I think also as as a species, as humankind, I think things happen kind of for us, and we are at a point where there's so much information but so little knowledge, and we don't know what to trust, and that's becoming more and more common all the time, more recent events that happened just literally the last couple days, people are questioning is that? Is that real? Is this, you know, is this real? And I think this is going to force us to rely on our intuition a lot more to say, to test it against our own common sense, our own knowledge, because we don't, we don't know who the experts are anymore,

Laura Foster  52:25  
exactly. And the big message here is that you are your own expert. You you your true self knows what's best for you, no one else. And I'm not saying you don't have a community of people, people that help you along the way and love you and all that stuff. I'm not saying that like become your own guru and just you know no but trusting that your true self, your intuition, your gut and questioning everything else. Yeah.

Brian Smith  52:57  
Well, Laura, any any last words you want to tell people. You want to leave people with you. You've already just given us this great stuff, but I wanted to give you a chance to so if you want to say anything else,

Laura Foster  53:07  
I just want to know. I just want people to know I love all you people I really, really do when I say that, that's not just platitudes. I am so honored and blessed to be here at this time in this place, and I want you. My wish for you is that you can feel the same way that you find that peace, because it's so worth it. Wow, so worth it. That is our way to world peace.

Brian Smith  53:34  
Yeah, awesome. Awesome. That is so that's so so great and so well said. Well, thanks for being here and enjoy the rest of The afternoon.

Laura Foster  53:42  
Thank you. You as well. Much. Love you.

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