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Consciousness Experts Episodes

June 16, 2022

Meditation, Psychedelics, and Signs from God! Ren Koi’s MIND-BLOWING …

Send me a Text Message Consciousness. We all know what it is. But, we can't explain it. We can't define it. We just know it. Scientists and philosophers have debated this for years. What is the source of consciousness? What i...

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Sept. 21, 2021

Piercing the Veil: How Tragedy Unveiled the Hidden Truths of Consciou…

Send me a Text Message In this scintillating conversation, Dr. Kovacs and I discuss the nature of consciousness and who we are as human beings. We talk about the deep truths behind ancient myths. Dr. Kovacs has been exploring...

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July 20, 2021

TRANSFORMATION THROUGH LOVE: Bridget Finklaire’s Guide to Living Acco…

Send me a Text Message Bridget Finklaire is an author and spiritual teacher. We had a wide-ranging discussion as she has a wealth of knowledge to share that comes from years of experience. She's a wealth of knowledge. I start...

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Aug. 25, 2020

WHY MATERIALISM Is Baloney- with Dr. Bernardo Kastrup

Send me a Text Message I've been following Bernardo Kastrup for a few years. He's a brilliant man with PhDs in both computer science and philosophy. His books "Why Materialism Is Baloney" and "More Than Allegory" have literal...

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June 9, 2020

PROFOUND Insights: Michelle Freed on Remote Viewing, Past Lives, and …

Send me a Text Message Michelle Freed is a certified Hypnotherapist and Professional Remote Viewer. She is experienced in operational targets working with detectives to help solve crimes and find missing people as well as tea...

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April 1, 2020

From DESPAIR to DIVINITY: How CRISIS Sparked Mary’s Terehune's Spirit…

Send me a Text Message I sat down with Mary again to discuss spiritual awakening during a time of crisis. Mary's series of spiritually transformative experiences began at a low point in her life when. It was then that she had...

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