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Spiritually Transformative Experiences Episodes

Closely related to the Near Death Experience is the Spiritually Transformative Experience. An STE might or might not be out of body. A NDE is almost always an STE. But, a Spiritually Transformative Experience doesn't necessarily mean the physical body is dead or near to death.
April 21, 2020

From DOUBT to BELIEF: Nancy Van Alphen’s INCREDIBLE Encounters with t…

Send me a Text Message Nancy Van Alphen tells us about her amazing Spiritually Transformative Experiences. The stories are riveting. To get the details behind the stories, purchase her book. In "Caught Between Heaven & Earth,...

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April 7, 2020


Send me a Text Message Tony Woody is a US Navy Chief Petty Officer with 22 years of honorable service as an Instructor Flight Engineer on the P3 Orion aircraft. In 1982, he had an incredible Spiritually Transformative Experi...

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April 1, 2020

From DESPAIR to DIVINITY: How CRISIS Sparked Mary’s Terehune's Spirit…

Send me a Text Message I sat down with Mary again to discuss spiritual awakening during a time of crisis. Mary's series of spiritually transformative experiences began at a low point in her life when. It was then that she had...

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Feb. 18, 2020

CHANGE MAKER: How Becky's Brother's Death REVITALIZED Her Life and Pu…

Send me a Text Message Rebecca Austill-Clausen is one of the most enthusiastic, cheerful people I've had the pleasure to interview. Our time together flew by as she shared with me her amazing life. When Becky's brother David ...

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Jan. 14, 2020

Meeting 'Master Jesus': Mary Terhune’s SHOCKING Encounters and Awaken…

Send me a Text Message Mary Terhune is a Hay House author of the popular book "Out of the Blue- True Life Experiences of Awakening, Revelation, and Transformation", an exciting tale of a Mary's life and a series of spirituall...

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Sept. 13, 2019

SPIRITUAL JOURNEYS: Reverend Bill McDonald’s Life of Mystical Experie…

Send me a Text Message Reverend Bill McDonald has led a fascinating life. From early childhood, spanning over six decades, he has had spiritual and out of body experiences. He performed heroics in Vietnam. He has traveled the...

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