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Aug. 15, 2023

🔒 Decoding The Universe: Exploring Signs, Synchronicities, and Messages from the Afterlife

🔒 Decoding The Universe: Exploring Signs, Synchronicities, and Messages from the Afterlife
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Have you ever experienced a moment that just feels too perfectly timed to be a coincidence? Welcome to this mind-bending exploration of signs and synchronicities, those sometimes uncanny, always intriguing instances when the universe seems to be speaking directly to us. This conversation delves into the phenomenon, questioning if these experiences are merely the human mind's knack for pattern recognition or genuine messages from loved ones in spirit. From a chance encounter during a morning walk to unexpected connections via WhatsApp, prepare to be fascinated by the myriad ways signs and synchronicities could appear in our lives.

A sense of skepticism arises as I address the validity of these experiences and their potential reliance on our individual needs and perceptions. Drawing inspiration from Susanne Wilson's book "Soul Smart", I also discuss practical strategies to encourage signs and dream visits from our loved ones. 

Fasten your seatbelts and prepare to view the world through a different lens as we uncover the subtle yet profound, messages we may often overlook. This isn't just a conversation; it's an invitation to open our minds to the magical and mysterious.

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Speaker 1:

So today I want to answer a question that was asked by Lynn Marie, and she says signs I don't get any of them I'm aware of or dreams. I dream of stupid stuff, but we're only my daughter. So let's talk about, first of all, what signs are and let's talk about why we might get them, why we might not get them, the differences between them and how maybe we can get more if we'd like to get more. First of all, what a sign is is. A sign is something that's coming from a loved one in spirit that is trying to convey a message to us, and that message could be as simple as I'm still here, I still care about you. Closely related signs are synchronicities, and synchronicities are events that happen in our life with what seems like divine timing, and synchronicities are based on the time that something happens. To give you a quick example from my life, there was a time I was actually listening to a podcast, I was getting ready to go for my morning walk and I heard a woman say that her daughter would send her signs by. She would meet someone that would say I knew your daughter when she was alive. Her daughter passed away and I specifically remember thinking that's not a sign, that's just someone coming up and telling you that they knew your daughter when she passed away. Well, that very morning I was out for my walk, the same route I take every day. I take in this route for years, passing by the same houses. I pass by every day and as I'm passing by this one particular house, so I see a woman come out, she approaches me, I take my earbuds out and I say hi to her and I'm like wondering what she wants and she says I'm Nicole, my daughter and your daughter. They knew each other when they were Girl Scouts. Now, had that happened on any other day, it would have just been a random occurrence to me, but because it happened on the very day that I listened to the podcast, when I heard the woman say that that was a sign for her, that was a sign for me, that was a synchronicity. So some of the questions people ask about signs and synchronicities is are they real or are they just wishful thinking? And the answer, I guess, is in some way yes and no. I believe that we have to be skeptical about signs, not thinking that every feather we find or every coin that we see, every bird or butterfly, is a sign, but it's when it resonates with you, it's when it's the timing, when it's like at the time that you needed it. I think that that means that they're real. Now, sometimes psychologists and psychiatrists and other scientific minded people would try to explain the way. And there is something about the human mind that looks for patterns. We recognize patterns and things, so we can look at, for example, a cloud and see an animal, and they are faced in it. That's a, that's a facet of the human brain that we know is real. So we know that sometimes we can read things into things that aren't there. But on the other hand, there are some signs and synchronicities that are just undeniable, and I've talked to many, many people who've given me many examples. I 've had examples in my own life and I'm an analytical person. I try to explain them away and I can't. I there's just beyond the the odds of just randomness. So the differences between signs and synchronicities we've kind of talked about already. Sign is something that seems like it comes from our loved one, and where synchronicity does come from our loved one as well, but it's a matter of events that seem to be unrelated happening at the same time. Jung Carl Jung talked a lot about synchronicities and one of the ones he gives is an example where he was talking to a patient who was relating to him a dream in which she saw a beetle. And I guess right at that moment he sears his tapping against his window and he goes to the window, he opens it up and a beetle flies into the room. That's a synchronicity. Those are, you know, two things. That if he had just seen a beetle flying to the room, no big deal. The patient just told them about a beetle in their dream, no big deal. But the fact that happened at the same time, that's what we call a synchronicity. So I think one of the things about science and synchronicities. I truly believe our loved ones are constantly sending us science and synchronicities. They do care about us, they want us to know, but sometimes we don't recognize the science and synchronicities because we don't know what to look for. So I do want to take a moment here to pause and say that Suzanne Wilson and I did a joint thing together, a seminar together. We talked about science and synchronicities. I gave some examples from my life. Suzanne went really deep into what they are, how they work, how to get more and I'll have a link. If you're interested in that, you can purchase the download of the seminar and take a look at it yourself. But understanding what different types of science there are again coins, feathers, animal behavior we know some of the typical ones synchronicities, lights turning on and off, electricity, electronics and we give some examples in that seminar we talked about. So the thing is, when someone like Lynn Marie says I'm not getting them, it may be that you're not getting them, lynn Marie, it may be that you're not recognizing them. And I do believe that our loved ones have different skill levels. It seems like in the afterlife they send us science in different ways. They may even have different interests and we may have different needs. One thing when it comes to these afterlife communications, I always come back to the Rolling Stone line you can't always get what we want, but sometimes you get what you need. And I truly believe in life we kind of get what we need. And these signs, these synchronicities, they're little things that help us along the way and there may be times when they're beneficial to us and there may be times when they wouldn't be so beneficial to us, and I don't know. I can't explain to you why it's different for different people at different times. But that's truly the way that I believe. And I interviewed a woman from my podcast who's really interested her name is Louise Hamlin, if you'll look up that episode and her husband was sending her signs from the afterlife through the WhatsApp app on her phone and sending signs to other people Just amazing, incredible signs. And when I interviewed her it had been several years since her husband had passed. And I asked her about the signs and she said I'm not getting them as much as I used to. So sometimes people might interpret that as my loved one in the afterlife has lost interest. They've maybe moved on. They interpret that in a way that I think is kind of negative. But I think and while I was talking to her and this intuition just hit me I thought I wonder what if you don't need the signs as much anymore? What if you need those big, flashy signs? And I asked her about that and she said no, I think you might be right. I feel my husband with me here all the time now, and she even gave an example like driving in the car, and she felt him with her as she was driving in the car. So we both kind of came to the conclusion, I think, at the same time, that maybe she didn't need the signs so much. So what I encourage people to do is trust that you get what you're needing, but keep your eyes open to the signs as well. There are things that you can do to encourage signs. You can ask your loved one for signs. Now, it's interesting on this point because…. I've heard some people say be very specific about signs you ask for, and I even remember a medium relating a story where she asked for a sign. I think she asked for a pink elephant and happen to see a pink elephant. You know, a few days later, other people will say well, don't be too specific. You know, be more general and I'd say, be open to everything, but it's okay to be specific as well. But also trust that you're getting what you need. Trust that your loved one still loves you, that they still care about you, that they're still with you, that they're still interested. But you can do things, as I said, to encourage the signs. You can. When you're going to bed at night, you can set an intention. I'd like for you to come visit me in my dreams. Suzanne Wilson talks in her book Soul Smart. She gives several strategies. That was one she gives. I think one was actually setting a glass of water next to your bed, because there's something about spirit being around water. That seems to be helpful when you wake up early in the morning. Try to recall your dreams, maybe start journaling your dreams. A lot of times we'll have dreams that we forget and we'll remember later on. Something will trigger us. It's like yeah, I think I dreamt about that last night Dreams when we first wake up, there's that state where they seem to slip away really quickly. So it's important when you have that dream, to make sure that you jot it down, that you start taking note of it and again setting that intention to have the dream. So those are the things I would say about signs and synchronicities. If you feel like you're not getting them, maybe be a little bit more aware. Try to keep your mind open. Do those few things that you can to encourage signs and synchronicities. Tell your loved one you want to have them. Start meditating more. That helps to clear and to slow down your mind and I think those things will help as well. Hope that answers your question. Then, marie, anybody else out there if you have a question. I'd love to hear it. I love to answer it on a future podcast. Have a great day.