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Dec. 5, 2023

🔒 Do Souls Get Stuck In the Afterlife?

🔒 Do Souls Get Stuck In the Afterlife?
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A medium told Sandra that her son was stuck in the afterlife because of guilt. Is this realistic?

Join us in an enlightening journey into the mysteries of the afterlife and the soul’s voyage on the other side. In the first part of our conversation, I examine the role of mediums in giving us insights. I talk about what we know, what we don't know, and what logic tells us.

I also delve into the notion of souls feeling guilt and explore the concept of a life review, focusing on growth rather than punishment. You'll hear about how souls might choose to stick around on the earthly plane, and how Father Nathan Castle aids them in their transition into the light.

Venturing deeper, I explore near-death experiences, providing comfort to those who've encountered hellish experiences with the assurance that these individuals were eventually removed from them when ready.

Wrapping up this fascinating discourse, I reassure you that no one is ever alone in their grief. Benevolent entities are guiding us in the afterlife, ensuring that we are comforted and supported. Tune in to this thought-provoking discussion that will open your eyes to a new perspective on the afterlife.

Thanks for your support. Stay tuned for more exciting stuff next year.

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02:44 - Understanding the Afterlife and Souls' Journeys

09:39 - Near-Death Lessons and Trust in Afterlife


00:00:02.547 --> 00:00:06.979
Hey, welcome back to another episode of Brief to Growth, another premium episode.

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For those of you who have chosen to support me financially Appreciate you doing that.

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Again, thank you very much for your continued support and please continue to spread the news of the podcast to anyone you think that might be able to use it.

00:00:20.131 --> 00:00:27.051
What I want to talk about today is the afterlife and the journey of souls on the other side.

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So let's go out with this question from Sandra.

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She's a listener who has a concern I think a lot of us can relate to.

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She says I've been told by two different mediums that my son had and crossed over and had problems with guilt.

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So do some souls have a hard time after passing?

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Do they feel guilt?

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So this brings us to the heart of today's discussion this idea of the soul being stuck in a sense, not being able to cross over, being burdened by guilt.

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So, reflecting on my journey, especially after Shane is passing, I understand the need to feel assurance that our loved ones are at peace, and I really think it's crucial to approach the insights that we get from mediumship with both openness, but also with discernment.

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Let's remember that mediums interpretations are filtered through human perceptions, and mediums can only get messages that they're in tune with.

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Some say they don't want to receive anything negative.

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Some believe in things like guilt and maybe they still have attachments to belief, like things like punishment.

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So let's remember that the messages that mediums get are actually filtered and they're not necessarily pure.

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They're not pure channels, so we can't take everything that everything medium says as being literally true.

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But this notion of people being stuck in a sense, think of it like the Hollywood movie the Sixth Sense, where spirits are depicted as having unfinished business or lingering attachments Now again, it's a Hollywood interpretation, but it does touch on the idea that some souls might have a journey to complete before they decide to move on.

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Now in the afterlife, as I have come to understand it, the limitations and the concepts of the world that we live in now don't apply.

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Some say there's no time in the afterlife.

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Some say there's no space in the afterlife, no time or space.

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I think it's perceived differently, no matter how it is.

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Some say there are different levels of the afterlife, different places, if you will, but some say there's no place at all in the afterlife.

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So I think there are different environments that we can find ourselves in, depending on who we are and what our needs are, what our desires are.

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So the spiritual traditions, most of you.

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The afterlife as a continuation.

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It's a different phase of existence, but sometimes we hear things like these hard and fast rules, which I tend to shy away from.

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So I've heard some people say well, there are no sad thoughts in heaven, that a tear shall never fall, that no one will ever feel anything negative.

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I don't know that that makes sense, because why shouldn't, like our loved ones, for example, be able to feel compassion, maybe, for suffering that we're going through?

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But then some, on the other hand, say that we're exactly the same after we die, minus the physical body, but we still have the exact same personalities.

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I don't know if that's necessarily true either, because a large part of what we experience on earth comes from our body, for example, our body chemistry, our brain structure.

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Brain anomalies, we know, can cause issues.

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Body chemistry, structures can cause issues.

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That's why we can take medications to feel differently.

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So I think any ailments that we're suffering from that are physical are probably dropped immediately after death.

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That would make sense to me.

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They would go away immediately.

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The other thing is we are going to gain a higher perspective.

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We're going to look at things, knowing, for example, that we're all eternal, knowing that we're all souls, having probably a greater connection to our higher self, that part of us that doesn't even come into the body, understanding that everything, the things that people are going through, taking a life review and feeling things from other people's perspectives.

00:04:06.730 --> 00:04:11.911
So I don't think the people in the afterlife again, in general, hold grudges.

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They don't hold grudges against us and why would they hold grudges against themselves?

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This is backed up by what a lot of mediums tell us.

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They're like people in the afterlife don't hold grudges, but again because of this higher perspective that they've had and they've been through the life review.

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So for a medium to say that someone is stuck because of guilt doesn't really line up with me, because I think they're going to forgive themselves as much as they're going to forgive other people as well.

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Now this again we have a life review, which is a moment of self-reflection and it's about growth rather than being about punishment.

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It's a journey to understand what we've done in the, in the light, in the prior life and to make a plan to do better, even either in the spirit realm or when we decided to come back here.

00:04:57.973 --> 00:05:04.502
So, but I don't want to totally dismiss the idea that some people might be quote-unquote stuck.

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I think if this happens, it's a very rare occurrence.

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It's a temporary occurrence temporary, you know, relating back to time again and not understanding what time is like on the other side.

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I try to bring in all the evidence, all the data that I can when I'm coming to these conclusions.

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And I've talked to people who say that they helped souls who have passed on, but they haven't quote-unquote crossed over, they haven't moved into the light.

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I interviewed Dr or not Dr?

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Father Nathan Castle on my podcast and go back and find that episode and that's one of the things he does.

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He and a team of people.

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They help people to move on, to make that full transition into the light, if you will.

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But I don't think it's stuck in the way that we think it's stuck.

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I think it's people who have decided, for whatever reason, that they want to stay attached to the earthly plane, maybe to be involved in our lives more or not.

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Maybe not fully understanding again, because we don't get omniscient as soon as we cross over maybe not fully understanding that they can make the transition and then come back and help us and be involved in our life.

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It's not one or the other.

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So I think there may be times when people need a little bit of a nudge or a little bit of permission to move on to that next level.

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But what I don't want to do is for people to think about the absolute worst case.

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You know, that's where our minds go.

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We hear that somebody may have gotten stuck at one point, or every once in a while someone may get stuck and we envision our loved ones in that state.

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I encourage you to not go there, to try to stay present in the present moment, to trust in the wisdom of the universe, to trust in the wisdom of the soul, to trust that we are going to get what we need when we need it.

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And if someone is having that phase that they're going through where they're feeling guilt or maybe they haven't quite moved on, that they're going to be okay.

00:06:57.377 --> 00:07:05.036
I think about near death experiences even, and I think about several people that had quote hellish near-death experiences, and again, some people get caught up on those.

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But the lesson I take from those is every single person that I've talked to that had one of those was taken out of that experience as soon as they were ready, I think, in their own good time, and I think they had that experience for a reason.

00:07:17.442 --> 00:07:39.072
So I would say to Sandra to cherish the love and the memory of your son, to trust in the wisdom of his soul and the wisdom of his soul journey, to trust in all of our soul's journey, to trust in the benevolence of the universe and to not get caught up with what some media might have said.

00:07:39.072 --> 00:07:43.733
So I want to thank you again for joining me for this exploration of the afterlife.

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Remember, in our shared journey of grief and growth, that we're never alone, that we can find strength and openness and understanding and the shared human experience.

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And just as we're helping each other along, on this side there are souls, there are entities, there are beings helping us all along when we cross over, maybe even more so.

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Have a great day.

00:08:05.264 --> 00:08:10.548
If you have any questions that you'd like for me to answer, be sure to let me know and I'll address on a future episode.

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