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Jan. 24, 2024

Exploring Spirituality and the Afterlife with Reverend Honi Borden- EP 334

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Join us in this profound episode of "Grief 2 Growth" as we welcome Reverend Honi Borden, a renowned ascension guide and messenger from the afterlife. In this deeply moving discussion, Honi shares her transformative journey through near-death experiences and her insightful encounters with spiritual realms, including a life-changing meeting with Jesus (Yeshua).

Key Highlights:
- Early Spiritual Awakenings: Discover how Honi's spiritual journey began and how it was profoundly shaped by her experiences from a young age.
- Near-Death Experience and its Impact: Honi delves into her near-death experience and how it opened her to a deeper understanding of the universe.
- Encounter with Jesus (Yeshua):  Hear about Honi's powerful and enlightening experience with Jesus during her near-death experience, offering a unique perspective on divine love and light.
- Life’s Transformative Moments: Learn about the key moments that have shaped Honi's spiritual path and her work as an ascension guide.

Guest Bio:
Reverend Honi Borden is an ascension guide and a messenger from the afterlife. Her journey into spirituality began early in life and was amplified by her near-death experience in 2012. Honi has traveled to over 40 countries, activating spiritual energies and sharing her insights through her work and her children's memoir, "The Day I Became a Superhero."

- Visit Honi Borden's on Instagram: @honib1111
- Read Honi's Book, "The Day I Became a Superhero"

We Want to Hear From You:
- What resonated with you the most from Honi's journey?
- How do you find spiritual connection in your daily life?
- Share your thoughts and join the conversation at

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I've been studying Near Death Experiences for many years now. I am 100% convinced they are real. In this short, free ebook, I not only explain why I believe NDEs are real, I share some of the universal secrets brought back by people who have had them.

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Rev. Honi Borden Profile Photo

Rev. Honi Borden

Rev. Honi Borden is an International Inspirational figure that assists Humanity to Its Divinity through Embodied InScension.

She was consecrated by the 1st Ray of Light under the direct Guidance & Teachings of Master ElMorya of the Blue Flame Temple and the Seven Sacred Flame Temples, to embody her I AM Presence.

She is a TransMedium TransChanneler, Light Language Speaker, Teacher, Activator, Transmitter of Living Krystalline Diamond Codes of Light, Ascension Alchemist, and a Messenger of The Light from the Other Side. As a Planetary Grid Activator of Kryst Consciousness, she activated 40 locations on her 5 years journey by bringing through the Magdalene & Yeshua Codes of light into the Golden Rose Dragon Line.,

Rev. HoniB first awoken to the reality of her Higher Self, at the age of seven, during a fatal car crash. This spiritual journey inspired her first published inspirational children’s memoir on 11,11,11 called, "The Day I Became A Superhero." She has since been communicating with Higher Conscious InterTerrestrial Councils, Angelic Realm and Ascended Masters for over thirty years.

On January 8, 2012, she died from a rare illness, which granted her the gift of life after death experience. Here, she encountered the Higher Angelic Realm meeting Archangel Haniel, followed by The Arcturian Golden Council of 12 and then Beloved Master Living Christ, Yeshua, from whom she saw all of her many past lives and received upgrade of her 8th strand of DNA, and was also given specific Mission to deliver to earth in Assisting Hu… Read More

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