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Aug. 17, 2021

WISDOM FROM THE OTHER SIDE: Frances Key on the Profound Lessons from The Team Series

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Frances Key is the scribe of a four-book series called The Team: A Mother's Wisdom from the Other Side. She began writing the books 19 days after her mother died when she sensed her mother communicating important spiritual insights to her. She considers the true authors of the books to be her mother, Teddy Key, and the spiritual team she rejoined after she died.

If you've listened to me for any length of time, you are aware I am obsessed with these books. I first interviewed Frankie in May of 2020. I have participated in a book study she led. And, I've read The Team books no less than three times, maybe almost as many times as she has read them. I find myself referring to concepts in the books continually.

The first book was received from Teddy, while Books 2, 3, and 4 carry the energy of both Teddy and other teammates who came through to share their perspectives on life and death. In this interview, I discuss with her some of the concepts in Book 4.

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00:00:00.539 --> 00:01:00.719
Close your eyes and imagine Hey everybody, this is Brian back with another episode of grief to growth. And today I've got with me Francis key or Frankie key. Just for everybody who doesn't know about my obsession with the team books that we're going to talk about a series of books called the team and we'll get into what that is.

00:01:01.350 --> 00:01:20.010
If you want to find out more detail about about Frankie or about the team books go back to Episode 102, which was in December of 2020. December of last year, you can listen to that. I'm going to read a quick bio, then I will introduce Frankie and we'll get started.

00:01:16.500 --> 00:02:48.449
Francis key it's a scribe of a four book series called the team. A mother's wisdom from the other side, she began writing the books 19 days after her mother died. When she says her mother communicating important spiritual insights to her. She considers the true authors of the books to be her mother, Teddy key and the spiritual team that her mother were joined when she died. The first first book was received from Teddy, while books two, three and four, carry the energy of boteti and other teammates who came through to share the perspectives on life after death. Today we're discussing her some of her concepts and book four and a couple other things. With that, I want to welcome to Grisha growth Francis key. Hello, I'm so happy to be with you. Yeah, it is really great to have you back again. As I mentioned in that quick intro, I'm obsessed with the team books, I've read a few books that I feel like I've changed my life. I've read, you know, I think of some before some books by a guy named Marcus Borg and CS Lewis. And there's a guy named Bernardo kastrup wrote why materialism is baloney, there's been a few books that have really impacted me. And the team books are definitely among the the books that have really changed my life. So you and I have known each other I guess for a couple of years now reached out to you after reading the books. And I wanted to have you back to discuss the concepts in book four. But before we get into that, just for people that don't know, let's review, like how did these books come to you because you don't consider yourself to be the author of the books?

00:02:49.860 --> 00:02:51.240
Correct? Correct.

00:02:54.060 --> 00:03:02.490
As you said, 19 days after my mother died, I had an experience of communication with her.

00:02:58.110 --> 00:03:07.289
Should I move this down? Okay, yeah, that's fine. All right.

00:03:02.759 --> 00:03:17.159
Good. All right. So a little back, a little background on on my mother and myself. We were both we were extremely close. We she was on a spiritual journey.

00:03:17.159 --> 00:04:32.610
And she took me with her. In essence, she would go to different churches. She had left the Catholic Church, which she found to be not answering her questions. So as a child, I was taken to different places with her, she talked to me a lot about her, her inner search and my experiences with if you want to call it psychic phenomena, or mediumship, or spiritual awareness began as a very young child, I think directly because of her. And so I had no doubt that I would have some kind of connection with my mother, I'd had connection, and dreams and visitations and things of that nature with other people who had passed. But I never dreamed that it would take the form that it did. So it before she died at the age of 86. I used to tell her mother, why don't you write the story of your spiritual search and each chapter would be a different concept. And she said she would say, Oh, no, I'm too old for that. I can't, I just couldn't do it. So got our tape recorder.

00:04:32.610 --> 00:04:42.870
I kept encouraging her actually to do something like that, but she never did. And she would say to me, Well, why don't you try to sit and do that?

00:04:39.180 --> 00:05:35.399
inspirational. I'll call it automatic writing. But it wasn't complete automatic writing where you have no awareness of who you are, what you're doing it, but it was this very flowing inspiration writing. So she would say why don't you try that anymore? And I'd always say oh, I don't know. I don't feel called to do that. So lo and Behold, the to what she told me to do what I suggested that she do, came to pass in 15 books. I never dreamed it would happen that way. I believed and trusted that I would communicate with her after she passed. But 19 days after she passed, I was on an airplane, going to New York City to see my two daughters who live there. I have four but to live there. And I spoke to her in my heart, looking out the window with the beautiful clouds, which are always so inspiring, I'm sure to everyone.

00:05:36.420 --> 00:06:50.730
And I said, Mother, is there any distance for you? And I heard her answer me. I heard her answer in my mind, but I, I hesitate to say I heard her audibly, but it felt audible as well. So it it, she began to speak to me about where she was about her perspective. I was asking questions, and I started writing them down, because I always had pen and paper with me, I'm just a writer. So I do that. And asking her and, and writing down what she was telling me. And at first, I was talking to her about my personal grief and my, my regrets in my life, and apologies to her about certain things, things of that nature. But then it just started to blossom. And within the two hour flight, it was all about so much more. So I thought this would be a one time encounter on the airplane. But it turned out to be something that went on day and night, really, for over a year, over a year. The first book was written in three weeks.

00:06:51.300 --> 00:07:31.050
And by the way, because I released it so quickly, I'm in the process of tourism, editing and correcting of it. But it has some typos. But I felt it was important to get it out there first I gave it to family and friends. And then people started asking for them. And I was printing them up putting them in a folder, giving giving them away. And then I went ahead and did it through a company where people could order them on demand. So but the writings continued, and I would handwrite everything in this big scroll.

00:07:25.439 --> 00:07:36.810
And then I would sit and type it up. So it took a bit of time.

00:07:31.050 --> 00:07:59.730
The books came out every couple of years. And book four, it actually took about four years, three and a half years to get that final one out, because I had gone back to work. And so I didn't have this block of time to do and it was kind of in bits and pieces, it took me longer to pull it all together. But book for which you wanted to speak about today.

00:08:01.528 --> 00:08:18.658
shades describes it as taking the lid off everything else and telling us not to cling to any of these teachings thinking Oh, now I've got all the answers.

00:08:13.019 --> 00:08:35.969
But to use them to to move further. Because you can take any concept in these books, and most of them are in seed form. I call them in book one. They're in seed form. And then there's so many layers of more information about every single one of those ideas and concepts.

00:08:36.629 --> 00:08:45.418
And I think that's what book four does. It's like, book four is essentially it's called Beyond the team. Right? Right, for that reason?

00:08:46.019 --> 00:09:14.190
Well, I think it's interesting. Every time I talk to you, I learned a little bit more about about your story about your relationship with your mother. For people that don't know you did you start doing automatic writing when you were a child? I mean, you wrote some things that were just so profound, that we wouldn't expect to come from a child. And then I hear you say to your mother, okay, well, you should write this stuff down. And she's like, well, I'm too old. You know, it's, like I hear I hear other people say, Oh, it's too late. I can't do this. Right.

00:09:10.950 --> 00:09:17.070
And so it's never too late. Cuz, you know, she's still writing through you now. And,

00:09:17.519 --> 00:09:18.958
yeah, she's gonna

00:09:19.499 --> 00:09:24.298
go ahead, because she's encouraging you to use your gifts, and you're trying to get her wisdom out.

00:09:24.299 --> 00:09:43.259
And this is exactly what happens, attacks. And I came to realize that you know, this team, this spiritual team, her main, her main teaching was, you are not alone. You're not even functioning as one person.

00:09:38.669 --> 00:10:01.620
Nobody is because you are a member of a team. And that spiritual team is close to you as breathing and that we are like a representative, you know, of our team. It doesn't mean we're the only one here and that all of our team is on the other side. You know, there are many members of our team right here.

00:09:58.350 --> 00:10:55.440
On Earth, they were all working and connecting, and have a particular role and each other, some of us very, you know, intensely and some of us will never physically meet, you know, across the, across the world from each other, but we're affecting each other. But, you know, we still are a representative of our team, which to me is just such a powerful concept. And, but what I came to realize was that the team saw this opportunity, first of all, the opportunity came because of the asking, of humanity for this, it would not be presented if there wasn't a collective spiritual asking for the material. In fact, it's true of any anything that comes out.

00:10:50.220 --> 00:12:12.750
And then, you know, supply and demand, if you want to call it that, you know, if, if nobody wants to, to buy the drugs, the drugs are not going to be sold, or they're supplied. So it works on, on with negative difficult things, and it works for spiritual matters, too, it's supply and demand, then, the team was able to see that there was a calling in the world for this book, and that they had a person who had this very fresh connection to someone who had passed, who was able to teach it. And someone who was able to, was prime to receive it, because I was, you know, in an in a state of grief and missing my mother. And because I was very suspicious, to be honest, of not suspicious, but cautious. I never wanted I heard, you know, some stories of people tapping into things that weren't, were mischievous or, or things of that nature, and I wanted to protect my self, and I wanted, I didn't want to be channeling or or a part of anything that might come through that wasn't pure.

00:12:08.190 --> 00:12:50.340
So I trusted my mother, and I trusted her voice. And that's why book one was 100%, my mother, then I became aware as the as we went along, particularly a book to some of it felt and sounded like my mother and then other teammates came in. There's chapters that speak of all through the books, there's chapters that speak of scientific things, or medical things, or quantum ideas that I'm simply not educated in. So these were, these were part of teammates that had that wisdom.

00:12:46.379 --> 00:12:51.570
But my mother was the main, I knew she was at the helm.

00:12:51.870 --> 00:12:55.080
Right, right. Yeah.

00:12:51.870 --> 00:13:11.220
You know, one thing about the books for me, and like I said, it really changed my life, and just how I even look at my life, I mean, just totally fundamentally, because I'd heard the concept of angels and guides and stuff like that, but it's still kind of like, you're the star of your own story, right?

00:13:07.980 --> 00:13:31.320
We are the person that's here, and they're there to help us, you know, the angels and guides are there just to kind of help us. They're almost like their servants in a way. And this, this book, or these books, maybe feel like, no, we're all part of a team, we're all equal members of the team. I just happened to be the one at this moment, that's in the trenches, but I'm not the star of the show.

00:13:32.309 --> 00:14:27.299
Right. And the beautiful thing about that is everything that you go through and learn, your team absorbs, everybody doesn't have to go through everything and do everything to get the to get the wisdom, and everything they've ever gone through. You will absorb everything, every bit of wisdom we attain becomes part of the team. And then teams, teams are connected to other teams to other teams. And that's how all of it is spread out into the, into the one. So but for our human mind, the concept of a team and our belongingness is exactly what our human mind needs. And and can use the best if you if you think too far beyond Oh, well, that team's connected to that team. So you know, it can boggle the mind.

00:14:27.990 --> 00:14:39.840
But yes, we're not the star. We are a piece of the puzzle. And we are a representative. Yeah, so it's exciting. It's an exciting concept. I agree.

00:14:40.110 --> 00:15:12.840
It really is an answers to me so many questions because I you know, I've worked with people work with a client who was like, elderly and was alone and everybody everybody else was on the other side. And they're like, why am I still here? Why am I going through this and what I explained there is that this is not just for you, you know, we We go through is not just for us. And for me, it just makes it just opens up so much more possibility as to, why am I going through this. And when I think about it, it's not just for me, it's for the other people, so maybe they don't have to go through it.

00:15:14.849 --> 00:15:56.969
Absolutely. You know, we, it, there's a reference somewhere, I think it's in book one to how, you know, they these simple analogies are given, but a stronger person may carry a heavy suitcase, you know, for someone at the airport. You know, as we're walking along, we may lift up a child who can't keep keep up the pace, we take on things for one another, just like we do in our daily lives, I mean, we do with our families, our loved ones, our friends, you know, we, we just take it on, or we think I'm just gonna do that for them, they're overwhelmed.

00:15:51.629 --> 00:17:26.608
And in the same way, we spiritually accept certain experiences, so that we can provide in again, the wisdom and provide it to others, or to take it off another. And we take turns doing that you you said, right now you're in the trenches, you know, we take turns being in the lookout tower, is how she put it, or in the trenches. So as she always says, neither position is superior or inferior to the other, we were simply looking at things from a different way. And so yeah, if you're up in the lookout tower, you're able to see a lot farther and yell down to the ones below, you know, what you can see. So it really is a matter of being open to signs and guidance and understanding that somebody on our team, and beyond the team, certainly can see the trajectory of things more than us. And she did say, this book, one of the reasons she said in Book One, and one of the reasons I am able to do this at this time, is because it's an all hands on deck time for humanity. So the need is there. And we had this fresh, she was fresh from the conference, so to speak. Yeah.

00:17:21.269 --> 00:17:33.719
And reporting back, and I was available and have a writing ability. So they just use that.

00:17:34.199 --> 00:17:35.308
That combination.

00:17:35.789 --> 00:18:06.180
Yeah, I love the you know, it's funny, because as you're saying this, I've read the books like three or four times. So I know the analogies and other people might be kind of a little bit lost. But there are some great analogies in there that I, again, I just incorporated in my life, like this idea of like a representative, you know, from an organization going to a conference and representing the organization. That's kind of like what it's like when we come here. And so we prepared while we're back at home. And we come here and we represent and we're having some communications while we're there, but it's not, it's not a direct thing, necessarily.

00:18:06.539 --> 00:18:36.210
And then we go, we eventually go back. So it just changes our life, my life and looking at, I'm here for a while, and then I'm back there for a while that I might be here for a while. And this idea of even our, our guardians or angels or whatever you want to call those people we have a lot of times I think we look up, it's kind of like that's a hierarchy. They're higher than we are. They just have as your mother says, they just happen to be in a different position now. And we'll be in that position, you know, at another time, and they'll be in the trenches. Of course, yeah.

00:18:36.240 --> 00:19:37.680
And when you go into the trenches, I mean, we're talking about a military analogy here, if you're in the trenches, you a little bit below ground, your vision is not as clear and you're weighed down by all the gear and the uniform and the headset and then whatever's going on the boots, the boots, yeah. So and yet, if you don't have all that weighing you down, it isn't a superiority, but there is a superior ability to to perceive my when, when we're free of that of the oops. So and and i think angels are something different. You know, we're talking about our souls, and the experiences of the soul throughout the universe. And one of those experiences is a human experience. But I believe angels are a different kind of entity.

00:19:38.250 --> 00:20:00.000
Hmm, yeah, we don't just become angels, right. Right. Now there are different there are different kinds of being. And one thing she pointed out, I always love this concept. I always talk about it because you talk about something that meant so much to you. It meant so much to me to learn that our soul has many aspects, just like our brain has these different areas.

00:20:00.000 --> 00:20:24.119
For language for math, or spatial relationships, whatever, so the soul has all these aspects. And there's only, I won't say how many one or five or 10 aspects, even connected to this human body, the other aspects of me and you and everyone are doing other things.

00:20:18.839 --> 00:20:50.069
Yeah. And because that so we are not stuck in a body, the body is inside the soul. You know, the soul is this vast and vast creation. And it's like a person sitting on the side of the lake and sticks their toe in the water, their foot in the water, part of us is in the water, part of us is on the shore. And because that's true, these other aspects that are continued to be with our loved ones,

00:20:51.119 --> 00:21:36.119
you know, yeah, and I want to, I want to want to kind of reiterate what you said, so people can keep up with that, because there is this upside down view, I think that we have of, you know, we are a body with a soul. And our soul is like inside of our body, we think if we if we think of it at all. And again, a concept I've got from you. And I've also gotten from other places, because it's this truth comes up all over the place, is that our bodies are actually inside of our consciousness or inside of our souls. And it's just a small part of it's, it's here. And you gave that analogy about sitting on the shore with your toe in the water, the toe in the water is us in the body. Meanwhile, the rest of our soul is off doing other things. And it's so ironic are so synchronous, I guess, just this morning, I saw on medium it posted something.

00:21:36.390 --> 00:22:00.990
And he was explaining to people the way reality really is. And he said The thing is, you know, people that are on the other side are telling me, they're living multiple parallel lives, and they can get on a couple of lifetimes while you're still here. So you know, you're there, you're thinking they're just having just relaxing or hanging and hanging out. They're still with you, you're still with them. And this is mind blowing stuff. But it's really, it'll really change your perspective on what your life is all about.

00:22:02.160 --> 00:22:55.799
Yes, there's so much more going on. I mean, right, this moment, all around me are all kinds of light rays that my human eyes can't see, I can't see ultraviolet rays and microwaves and radio waves, I can't see them. Right here. And and in the same way, there's all these colors around us, you know, that we can't see, we think it's blue, yellow, green, it isn't. There's so much more colors, we don't even that the human eyes are not capable of saying the ears are not capable of hearing all the vibrations and sounds around us. So, you know, when we use this physical body, we only perceive what the body is able to perceive. And we automatically think, Oh, this is it. This life? Is it this deficit, this body is it that even if we think I'm a soul, we don't think beyond our bodies.

00:22:56.190 --> 00:23:07.079
But other aspects of our soul have much greater vision, they have different kinds of bodies.

00:23:00.630 --> 00:23:19.470
and can even we can, another aspect of our own self can be here on the earth in another location associated, I don't like to say in another body, but associated with another body.

00:23:15.420 --> 00:24:12.059
And it points out in the books that scientists and inventors across the world will suddenly discover a piece of something and relate it to a scientist, you know, on this side of the world, and they put their information together and voila, they've got it, you know, that's probably another aspect of their own identity. So we are, it's so vast and, and I think a lot of speaking of grief. Since that is a focus of your program. I think a lot of our grief comes because we we forget the vastness and we focus so much on the body that is used for that aspect of the soul. But, but if that body no longer exists, the aspect certainly exists. And other aspects of ourselves are with our loved one in other places.

00:24:12.119 --> 00:24:37.619
So those that we grieve for and miss. I just remind myself, my body misses her body, my body misses his body, my soul is still united. And we're doing all kinds of fun and amazing things and having experiences and unity and closeness and a dimension I cannot see and I am still on assignment.

00:24:37.859 --> 00:25:17.819
Yeah. And that would you said reminds me of another concept and I share your concepts, all other concepts of your brother all the time because this idea that, you know if I got it correctly, it's like when we are together like you and I sitting here together, I use the word avatar. This is kinda like my avatar. So that means our souls are actually connected on the other side and for us to know in order to be doing this, so we're So when when my daughter Shayna, for example was here, we were both in our avatars we were connected here. But now we're still connected there. It's just my avatar is still here. And my consciousness is tied to this avatar, but I'm not missing her in a sense, because there's, there's a greater aspect of me that's we've never left each other.

00:25:18.450 --> 00:25:26.190
Yes, we've never left. We've never left each other. And you have the chapter where relationships abide.

00:25:26.940 --> 00:25:39.210
That's really describes that in great detail. I think it's Book Three, I need to memorize so many chapters and so many books, but I'd hate to have memorize better where they are. But I think that's where it is.

00:25:39.630 --> 00:25:51.119
Yeah. And you know, thing is, there's another teaching that I'm a little bit familiar with, called A Course in Miracles. Yes, yeah. So as I, as I read these books, and I hear this concept, because it calls us basically like a dream.

00:25:51.119 --> 00:26:03.269
It's like, we mistakenly think we're here, but we're really back at home. And that's the that comes through the team books, you know, so, so clearly.

00:25:56.819 --> 00:26:22.079
Yeah. But I forget, before we get started, I was asking you, and I don't want to get personal, but I was asking you like, how are you doing? Then you said, you're having some health challenges, and we kind of started on that. But then then you just kind of morphed into you start, you know, you're reading I guess book four, we're referring to book four this morning, and tell me how that affects how you feel about the challenges you're going through?

00:26:22.470 --> 00:26:23.009

00:26:23.039 --> 00:26:43.710
yeah, sure. I mean, I'm having some physical challenges as the body ages. But today, I started reading through book four to prepare for interview because, like you, I'm a student of the books, and I don't always read them and study them. I mean, they're, I'm immersed in the mindset of it.

00:26:43.740 --> 00:27:35.130
And but just like everybody else, you know, I get caught up in life and forget some of these amazing concepts. So I started reading the first chapter called your sacred life. And book four in particular says, Please read the first seven chapters of this book before you go into the rest because it lays a new kind of foundation. And it's it you know, I was told, then after that, you can jump around to different chapters, like people like to, but please focus on those first seven. So, but on your sacred life, when as I read it, I was just moved to tears Truly, I was wiping the tears off before I got on with you. It and I've got a little bit, I'm going to read just a small portion of it here to you.

00:27:31.019 --> 00:29:35.819
Because book four is more confrontational is how I would like to put it. It's a bit of more of a wake up call and a shaking up of our thinking. So your sacred life starts out this way. The sacredness of your life cannot be overemphasized. Not just my life, by the way, your life, everyone's life. Be not cavalier about the phenomenal experience of human existence, and the gifts you have been given the gift of education. So you may read this book, the gift of speech, so you may share your light, the gift of friends, family, teachers, shelter, clothing, food, water, sunlight, the gift of mobility, the use of your hands and eyes, since senses of smell and touch, precious tools. So you might have all things available to you to evolve and assist others in their evolution. These are not random ordinary things tossed into the mix of life for no purpose. Each one of them is a miracle in themselves. So, and of course, again, this is about all of us, because we all if we are not mobile, we have some other ability. And she points that out. She says, the whole world has served you from the moment you were born from infancy, where you were sustained until you could sustain yourself. This is not accomplished by one person, but by many, most of whom You will never know. It took many to protect, guide and educate you through childhood. You can't thank them because you weren't even aware of their care and protection. You were snatched from dangerous situations many times even to the point of saving your life but you cannot remember this. I mean, I think of any toddler how many times this is done for them. Right.

00:29:28.710 --> 00:30:29.970
Okay, so I'm skipping ahead a little it's it's so intense, but how often do you stop to think that you have the ability to love because you were first loved? What are you doing with this love? What do you choose to view with your eyes and speak with your lips to create with your imagination? How do you treat The people who are available to you for love and care, how do you interact with others? Whatever you say and do to another you are doing to yourself quite literally. All you put forth blends with the principles of earthiness and returns to you in unique conditions and solid form. So you may have the honor of proceeding. what is and isn't?

00:30:22.859 --> 00:31:43.380
Yes, seeing a returning ugliness is as great an honor as seeing a returning beauty, learn to value all have it. So, I mean, this continues in this way. And one of her biggest things she points out is that everyone we meet who irritates a noise and angers us people that we see that we don't approve of their philosophy of life or their behavior. These are our former selves. In essence, there is no person no one of us who at some time in our spiritual evolution was not just as ignorant, just as lost, just as angry. And someone saw the light in us and someone inspired and nudged. And many actually, along the way to bring us if we have more peace, if we have more wisdom, never gloat in it. Never have any arrogance. Because anyone, anyone you see, that doesn't have that kind of awareness. It's another is a, an a mirror. It's a sample of of who we once have been.

00:31:45.150 --> 00:32:39.569
We'll get back to grief to growth in just a few seconds. Did you know that Brian is an author and a life coach, if you're grieving or know someone who is grieving his book, grief to growth is a best selling easy to read book that might help you or someone you know, people work with Brian as a life coach to break through barriers and live their best lives. You can find out more about Brian and what he offers at WWW dot grief to www dot g ri e f, the number two gr o w t If you'd like to support this podcast, visit Slash grief to growth slash g ri e f the number two gr o w th to make a financial contribution. And now back to grief to growth.

00:32:41.910 --> 00:32:48.930
Yeah, so a lot of it's about about, you know, humility.

00:32:49.170 --> 00:32:51.690
Yeah. And I think that's, that is so beautiful.

00:32:51.690 --> 00:33:13.349
And as we were having a discussion again, before we started recording, you know, I was asking you like how you're doing it. When we start, we both we do this, we start with our challenges. And I'm going through this I'm going through that we all we all do, because that's what our that's human, that's our brains are programmed. But you read something like that from from that chapter. And it really, and this is why it's so important.

00:33:10.019 --> 00:33:21.750
In my life. I've incorporated since reading the books of gratitude practice. So I try to wake up and focus on what are the good things that are going on? What What do I have as right as opposed to what I don't have.

00:33:21.750 --> 00:33:36.690
And it's a it's a conscious effort. But as you and I were talking, you know, we are your perspective is risen so much because you started with, you know, I'm going to just challenge it, but then you're like, but look at all the things that I have and look at the abilities that I do still have.

00:33:36.690 --> 00:33:39.359
And that's priceless.

00:33:41.549 --> 00:33:50.009
Well, as you're saying a little further, in this chapter, it's about gratitude.

00:33:44.579 --> 00:34:35.070
And she says, Do not be like so many who choose to complain about what they were not endowed with and shrug off what blessings I do have, you have before you at all times the option of cultivating a spirit of contentment, or a spirit of bitterness, depending on how you regard and utilize your personal set of gifts. Remain remember it is pride that fuels dissatisfaction and humble gratitude that fuels contentment. Yeah, I don't know, Chapter Chapter One of book four, so much more to it really is a powerful thing to shake up, wake up type thing.

00:34:35.159 --> 00:35:04.050
And you know, the thing is that people I think may think, Oh, well, I'm supposed to have gratitude. Who am I supposed to be grateful for? Why Why should I do this? You know, and the thing is, it's just like, it's just like forgiveness because we tell people you should forgive and so why should I do that? You know, I'm not trying to be a saint or whatever. The thing is, the gratitude is for us. It will change the way you view your life. It's not a it's not a matter of it being like a moral superiority thing or you No some sort of a virtue and other than it's a virtue that serves us.

00:35:04.079 --> 00:35:15.630
It's just, it's so incredible, when you can start to think of things that way. And it's something that I'm working on, I'm not going to say that I'm there at all. But it's something that I actively practice. And I found that it's changed my life.

00:35:17.340 --> 00:37:04.199
It says here, your life is as sacred when you're pulling the weeds as when you're meditating. When you're weeping as when you're laughing. When you're falling down, it's when you're getting back up. Because what makes it sacred is its transformative. Nature, the way it is part of the creation of reality, the way it is contributing to evolution. So we are contributing something at all times when we are creative beings, we cannot stop creating, if you sit perfectly still, and don't even say a word you're going to create with your thoughts that most of the time we're doing, we are creating, speaking, interacting we're creating. And, of course, then then some people create music and art and all kinds of things and buildings. And I mean, we are constantly creating, and that means we're constantly contributing to something. So we are contributing to these vibrational spheres, we've talked about these big balls of energy or contributing love to the love sphere, and we're contributing anger to the anger sphere. And then we draw from them. So when you go into a state of bliss, meditating, or whatever you are contributing, but drawing from the bliss of all meditators. And then when you some people go into a terrible rage and do something they can't believe they did or said, it's because they've tuned in beyond their own anger into a vibrational sphere that contains all anger. So we can tap into tremendous balls of energy.

00:37:05.369 --> 00:37:10.079
Because we're always contributing. Yeah. And we're always pulling in.

00:37:10.289 --> 00:37:39.630
Yeah, and that's another concept that was new to me. That's the spheres, I call them spheres of ins, I think he's got it in the book called spheres of influence. That's, that's what I remember. Anyway, there's, there's these and then they're not literal things. But I think they're concepts that, you know, we can contribute to these things. And we can draw from and we can see this sometimes, like, when we get angry, it's like it goes beyond us, it starts to spiral out of our control. And it's like we're being sucked in. And that's what this book is saying it's happening. we've tapped into something bigger than ourselves, it's actually drawing us in.

00:37:40.590 --> 00:38:41.849
Yes. And people say I was a tidal wave, it was a tidal wave of rage. And I can't believe I did this horrible thing, some violent act or, or behavior. And just like somebody lifts a car off of a person in an accident, they have superhuman strength. I mean, it isn't just their strength, they're tapping into the strengths and the rescue impulse of humanity, that all have contributed to that particular ball of energy. And we can I talked to somebody recently, and he said, he loves that idea. And that every morning he taught when he wakes up, he deliberately visualizes this ball hanging over his bed, and starts contributing to and pulling from it, you know, the love or patience or whatever he feels drawn to for that particular day. And she says, these things are all around us, we just can't see them with our human eyes. They're very real.

00:38:38.340 --> 00:38:45.989
They're not like, made up abstract ideas. They're, they're truly they're,

00:38:47.369 --> 00:39:04.918
well, they're entered, I guess I would say they're energetic. They're energetic things that and I love this. I love the idea of again, I for me, I've been trying to do gratitude. I think that's so important. So I have a practice where I wake up in the morning, I'm like, what, you know, I my thing is at least three things and usually goes on for a while.

00:39:04.918 --> 00:39:08.579
I'm like, I have to stop now.

00:39:04.918 --> 00:39:43.978
Because you could learn to be you can learn to be grateful for things and then it's not natural. Because we take things for granted. I tell people, you know, until you're sick, you don't appreciate being well my wife was was sick for a week a little while ago, she she got an infection and she was on antibiotics, their bodies react well to so for weeks, she was sick. And the day she felt better. She's like, I feel so great. You know, and so why not feel grateful when we just when we're able to do things like take a walk like I did this morning, or be able to speak to you, you know, that's that's not a given.

00:39:44.670 --> 00:39:50.190
Yeah, truly, truly.

00:39:44.670 --> 00:40:36.869
And the funny thing about human nature is, you know, we people set goals, and they reach them and then they're not content with that. Then they set the next goal. This can be harnessed in a good way. It can be, you know, we can say, Okay, now I have the, the house I want. And rather than, you know immediately well, but I don't like this and I have to change that and we end Yes, we may remodel or do whatever but. But always there's a chapter in there that talks about when Jesus turned the fish to five, and enough to feed 5000. In a boy gave him I think five fish.

00:40:37.710 --> 00:41:42.210
And it says Jesus blessed the fish, and then he was turning them in, that the key there is that he bless the fish, he didn't say, this isn't enough for this, what can I do with this? To bless what is and to bless simple means to recognize the inherent value without comparing without comparing the analogy is given of $1. If you start comparing $1, it's worthless. But if you just recognize $1 is $1. And in and of itself, that is perfect. And then the other analogy that's absolutely perfect, is when you have a newborn baby, this baby can't clean themselves, they can't walk, they can't do a thing for themselves, they make a lot of noise. And yet, they're perfect. We don't immediately start comparing Well, you know, when are they going to walk or when we just look at this newborn, and we just cherish, you know, she or he is enough.

00:41:42.480 --> 00:42:16.139
Yeah, and get the mindset of enough enough, not immediately a goal of I need more added to that. But when you bless and recognize the inherent value of whatever it is, that's actually when you can turn it into 5000 fish. Because if you just throw them down and say that's not enough, you undo, you know, you undo the value, the inherent value of what's there anyway.

00:42:16.440 --> 00:42:17.880
Yeah, the tangent But

00:42:18.300 --> 00:43:05.789
no, it's I think that's, that's beautiful. I think it's perfect, because I was I was speaking with someone the other day about, you know, the idea of just everything that happened supposed to happen, you know, are we supposed to be and I said, whether it is or not, we are where we are. So we should learn to try to accept where we are. And and when I say except I don't mean just tolerate or just like, Okay, this is where this is where everything in my life has led me to be and have faith that this is where we're supposed to be and then then we can work on the future. You know, yes, we can work to make things better things in the world are not perfect. We'd like for things to be better. But first, I love that bless what is, you know, look at the progress we've made, even as we're judging ourselves, because we're so hard on ourselves. I'm not where I need to be, I'm not who I need to be, but look how far you've come.

00:43:06.239 --> 00:43:22.409
Yes. And you know what, even if you haven't come far, even if you really are at the bottom, and you are fed up with yourself and you feel like you let all your opportunities go and you've ruined your life.

00:43:16.800 --> 00:44:12.269
You know, I mean, even if you really are at that point, remember, the most saintly being that you can imagine once was there. The when you see Michelangelo's beautiful works of art, you don't see all the times that he's slashed the canvas because he was so frustrated with his work or threw it out or said I'm never gonna paint again and went and got drunk, you know, you don't see it. And you you meet people who are successful whether you're talking about something spiritual, spiritual tranquility, they seem to have attained spiritual tranquility or you meet people who have financial success or any of the things that you're looking at that you wish you could have.

00:44:14.250 --> 00:44:18.210
They were not always that way.

00:44:14.250 --> 00:44:34.469
The when you go here a symphony that those people were once little children playing twinkle star on that piano, so don't where you are is valuable. I don't care where you are. Even if you're groveling in the mud.

00:44:34.650 --> 00:45:03.090
It is a valuable time, a valuable experience that will lead you if it's pride. All our self loathing and our beating ourselves up is really a form of pride. Some people think it's a form of humility, but it isn't because we're saying I'm too I'm too good and I'm too important to make those mistakes. It's okay for you. Joe and Susie over there to make those mistakes.

00:45:03.179 --> 00:45:06.030
But I'm not supposed to do it right now.

00:45:06.239 --> 00:45:37.438
Yeah, I think that's a really important concept. And I again, I want to reiterate what you just said, because that gets in for people, I think we missed that we think that beating ourselves up is a form of humility, where I'm pointing out my own faults, and I'm saying, you know, I'm a terrible person, because like this, this or that, and it's exactly the opposite. It's a form of pride, because we're saying, I'm too good for this, I should not make someone else can make those kind of mistakes, but not me, because I'm too good for that. So we need to let that go.

00:45:32.818 --> 00:45:55.708
We need to just say I'm where I'm supposed to be. And that there are, there are people if you want to compare, there are people that are infinitely ahead of you, and they're people that are infinitely behind you. So there is no comparison when we when we really grasp that concept, that we're never going to be a quote, advanced being because there's always gonna be somebody more advanced than us.

00:45:56.188 --> 00:46:07.829
But we're also not at the very bottom, there's always going to be someone that's this this worse, worse than we are also, and except where it is that we are and go forward from there. I think it's so important.

00:46:09.360 --> 00:46:16.440
And some of the difficulties and burdens that we carry, we may actually have agreed to carry for our team.

00:46:16.710 --> 00:46:30.719
Some people have very, very painful lives that have a series of heartaches and others seem to have lives that even though I would say even the best of lives, you know, has heartache.

00:46:32.039 --> 00:46:59.880
It, you know, you see people you don't know what's going on throughout their life. So there are reasons. And yes, if we can be humble and say, I'm like everybody else, I can be, you know, obstinate and angry, and I can be addictive, and I can be a failure, just like anybody else.

00:46:54.809 --> 00:47:04.800
And that marvelous saintly, accomplished person over there.

00:47:00.059 --> 00:47:22.650
Once was in this state, we're all one, we're all doing it together. And try to strive for that humility that can bring you peace, and you can move up and you can move on what keeps us down more than anything. Is that self criticism?

00:47:23.550 --> 00:47:34.889
Yeah. Yeah, I think that's Wow, that's that's, that's really profound. So we've talked about some of the concepts and the books, are there any other concepts of book for particular that you wanted to bring out?

00:47:37.679 --> 00:47:48.179
Yes, there's a chapter called holy creative power. And again, it's talking about that we are these creative beings. And it asks the question,

00:47:52.199 --> 00:47:53.009

00:47:54.989 --> 00:48:10.739
Do you have any doubt whatsoever that you have the power to create chaos, negativity or pain in your immediate environment, right this moment? The question is not asking, do you want to do that?

00:48:06.119 --> 00:48:14.429
But do you see that you have the option to do so with your voice?

00:48:10.739 --> 00:49:10.168
You can speak unkind words, right? This moment, we could choose to do that. We could choose to pick something up and smash it and break it. We could run out in the garden and pull up all the flowers, we have that ability. And then it says the truth as unnatural. As all this may sound The truth is there's never a time that the option to act destructively is not available to you sit with this for a moment, and absorb the impact of what we're saying. The only thing stopping you from behaving in this manner is you and you alone, you are in charge of the choice, you are choosing not to, to speak or act in that, that fashion. Now why is it? Why is it so difficult for people?

00:49:04.949 --> 00:50:09.148
If if we can all agree on that we have no doubt that we have the power to destroy and to be to cause harm? Why do we then why are we so resistant to the idea that we can also create marvelous, wonderful things. The same voicebox that can harm someone with cruel words is the same voice box I'm using right now to try to speak about light and love. So I'm trying to find that one. Do you? Do you sense a hesitation in yourself when you consider this? In comparison, consider the fact that you can create beautiful things in comparison to the absolute certainty you feel when you looked at your power to behave violently. Why is it easier to ignore? To your ability to create chaos and pain than it is to acknowledge your ability to create peace, joy, and harmony.

00:50:10.588 --> 00:50:42.179
So I just think I talked to people sometime about who are depressed are having these kinds of issues. And I try to point this out because the life they're living that they find so miserable is one they have created or agreed with others to participate in, in some way, shape or form. And yet, they, they just say, I can't I can't do any different. I don't know how to change. I don't know how to build a new life. I don't.

00:50:43.528 --> 00:50:51.599
And yet, if you make somebody think, well, do you have the hands to go smash everything?

00:50:47.188 --> 00:51:01.949
Yes. Do you have the voice to do this? Yes. Use the same hands in a different way. Use the voice in a different way. Because we always have both options before us,

00:51:02.099 --> 00:51:16.199
bro. Well, I would even go beyond that. I think a lot of us are doing a lot more good than when gives us give ourselves credit for I find a lot of times people who are depressing. I'm of no value.

00:51:11.518 --> 00:51:18.958
I'll point out to the Are you a parent? Well, yeah, I have kids.

00:51:16.199 --> 00:51:18.958
are you raising your children?

00:51:18.958 --> 00:51:29.159
Are you taking care of them? Are you Are you loving? Well? Yes, I am. Well, that's that's a lot. I saw a comic if there was it was so simple, but was so profound.

00:51:26.039 --> 00:51:36.659
It's just two panels. And the first panel was a guy just pouring lots of water into a bowl who's standing on a rooftop. And he was saying, I'm just a worthless person. I don't I don't really serve anything.

00:51:36.659 --> 00:51:47.188
Anybody. I'm just not I'm no good. The next panel is two pigeons. And they're sitting there at the water. One pinch, it goes, thank God that someone put this water out. And the other one goes, Yeah, I was so thirsty. I wonder who did this.

00:51:47.699 --> 00:51:57.688
And a lot of times, we just don't give ourselves, you know, the credit for the things we do in the world that we consider the little things that might be life changing to someone else.

00:51:58.860 --> 00:52:55.559
This is so so, so true. Again, the vastness of the picture. We don't know why we're carrying a burden. We don't know that the big the big, the trickle down effect exactly, like he did, of our simple efforts. I mean, we don't have to go, we don't have to do enormous marvelous things in this world, to be to contribute light. And I think that's where people forget, they don't realize that if they sit on the porch and just radiate love to the neighbors, as they walk by, they are contributing, and contributing something very, very valuable. They don't have to feel that they that, that it's required to to enter the mainstream of life and do some phenomenal thing or read about people who do these amazing things. That's not the path for everyone. Right?

00:52:56.010 --> 00:53:11.610
Well, and that goes back to the spheres of influence, right? If I'm, if I sit on the porch, and I'm radiating love, and I have the intention of contributing to that spirit sphere of influence, then that is an act of creativity, as you said, that's an act of raising the vibration of all of us.

00:53:12.659 --> 00:53:59.969
It is and when you think about it, I mean some of the very devout meditators, monks, nuns, of different Buddhists of all religions, cloistered people who live very introverted lives. And some, some people choose to simply pray all the time, they stay, they stay to themselves, they meditate, they pray, they don't go out into the world. And I'm not saying that's needed. I'm just saying that as a path that is chosen that is has incredible value. And then you have leaders who, people whose destiny is to stand up and be a world leader, and to work from that platform.

00:53:54.869 --> 00:54:04.949
So there's just infinite the number of ways there there are to live on this earth. Right?

00:54:05.309 --> 00:54:09.449
Right all have value, we can make them valuable. That's exactly

00:54:09.449 --> 00:54:38.369
what I was gonna say. And we and we'll set as humans will rank them and say, Well, this is more valuable than the other. But it's Yes, it's not true from the spiritual perspective. It's just simply not true. We're running out of time. I want to get to a couple of things I want to ask you about. It's been it's been about 10 years, I think, since you wrote the team books. So what's it like for you now in terms of are you still hearing from your mother? Or is that channel still open?

00:54:39.630 --> 00:55:06.960
You know, it isn't open in the same way. It isn't open in this constant bombardment ment of information because they really took advantage of that first year and a half. Yeah, which is the team did to get this written. And then I released the books over the coming year. So it isn't necessary for that to go on.

00:55:02.699 --> 00:55:35.070
When I read the information or speak about it, I'm fully aware of her presence. And I'm fully aware of the team. There are events and moments throughout my life where I do feel guidance and communication directly from her now, and then I've heard a direction or her voice, but it isn't necessary. And so it doesn't occur in the same manner. If it ever is needed.

00:55:31.199 --> 00:55:35.070
I'm sure it could happen again.

00:55:35.398 --> 00:55:51.179
Yeah, I think that's an excellent answer, I think, to broaden out to everybody else, because I know sometimes when our loved ones pass, people feel like I feel them close, you know, now and then now they're gone. They decide the same, do they not care about me as much anymore?

00:55:51.568 --> 00:55:54.028
And I love what you just said, cuz that's what I tell people.

00:55:54.028 --> 00:56:05.639
I'm like, I think we get what we need that I was go back to that Rolling Stone song, you can't always get what you want. But I think we get what we need. And it's not necessarily more so people might say album, Frankie, don't you Don't you miss that.

00:56:05.639 --> 00:56:09.119
But it's, you know, that's, that's just that what's meant to be right now.

00:56:10.139 --> 00:57:32.668
You know, I have to tell you, at one time, when I could feel it kind of fading away. And I went through, I went through a feeling of some loss and grief. And like, I really did. And I sat with that kind of thing. And I finally came to a place where I was able to say, if this never happens again, this wasn't about me. It was to get these books here. And I accept that. And I'm grateful for what happened. And I release all my clinging to the need for that. And it was it was tough Kyler to do that. But I really did. And then not long after that test a few months, I was asked to sing a song I wrote called instrument of peace about St. Francis of cc's prayer. And I had to go out of town to do it. And I sang it. And I spoke about it at this place. And I went to a little meditation room afterwards that they had there.

00:57:26.518 --> 00:58:02.759
And I had the most profound spiritual experience out of almost all of what I've described, not communicating with my mother. But the top of my head opened up and it was like the top of the room opened up and I went straight out into the, into the galaxy that was a complete out of body into the entire glorious galaxy. I didn't ask for it. I was shocked by it.

00:57:58.438 --> 00:58:02.759
But I was propelled out there.

00:58:03.059 --> 00:58:22.768
And I knew it was because I had released my cleaning. desperate need, you know, just to hear or see any of that again. Wow. It couldn't have happened. I knew it when I came back to Earth. I knew that's why it had happened.

00:58:18.389 --> 00:58:43.349
Wow. So I think if we can just know. Even if even if we just let things go. Because there's no time. But there's going to be an earthly time where we might feel a lack of communication or something. But it will, it will.

00:58:44.219 --> 00:58:49.648
Nothing's ever gone. Not really.

00:58:44.219 --> 00:58:53.338
So it will return in its own way in its own time. And not cling not cling to that.

00:58:53.489 --> 00:59:00.269
Yeah. Wow. That's Wow, I like to end on that by doing ask you one more question.

00:58:56.940 --> 00:59:06.719
I know you're working on a novel. And I want to I want to hear about your novel. And because there's some team concepts in the novel. So tell me about that.

00:59:07.650 --> 01:00:01.380
Yes, two things that are going on, I and two other women are narrating the books and working we're working on book one. So that'll be coming out. It'll probably be a good three or four months before that's ready. And then we hope to do the other books narrate the other books too. But the novel was written actually over the course of about a year and it's been finished for about a year and I keep editing it, but it deals with the strands of possibility chapter and the present past chapter in book four, which talks about time, we see time this way, when time is actually this way, and that everything really is happening at one time but when when we're on in a connected to our body.

00:59:56.369 --> 01:01:04.050
We see it This way, it says these simultaneous events occur in this book. And the the awareness that the concept that used is that our evolving awareness and spiritual growth takes us to, to a new level, and we shoot out, we drop a ripple into time, so to speak. And but when you drop a ripple, it goes in all directions, it doesn't go just forward, we think, oh, I've done something, it's affecting my future. It's the idea that I've done something and it's affecting the past. It goes out in all directions. So the events in this story of two women, one in world war two and one a modern woman, they are in separate timelines, but they're really not when they're their decisions. alter the past, and the future for each of them.

01:00:58.710 --> 01:01:11.250
Wow. It's hard to describe. So I'm trying to get it published with a publisher. And if it doesn't happen, I'll Self Publish publish it, probably later this year.

01:01:11.550 --> 01:01:24.989
That sounds that sounds fantastic sounds these concepts are. They're simple, but they're profound. And they're mind boggling. You know, and, and it's something that's why I've read the books, I don't know, three or four times now.

01:01:24.989 --> 01:01:59.880
And I'll probably read them again really shortly. Because every time you read them, you kind of go like another layer deeper. And you can start to kind of apply the things to your life in terms of like, the idea of impacting our past, we all think time is linear and time goes one direction. But again, this is not this is not a unique concept. To the team books, physicists tell us this. They're like, you know, there's no such thing as time Einstein said, time is an illusion. It's a persistent illusion. But it's it's an illusion. It's something that that our brains kind of generate. And once we can start to understand that it just changes everything about our lives.

01:02:00.840 --> 01:02:21.960
Yes, I'm gonna read one little short paragraph to end with, okay, yeah, be great out of that chapter. To be very clear, what you call the past, is continuously being rewritten by the present, not once. But instant by instant. There's actually no past and existence as you remember it to be.

01:02:22.289 --> 01:02:59.369
Because the wisdom you have gained today has reached back through the portals of time and literally transformed past events, rendering them equal in quality to your present state of understanding. In other words, the vibration of a past event is raised, causing the original event to transmute into an event equivalent to your new perspective. And it's definitely mind boggling and take some time. And that's why I wrote the novel, which is called the train to half house in a German town.

01:02:59.519 --> 01:03:09.000
I made up the train to half house and it's the name of it, and I wrote it to to help people see how that might work in real life.

01:03:09.210 --> 01:03:45.750
Yeah, well, I can't wait for the come out when it does. Let me know. And I have to have you back on to talk about that. Because sometimes, analogies and fiction, this is why you know, when I watch movies, like I think about the movie, the matrix, I mean, that is just so mind blowing. And these guys wrote it. And I'll say to people, there's certain things I think were channeled. I mean, I don't know if those guys even had that in him. I think that that was channeled from somewhere else. And there's, there's music that comes through and we'll listen to a song that will give us a very deep concept and like four minutes, you know, just that reaches in or touches our heart. So I'm looking forward to that novel. Yeah.

01:03:46.769 --> 01:03:56.190
Frankie, again, it's been really an honor to have you on thank you for doing this. I want to let people know where can they reach you to find out more about the books or about you or anything else.

01:03:56.460 --> 01:04:26.820
Everything is on the website, the team books with the s the team And I also have a personal website that links to that and to other projects I've done, which is my name, Francis key dotnet. And it's fr A and C II s not is francisci dotnet. So those two websites, and you're welcome to write to me, I write people back I I'm just right here if anybody wants to connect.

01:04:27.150 --> 01:04:50.639
Yeah, thanks so much for doing this again. Have a great rest of your day. Thank you, you too. So that does it for another episode of grief to growth. I sure hope you enjoyed it. If you like this content, make sure you subscribe. So click on the subscribe button here, and then click on the bell to receive notifications and click on all that way you'll be notified whenever I release new content. Thanks for watching, and have a great day.
Frances Key Profile Photo

Frances Key

Author | Scribe | Channel

Frances Key is the scribe of a four-book series called The Team: A Mother's Wisdom from the Other Side. She began writing the books 19 days after her mother died when she sensed her mother communicating important spiritual insights to her. She considers the true authors of the books to be her mother, Teddy Key, and the spiritual team she rejoined after she died.

If you've listened to me for any length of time, you are aware I am obsessed with these books. I first interviewed Frankie in May of 2020. I have participated in a book study she led. And, I've read The Team books no less than three times, maybe almost as many times as she has read them. I find myself referring to concepts in the books continually.

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Oct. 17, 2019

MEETING GOD: Penny Wittbrodt’s Astonishing NDE Insights on Energy!

Send me a Text Message In this eposode, we shared Penny Wittbrodt's near-death experience. She died suddenly and met god. Listen to find out what she found out about energy. Hope that will shock you. Experience the awe-inspir...

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Sept. 1, 2020

REVEALING the AFTERLIFE: John Davis’ Astonishing NDE and Heavenly Enc…

Send me a Text Message I met John several months ago when I invited him to appear at a Helping Parents Heal meeting. John told a fascinating tale of a Near-Death Experience that may be more detailed than any other …

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Aug. 21, 2023

Deconstructing Mediumship: Bridging Science and Spirituality with Mar…

Send me a Text Message Join me, your host Brian, for a captivating journey into the curious domain of mediumship alongside my good friend, acclaimed psychic medium and scholarly attorney Mark Anthony. Prepare to have your pre...

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