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Blaise Kennedy

Blaise Kennedy Profile Photo


I'm not sure if you will use this to introduce me or not. Here is a short bio you could use to introduce me:

Blaise is a spiritual teacher. His teachings an integration of his own path, and the experiences he has from working with his students. Where many spiritual teachings center around personal path and personal development, Blaise focuses on relationship, connection, and the impact of collective fields of consciousness. While Blaise teaches meditation, and personal skills, he is most excited about the growing field of consciousness that is forming in his global community of students.

And here is a bio more for you, for your benefit rather than to introduce me to listeners:

What originally drew me to learn about consciousness was a mix of deep suffering, and deep curiosity. I didn't care at all about awakening, healing or anything else like that until I was 24. If you looked at my life, you could have said I was avoiding these things. I got sent to a drug treatment center when I was 24, and about the same time, I realized that spirituality/awakening was calling to me. Since my life wasn't working out at all, I just gave everything I had into it. I found that it was very naturally for me, and I really enjoyed the process and the way I felt about myself.

When I was 12 years old, my father died. Until I was 24, I did not understand the impact that this had on me. Looking back, I was frozen in time, and was unable to mature after this point in my life. This was a primary factor in my addiction, and all the other problems that I had. Learning to grieve, and understand how emotion can be frozen from the past, was the primary first step in my healing.

At 24 when I completed treatment I was way behind developmentally. I have spent the last 14 years catching up. When I was 27 I had a very powerful spiritual awakening that started a very intense transformation process. I'm open to talking about any part of that that interests you or your listeners.

When I was 34 I started teaching. I had completed a program as a somatic therapist right before that, and felt ready to teach. Over the last 4 years, I have grown so much through teaching, through working with people. I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to grow through working, and I love teaching and working with people, it is my calling.

I teach about awakening, healing, manifestation and collective consciousness. I have a community of practitioners that I work with, from all around the world, with different backgrounds. I teach a traditional spiritual path, like you might hear from popular western teachers like Eckhart Tolle or Adyashanti. But on top of that, or significantly I teach about collective awakening, and the impact of relationship on our trauma and our experience of consciousness. I really lean into our interdependence, and my focus is on creating a field of consciousness that we all thrive in. Trauma, relationship, childhood development, incarnation, and the collective consciousness of the earth are very significant in my work (whereas the traditional, personal path focuses more solely on meditation and personal work and personal insight).