Author | Spiritual Teacher
Bridget's debut novel, Red Dress, is published by John Hunt Publishing and is available at the end of July. It follows the story of Katy, a stressed-out career mum whose successful life isn’t all it seems. Everything’s perfect on the outside, but inside she’s exhausted, lost and falling apart. An impulsive decision sets in motion a domino effect that changes her life. A series of events, a meeting with someone from the past and a sequence of numbers send her on a rollercoaster ride to finding herself. Katy embarks on a path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening, as she embraces a new way of being.
Bridget is originally from the UK and lived in London for many years before moving to Cape Town, South Africa. She is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and healer, and used to work in London's Harley Street.
Since 1995, Bridget has been on a journey of spiritual awakening. She's studied and taught many spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development teachings and explored different techniques – from meditation to yoga and from chanting to prayer. She currently facilitates a study group for The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch (r) by Dr JJ Hurtak.
In 2012, Bridget began coaching people to create their lives 'on purpose' - purposefully and according to their soul's purpose. In 2018, she pulled together three distinct areas of her expertise to create The Bone Circle - a unique, transformative, and life-changing program.
Her 'why' is transformation. Her core message is 'love is the way.'
Send me a Text Message Bridget Finklaire is an author and spiritual teacher. We had a wide-ranging discussion as she has a wealth of knowledge to share that comes from years of experience. She's a wealth of knowledge. I start...