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Born (1958) and raised in Tampa FL, I grew up in a time when no one gave a second thought to what we now recognize as child abuse. I overcame it all with the help of an inner guide I discovered to be co-experiencing through my perceptions when I was five.

I always loved writing (and reading) and science, and I used them (and animals) to distract myself from the world. In 1970, I set aside my guide, deciding he was just an imaginary childhood friend, and became an empiricist. Then, in 1978 I suffered a severe head trauma in a freak accident with horses and had a Near Death Experience (NDE) that changed my perspectives on everything. It also proved to me my guide was real since he met me in the Lustrous Vast between the realms and gave me a life review and revelation. Although God was not unmentioned, my NDE was entirely secular and quite technical, teaching what I was doing wrong perceptually that was making me miserable.

What The Daemon Michael showed me was so powerful I saw it as the door to most quickly ending most of the unnecessary suffering in the world. Filled with compassion, I determined to re-enter the Earth venue to deliver Michael's message of empowerment and salvation.

But it was 1978. The world wasn’t ready to talk/hear about NDEs at the time, and so I kept it to myself. It took eighteen months for my ability to learn new things to recover. I returned to college, changed my major from Biology to Psych and earned my BA in Psychology in two years. In 1995 I finished the work for a second BA in Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences--save one 2 hour course which I had planned to take in Fall of 1996. Michael had other plans.

Sleep deprived from three days of cramming for finals, I came in from my last exam in Spring 1995, and Michael pushed into awareness after a long relative silence. He wakened kundalini with an outpouring of shaktipat, urging me to go sit in front of the word processor and "boot it up."

I was disinclined--weary. Michael insisted, with a deluge of chi fire sizzling through my form. "I have a story to tell you," he said. "I promise it will be a great adventure."

I had to comply, and writing of the lives of characters in another world hijacked my my own story. Writing commandeered my life—and it changed everything again, but that’s another yarn.

Disabled in 2015 by back injury and seizures from the brain trauma I sustained in 1978, I still live in North Florida on a small farm where I raise an endangered species of peacocks, write, and do podcasts as I repurpose my life as a writer of works that subtly model how to take inspiration even from the traumas of living in this world. I’ve worked very hard to make CHALICE, like life, an inspirational horror.

In December of 2021, I began showing as a guest on podcasts by established influencers to tell the tale of the NDE I had been sitting on for forty-three years. My initial interview has been watched over thirty-four thousand times and was received with a great outpouring of love and a doubling of my online platform. Since then I've coached spiritually and for anxiety management, teaching self-observation, coupled to the lucid reframing of life events in ways that empower. Forty-three years after I died, I've at last begun to deliver the message I returned to deliver, and it, in turn, has begun to deliver me.

My work is very spiritual but never religious as I use my characters to credibly and organically model my messages.