How To Connect With Your Guardian Angel- Nancy Yearout EP 414
💡 Episode Summary:
Do you ever wonder if you have a guardian angel watching over you? In this episode, Brian Smith sits down with Nancy Yearout—an angel medium, author, and spiritual mentor—to explore the power of angelic guidance, spiritual laws, and how YOU can connect with your angels today.
Nancy shares her journey from real estate broker to spiritual teacher, the profound messages she receives from Archangel Gabriel, and simple ways you can tune into divine wisdom in your own life. If you're seeking clarity, peace, and connection during these challenging times, this conversation is for you.
🔑 What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- 👼 What are guardian angels, and how do they guide us?
- 🕊 The difference between angels and spirit guides
- 🪶 Simple steps to connect with your angel today
- ✨ How spiritual laws shape your life (and how to align with them!)
- 💖 The power of raising your vibration in a chaotic world
- 🙏 A special channeled message from Nancy’s angel just for you
📌 Resources & Links:
🌎 Connect with Nancy Yearout:
- Website:
- Book: A Guide to Angel Communication [Amazon link]
- Podcast: High Road to Humanity on YouTube
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Brian Smith 0:00
Brian, all right. Hi there. Welcome to grief, to growth. We explore life's deepest questions, and we offer hope, healing and understanding for those that are navigating life's challenges. I'm your host, Brian Smith, and whether you're tuning in for the first time or you're one of our longtime listeners, I'm really glad you're here today, we're diving into a fascinating conversation with Nancy. Year out. Nancy is an author, a public speaker, a podcast host and an angel medium whose mission it is to upload humanity as the host of high road to humanity. She uses her voice and her gift of connection to spirit to enlighten and to inspire. She's the author of wake up the universe is speaking to you. And her latest work a guide to Angel communication. Spiritual law is a profound, profound guide to connecting with spirit, guardian angels and energies of the earth. Nancy's journey as a psychic Empath, healer and angel communicator, brings her unique relationship with Archangel Gabriel, whose messages she channels to guide humanity toward love, charity and towards spiritual balance. In our conversation today, we're going to explore how you connect with your own guardian angel, the role of spiritual laws in creating a fulfilling life and a transformative power of angelic guidance during times of chaos, which I think we all agree we're in right now. So if you've ever wonder how to access the divine wisdom that surrounds us, or how to remain balanced in the chaotic world, this episode is for you, and don't forget afterwards to join us at grief, to to carry on the conversation there. And with that, I want to welcome Nancy. You're out. Thanks for having me, and it's great to have you here. So before we get started about your I know you're communicating with angels. What is an angel?
Nancy Yearout 1:50
Wow, they are, in my mind, God's messengers. Yeah, they're God's messengers, and they're here to guide us and comfort us,
Brian Smith 1:59
okay? And if angels, are they? Have they been human before? Are they a different class of being? I believe
Nancy Yearout 2:07
that some have been human before. I think you can elevate yourself to that height. But I believe that like my angel who stands right next to me, and we all have a guardian angel that stands right next to us. I think it can be either or. I think it can be, you know, that they were always an angel, or it could be that they've elevated to that degree, yeah,
Brian Smith 2:33
okay, and our angels are as a guardian angel, different from a guide.
Nancy Yearout 2:38
Yes, completely, yeah, absolutely, yes,
Brian Smith 2:43
yeah. Can we talk about that? Sure.
Nancy Yearout 2:44
Well, we all come in with a guardian angel when we're born. We have our guardian angel with us, and a lot of people can actually see their angels. Mine stands right next to me. We all have an angel that stands next to us. And if we realize that, we probably would go through life a little bit differently, but we do. And you know, they just want to be acknowledged, but we do have free will. And because we have free will, they really can intervene. They can nudge us, and as we wake up and elevate, they can give us signs, like people start to see the 1111, or 2222 or a feather, or things like that, because the signs have always been here. It's just that we are now starting to see them, because we are elevating our own consciousness. And that's kind of what's happening right now. Okay,
Brian Smith 3:33
and your your ability to connect with your guardian angel and with other beings. When did that begin?
Nancy Yearout 3:40
You know, we all have the ability. First of all, I want to say that, because we all have the ability. And I can teach everybody how to do it today, and we can learn. You can learn in my book too, it's a guide to Angel communication, but, but when I what happened with me is I wrote my first book, wake up. The universe is speaking to you. I was a real estate broker and I was a single mom, and I needed to draw business to myself. So I started to understand how the universe worked and how to draw business to myself. So I wrote the book, and I was on a lot of different podcasts, and I really felt like people weren't hearing me. I really wanted to teach people about the energy and how it all worked, and how we could all tap in. And the more so I started a podcast, right? I wrote to humanity, well, the more I interviewed people, and the more I connected with the Divine Source every day, with God I would bring in the light every day. And the more I connected, the more connected I became, you see, and then people started to recognize the vibration, you know, because when you raise your vibration, I would have spiritual people, and then people would see my angel, and then I've had other angel communicators, you know, come on. And then it was a process. It was me acknowledging. And I did have a guardian angel. But I think what really did it for me, Brian was. When I was doing readings for people, and you have to realize I'm just the conduit. You know, the information comes in from spirit and does come from my guardian angel, which they're on a really high frequency, by the way, I want to say that. So that's the difference between your guides and your angels. Your angels are on a higher frequency. So when I started to bring my angel in to answer questions for the clients, is what really floored me, because she was able to tell people what they needed to know in a comforting, you know, kind way to help people. And some of the information just blew my mind. And that's how it really, you know, okay, fine. You know, we all have a guardian angel, and so I've been communicating with her ever since, and then communicating with Gabriel, with messages in the book for humanity and and that type of thing. So we all have,
Brian Smith 5:54
we all do, okay? So each have a guardian angel, and then there's, there are other angels Look, we've heard of Gabriel and Michael and the other so how are they different? Well,
Nancy Yearout 6:05
they all have a special it's really interesting. They all have a special gift. Just like we all have our own special gift, there are angels that you can call in to help you if you're going on a trip, calling the travel angels. I've learned to call in the travel angels when I'm going somewhere. I've learned to call in the business angels if I'm going to do a project, the angels are here to help us. But again, we go back to the same thing. We have free will, and unless we call them in and ask them, they really can assist. Now, there are times where there's an accident, there are certain angels that will help in a car accident, things like that. But generally, it's up to us to acknowledge their presence and to work with them. And when we work with them, they're grateful that they're acknowledged and they're grateful to help us. Okay,
Brian Smith 6:56
well, you know, it's interesting that you say that everyone has this ability that, and I've talked to many mediums over the years, and I know that some some say that we all have this ability, and I guess we all do to a certain extent. Now, I've never seen my guardian angel.
Nancy Yearout 7:12
Oh, let's do it. You want to connect? You want to connect over here? Sure. All right, let's do it. All right. Well, we're going to teach the audience, so I'm excited. Can you tell? I just think it's the greatest thing in the world to connect to God and connect to your angel. Alright, so this the first thing we want to do when we're going to connect. The first of all is to connect to God. And I always say a prayer. So let me just say a quick prayer here, May the light of God surround us. May the power of God protect us wherever we are. God is we ask only those who are holy and divine to come in today. And we ask that Brian can connect with his guardian angel. And we ask this in the name of Jesus, Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen. Okay, now the way you do this is you acknowledge your angel. So you want to say, I acknowledge my angel that's holy and divine. So go ahead and
Brian Smith 8:03
say that I acknowledge my angel. It's holy and divine.
Nancy Yearout 8:07
Now the next thing you're going to do is ask your angels name, but before you do it, what you're going to get is the first thing that comes into your mind. You won't have time to think, okay, so when you ask your angel who, and you're going to say it again, I'm asking my angel who's holy and divine, because you don't want to call in just anything. So you want to say my angel who's holy and divine, what is your name? And listen, so go for it. Okay,
Brian Smith 8:35
so my angel who's holy and divine, what is your name? And I have to say that I had a medium once tell me who my, my guardian or my, my primary guidance. So that's the first thing that came to me. Is it's Regina,
Nancy Yearout 8:51
okay, well, she's an angel. I said that's the first thing that came to you. So now you know the difference. It came to you before you could even think, and that's how you communicate with your angel, and they're very grateful, you know, to work with you. Yeah, come anything you can ask them, should I go here? Should I go there? What do you think about this outfit today? You know, they don't care. They're here to help us. So nothing is too small, okay, yeah, yeah, ask your guardian angel, but now you know you can communicate. Now ask your angel if they're male or female, or if they have no sex at all, or whatever question you'd like to ask, is that okay? Do you want to ask that?
Brian Smith 9:29
Yeah, well, as I said, Regina, so obviously female. Oh,
Nancy Yearout 9:34
it's a few, okay. Well, um, what else do you want to ask? Is there something else you'd like to Why don't you ask if she has a message for you?
Brian Smith 9:43
Okay, do you have a message for me? And the first thing I get is that you're doing okay. You're doing fine. God bless, yeah, yeah,
Nancy Yearout 9:56
I'm getting all hot. Can you tell the energy gets. Really, really warm.
Brian Smith 10:00
Yeah, well, it's actually weird, because I've got my heater on. I'm getting hot too. So
Nancy Yearout 10:05
it's the exchange of the energy, if you see, I don't know if anybody's watching me, but I start to sweat, because the energy level gets so high with the angelic ground. And when you're looking for advice, and you're looking for somebody who's really got your back, who better than your guardian angel because they've been standing next to you since birth? Yeah,
Brian Smith 10:25
I think it's, it's such an interesting concept, because as I, as I do this work and I deal with people that are going through difficult times and going through grief and everything, the universal order, the universal things, is like people feel alone, they feel they feel abandoned. And it's kind of funny. I met a guy many years ago, and I was just starting the podcast, and we were talking about being human and the reasons for incarnation, all that stuff. And one of the things he says, one of the things we come here, is to feel this feeling of abandonment, this feeling of light, of being. I think we've all felt that right sometimes. And it's the concept that we do have guardians, we do have guides, we do have angels. I think would bring would change everything, right?
Nancy Yearout 11:08
Well, and let me just say, the first thing that I teach in this book is how to connect to source, how to connect to God. Because, and I'll just be honest, I went through a terrible divorce, and I was after I started my podcast, and the more elevated I became, the less attached we became, if that makes sense. And so yeah, and but what saved me was my relationship with the divine, with spirit, with God, because I kept looking for love outside of myself, and the love was there all the time. I just needed to bring it in. So when you have this love for spirit, and you feel the love of God inside of you, and you have the angels around you, you don't look for it outside of yourself anymore. Does that make sense? It
Brian Smith 11:54
makes a lot of sense. And when you said that, it reminded me of people that have had near death experiences or any kind of spiritual transformative experience. Their divorce rate is really high for people that have had in the ease, because they become a different person, right? So as as you're growing spiritually and becoming more connected to something other than the earthly things, it makes sense that you could grow apart from someone who's not growing in that path. Yeah,
Nancy Yearout 12:20
and there's nothing you can do about it. Everybody grows at their own pace, so you can't judge anybody, but you have to move forward for your own soul. Is how I feel about this.
Brian Smith 12:32
Yeah, I completely, I completely agree. I don't think it's anybody's fault, and that's another thing we have to another lesson, I guess, is we're here that not everybody, as is going to, I hate to use this term, but everybody, everybody's going to wake up, right? Uh, nobody's going and we can't force people to do something that they're not interested in doing.
Nancy Yearout 12:50
Yeah, that's true, and it's hard. It is difficult, you know, like I would come home every day and I tell my ex husband, you know about my show and who I interviewed and, you know, he didn't care. I just like, you know, and you're, I'm like, so jazzed about it, you know. And the more you do it where, of course, you know this, the more you interview people, the more you do this work, you know, it's just, it's very exciting to learn all this stuff and to connect. It really is. It's cool stuff.
Brian Smith 13:17
It is. And that's another good point, you know, but it can also be very lonely, because it's, it's you, because you're growing away from the majority of people. So if you don't find people that you can connect with, and I'm fortunate, I get to talk to people like you, you know, all the time, so I don't feel that isolation. I think other people do, and they start to wake up, and everybody else around them is still asleep. You're
Nancy Yearout 13:41
right that. Do you know what high road to humanity? My podcast has saved me through the divorce and through because I divorced in 2020, Mm, oh, wow, yeah, so, and it saved me through the pandemic too, because I still was able to have conversations with people like you. Same thing. Didn't that really help you to be able to, you know, relate with other people?
Brian Smith 14:04
I completely believe that people are meant to be in community. That we are, we are tribal beings, that we are, we are social beings. And even though you could be surrounded by people, it can be very lonely if they don't have the same mindset that you do, and you can't discuss the things that are that are really important. And, you know, it's funny, because I do this so much, it doesn't seem Woo, Woo to me or whatever. And I have people come on the program that maybe aren't quite as out about spirituality, and they'll be very shy about it. Yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to step on anybody's toes. And, you know, I do kind of believe that my loved ones still with me and and I'm like, you can say it here, because this is what I believe. This is what people are listening. Otherwise they wouldn't be listening. Yeah, but I think it's really important that as we're going through difficult times, which, as I said earlier, I think we all agree that. Are, no matter which side of the aisle you're having to be on. We're all thinking this, things are crazy right now. Yeah, so I think we need that, that connection.
Nancy Yearout 15:10
We absolutely do. You know, it's funny I think about tick tock, and I'm trying to get rid of tick tock, but it's interesting to watch all the stuff that's going on. I'm in Connecticut. So we're watching the drones. You know, we're watching these fears, and we're we're trying to figure out what they are, but the and my light just went on, that's, yeah,
Brian Smith 15:31
did you watch my life? I did see it. Come on.
Nancy Yearout 15:34
But the thing is, we're also aware of it, and because of social media, we can connect and let each other know, hey, I'm seeing it too. You're seeing what I'm seeing. I mean, it's actually been, I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, as far as you know, the owner of it coming from, you know, China and all of that. But bottom line is, people are connecting and sharing information. I think you know, which is kind of cool for whatever reasons. You know,
Brian Smith 16:02
yeah, you know, we live in an age where we don't know what to trust. You know, we and we and we know that governments lie to us. This is not a conspiracy theory. It's just a fact that, you know, and corporations are running things and all that kind of stuff. So I view the internet as a way that, again, I think we're we need to be in community. This is a way that we can speak to each other. Now, again, there's a lot of MIS misinformation that can be misused, but at least we know we can, we can connect with each other and talk about what we're seeing. And it does seem like things are being exposed, which I think is a good thing.
Nancy Yearout 16:36
I agree with you. And back to what I was talking about, connecting to the divine. We've lost our connection. This is why I'm so I mean, it's like my mission to teach people to connect back to God. Because we are just We are Energetic souls. We're these energetic beings in these bodies who've lost our connection to Source, and that is our energy source, that the love, the frequency that we get when we bring in the light. When we connect to God, we connect to spirit, whatever you want to say, whatever you want to call it, it's that higher power and connecting to the earth energy. Same thing, you know, the Earth has all these healing energies. And if we don't take off our shoes or visualize connecting, how do we get those energies? Especially now with the way of the world, it's even more important for us to connect. The reason I'm okay, I have to say this, to be honest with you and let the audience know, the reason I'm so adamant about this is when you connect with God and you connect with the Earth, you're more balanced. You're not the the things that go on around us are going on around us, but you're not playing into it. You're more of an observer instead of a participant, and that is why I just feel it's so important that people connect and stay balanced and stay in the love vibration, and not buy into all this. You know what I mean?
Brian Smith 17:54
I absolutely, completely agree with you. I think that the biggest problem with humanity is we have lost who we are. We've lost our connection. We don't we don't know who we are. We don't know why we're here. We've got this very materialistic mindset that says that the universe is an accident, a cosmic accident. We don't, you know, it came up. It's kind of crazy, because the odds of the universe existing are like and they're so big that no one could imagine it should not be here, looking at natural causes, but we've been told that we're an accident and that we're just these biological beings, and we didn't come from anywhere. We're not going anywhere. And that's the that's the mindset a lot of people have, and so they're they're so caught up in what's going on, and I can look at it, and, yeah, I could be upset about things, and this is not what I would prefer, but I have a different perspective, as opposed to how permanent it is.
Nancy Yearout 18:48
And you can be the light, and that's what I do. I'm the light. I go out there, when I go out into the world, I just, you know, stay up, stay, you know, balanced, and keep my frequency high. And that actually helps everybody else you know around you, and what you do right now helps truly.
Brian Smith 19:07
Yeah, well, and that's the other thing. We feel so powerless. We feel like, okay, all this stuff is going on around us. I have, there's no way I can control it. It's just, it's just out of control. It's just pure chaos. And, you know, I was, I've realized lately, and I've told people, your thoughts can help. You know, your prayers can help, raising your own vibration can help. And again, I'm an engineer, so I'm a very rational person, but there's been there. There's evidence that shows that doing those things can change the world, and we can each do those things ourselves.
Nancy Yearout 19:41
Well, it's up to each and every one of us to work on ourselves, to raise our vibration, and we're all going to do it at a different time, but the more people that wake up and raise their vibration, that better off we all are as a collective. Yes, yeah,
Brian Smith 19:56
I completely agree with that. So, um. Are you getting any guidance from angels, from Archangel Gabriel, what as as to where we are, humanity, where we
Nancy Yearout 20:08
are? Well, there's a, yeah, there's a ton of messages in here from Gabriel. In the back of the book, I can bring in my angel and ask her if she wants to bring a message in for humanity. If you'd like, do you want to be great? Sure. Okay, well, her, she's Haley. I work with Haley, and so what? What message do you have for humanity today? What do you want to say? Oh, she likes balance. If we could all take a moment and connect back to source the energy, because of the loving vibration and the energy revitalizes us, physically, emotionally. It's a combination when you are in the light, there is much peace rather than chaos. So she asked that we all take a moment say a prayer. Say just connect. Have a have a conversation. There is a source of love that you could speak to who will respond and watch over you and
all we ask is that you approach each other with kindness, compassion and love, and as you do this compassion and love and the energy within It will expand. That's all I got. I
Speaker 1 22:02
am sweating here. All right? I am sweating. Yeah, no, I understand. I don't
Nancy Yearout 22:07
know she's Yeah, I think she said it that energy is going to expand. That's all I remember.
Brian Smith 22:11
Yeah, well, you talked about balance and and, you know, try loving each other, which, you know, it's kind of interesting to me. People have near death experience. Experiences come back, and the message is universally like the same. It's all, it's about love. It's about loving each other's by treating each other. And, you know, I think sometimes we look for, we look for deep, complicated things. And I think it really comes down to that, yeah,
Nancy Yearout 22:39
it's not that complicated. It really isn't, you know, and you're right. Our words make a difference, and our thoughts make a difference. And all we have to do is, you know, everybody has tough days. You know, I have tough days too. We all do. But I the weirdest thing I have to tell you, when you connect to the Divine, or even if I bring my angel in, like, right now, just her coming in and being with me and giving that message, even though I remember everything she said, her energy is just like overwhelming for me, which brings my energy level up. You know, just connecting with our angel and God changes us completely. We're these energetic souls, and we act like we're not, you know? Yeah,
Brian Smith 23:22
it's crazy, it is. And that's the thing that you you use the term God. I know it's early. You said Jesus. So are you? Are you a Christian?
Nancy Yearout 23:35
Yeah, I grew up, well, I grew up in the church of Christ. My father taught Sunday school. I sang in the choir, you know, all of that. And then I really got disillusioned with organized religion, to be honest with you, I went to and I really like the Unity Church. And I went to the Unity Church, but even there, and this was probably 20 years ago when I went, there was so much judgment. I was by myself. I was young, and the minister was so happy to meet me, and his wife just looked holster me, so I didn't feel welcome. So it took me a so I went to different churches, and they all wanted to know what I did for a living and how much money I made, yeah, and so I stopped going. And I am a minister myself, because I do readings, and I don't want to have to give out that information. And I like to keep it, you know, but I will tell you, I don't like organized religion. I grew up in it, but I don't agree with all of it. I think that it's backwards, instead of, we just need to welcome each other, and, you know, worship together, but it's always about who has what, and what can you do for me? And it comes down to money and things, and that's not what this is about at all. Yeah, so I've lost that. I don't believe in it anymore, even though, you know, I I believe. Jesus. Jesus has come to me many times, but I don't believe in organized religion at all. Yeah, yeah, that's where I met with it. Well,
Brian Smith 25:07
it makes sense. I think a lot of us have been on similar paths. I was, I was raised in the church. My grandfather was the pastor of our church. I was raised Pentecostal, and I it's like, this doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It's funny, but I do kind of find myself kind of coming back around in a different way. Though. I was listening this morning to Swedenborg. I don't know if you've heard the podcast Swedenborg in life, but Emmanuel Swedenborg was a 17th century philosopher, scientist, politician, etc, and he started having all these experiences where God was taking him into heaven, you know, the angels and stuff. And so he writes this stuff about, like, you know, the inner meaning of the Bible and stuff. It's pretty it's pretty wild stuff, but it makes a lot more sense than the way the church has distorted the message of Jesus. Well, yeah,
Nancy Yearout 26:03
it goes back to I have a Bible my father gave me from Scotland, from the 1700s so it's been in our family that long. So it's very old, and it reads completely different than the Bible today. So if I want to read a scripture, I will read it in the Kings, King James Version, or whatever, today, but then I'll go to the family bible and realize that's not what they meant. And you have to, yeah, it's just crazy. And even in the Bible from the 1700s it says in the very beginning that it was that it may not all be accurate because of the translation, because it was translated, you know, from a different language. So I think the trend it's been a lot of it's been lost in translation, some of it lost on purpose in translation. But it's really interesting to read the the Bible that I had from long ago to now. It's, yeah, different. Yeah, it
Brian Smith 27:00
is. And the thing about religion is, I think the need for religion is kind of falling away. Religion is it's a great I hope it's like training wheels. You know, a lot of times we come up in it, and it tells us some good things, like be nice to each other, and, you know, God is love and stuff like that. But I think that a lot of people end up out growing that and going to something more universal. And, you know, and it's been it really interesting and fascinating to study other religions, to study Buddhism and Kabbalah and Hinduism, etc, and find out that there's universal truth that permeates all of it. So I see mankind getting to a point where it's like we don't need religion anymore, because we're going to say this is just truth. We don't have to put labels on it. Well,
Nancy Yearout 27:50
if we could all just be real and be kind to each other, wouldn't that change things?
Brian Smith 27:54
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. I mean, think about it,
Nancy Yearout 27:57
you know, if we just be honest with each other, that's, you know, there's so much deception and so many untruths right now, but it's coming out, and it's changing. And I do see a change. And it's, it's exciting to see the change
Brian Smith 28:10
it is, and it's, it's, it's a lot of stuff that Jesus said, I'm, I'm also a big fan of Jesus. And, you know, he said things like, don't call any man father. You know, basically he was like, go straight to to the source, which is what you're you're talking about, you know, we don't have to go through a priest. We don't have to go through a pastor. We don't need someone to read the Scripture, you know, for us, yeah, we can. We can go direct. And I think people are starting to get to the level where it's like, that's what we want to
Nancy Yearout 28:40
do. Well, it's interesting to think that that's how the Catholic Church was. Yeah, couldn't even have a Bible. I didn't know that for a long time. My dad told me that, that, you know, that they didn't have same things with the Jewish religion. You know, they you have to go through, you know, the rabbi or whatever. To me, it's like, come on, we're all here. We're all souls disconnect. You know, God wants to, you
Brian Smith 29:03
know, and it's funny for for hundreds, hundreds, almost 1000s of years, people, you know, accepted that and the church not to pick on them. But this is what man does the church and interjected themselves between the people and God and said, okay, you don't need to read the scriptures. We'll, we'll read it for you. It's, it's hard to believe for people that are younger than than I am. For example, the mass was set in Latin, with the priest back to you so or Yeah, so he would be facing the altars, you know, mumbling the mass and the people and the pews. First of all, they didn't understand the language. Just second. They couldn't really hear it. So some of the words we have, I think, like the word hocus pocus and abracadabra, I think are two words that came from people misunderstanding what the priest was saying. So it's just, it's wild that you know, they were like, let us do this for you. And now we can't even imagine. In that because now we have access to pretty much everything. Or maybe
Nancy Yearout 30:03
they said it on purpose, I don't know. Oh my gosh. Well, it's true. You know what? We have minds of our own, and we have to stand in our truth and we and that's where, I think, where a lot of people say, Be your authentic self, and if you really go within and you really spend some time with yourself and with the divine. I think we all find that connection, you know?
Brian Smith 30:27
Yeah. So what are some tips that people can use? Because when we say, connect with God, or what are people, how can people? How do I do that? How do I start? Well,
Nancy Yearout 30:35
let me tell you what I've done that's really helped me a lot. Um, when I get up in the morning, I say a prayer and I journal. That's my that has been the biggest help for me is to write down my thoughts onto paper. The ink makes it stick, you know, and I, you know, you wake up in the morning and you have all the stuff in your head. And I write to God every day, okay, Dear God, I need your assistance with this. Can you please? And it's how you say it. I need your assistance. Can you please guide me? Show me, you know, those kind of things. So use that kind of verbiage. You know, you can speak it, but writing it down seems to really just like, get it out, and then I pray, and then I bring in the light, and I ground down to Mother Earth every day. That's just me, but I really feel like just connecting. Takes two seconds. You know, I visualize light coming down through the top of my head, through the crown chakra, down through my body, out my arms, down through the torso, down my legs, out my feet. And if you can visualize that light coming in, and it really does come in, you guys. It changes your body, it changes how you feel, and you become more joyful. That and just writing has really helped me a lot. Yeah,
Brian Smith 31:52
those two things you've mentioned balance a couple times, and I noticed you talk about connecting the guy and you, and you usually balance that out with connecting with Mother Earth also. So why is it important to connect to
Nancy Yearout 32:02
both? Well, because, as above, so below, so below there is light. And what I do is Mother Earth has energy. You know, she's full of energy. The worst thing we've ever done is put shoes on. If we didn't have shoes on all the time, we would walk out onto the ground and we would feel her energy. So it's really important to do that as often as you can. If it's cold and you can't do that, then the visualization of roots coming out of your feet, going down into the ground are is perfect. You're still visualizing it. It's still happening. It's energetic. Why is it happening? Because you're visualizing and it's energetic. So I visualize the roots going all the way down to the core, to where I hit light, and I bring the light up. So I don't just bring the light down, I bring the light up too, because I want to connect to that energy of Mother Earth. And I ask her and thank her for the energy. And it's healing. Yeah. Really healing, yeah,
Brian Smith 33:00
yeah. Yeah. As we talk about, you know, that's, I think the, that's one of the things that's been lost from Christianity, Christianity, which became a very patriarchal system, you know, you hear about the Father, you hear about the Son, and you hear about the Holy Spirit, which doesn't really seem to have a gender, but the feminine just got wiped out of Christianity? Totally, yeah. And that's where I think some of these other traditions, because, as you talk about, I think about, it sounds like Native American more, you know, Father God and mother earth, yeah, which we don't, we don't have that in in modern, Western Christianity. And I'm going to lump it all together. But I remember reading a book many years ago by a pastor? Is it okay to call God Mother, which is really interesting, because it was about how we've lost that feminine from from our our spirituality.
Nancy Yearout 33:51
Well, there is the mother and the father aspect. And so, yeah, I look at her as Mother Earth, that is, you know. And this is a gift. We look at things all wrong. We are so we should be grateful that we are here, that she's letting us inhabit her, you know. And what we have done is not honor her, and I think that has been a real, real problem, but she does have healing energy that really will help us, you know. And, yeah, I agree with you. You know, the mother, father, God aspect has just been like lost, because, but I what that was done on purpose. In my mind, that was done be, you know, so men could control. I think women have a lot of spiritual power, and they wanted to kind of squash that. My feeling on that one. That's what I think. Yeah,
Brian Smith 34:41
you know, I agree. It was funny. I was, I was on a guest on another podcast the other day. We were talking about the balancing of the energies and the feminine and the masculine. Was we, as we term them, because they're not, they don't have sexes, you know, but they're, they're different types of energies, and I think we're way too far on the Mass. And he was like, Yeah, but they're trying to make, they're trying to feminize men, you know, they're trying to make men and the women. And I'm like, No, I don't, I don't think that's what we're trying to do here. But
Nancy Yearout 35:10
people are lost, you know, people are lost. You know, men need to be men and women need to be women. I don't know all this craziness I feel is evil. I'm sorry, that's what I think about it. I think it's weird, and I think it's wrong. I think people just need to be who they are, you know, yeah,
Brian Smith 35:28
I think they are. I don't, I don't think people, I mean, everybody, might feel a little bit different about this. I think there's too much male energy period in our planet, and too much male energy in men, which, by the way, hurts men too. It's not just that. It hurts women. It doesn't allow us to be full human beings. And we were this guy and I were talking about like men expressing emotions, and he goes, Well, you can't be weak, you know? And I said, What? He goes, No, you can't be weak. And he's a lot younger than I am, but he says you can't be weak in front of women because they'll just pounce on you. And I'm like, wow. Okay, well, I've been out of the dating world for like, 40 years, so I don't know that. Maybe that's true, but that's not word, you know. I don't think we're trying to say that men, you know, cannot express emotions, but yeah, I was we're
Nancy Yearout 36:20
back to balance again. We've lost right? Exactly We need to come back into balance where, you know, we have the feminine and the masculine. And, yeah, a lot of women, I think, have tried to emasculate men. I don't know why, but they need to be who they are, and we need, you know, it just needs to be equal. There needs to be a balance, like equality in everything, we're still not equal, even to this day. I mean, honestly, even in the workplace, it's not equal, you know. And that's, it's a sad thing. But we're all, I don't know. We've got to get to this point where we all realize where these souls and these bodies and gender is really not the key. That's
Brian Smith 36:59
the thing you know, that's the thing you know, and that's, that's the you know, when I the points, I guess, and that's when we start to realize that we're not our bodies, and that we've been both genders at various times in our in our past, and and we just happen to embody this, this particular gender at this time. But that's not who we are. And I think we're all we need a balance in society, and we also need a balance within ourselves, of both of those energies. Because if you're too quote, unquote masculine and you're just totally logical and you never listen to intuition or emotion, then that's gonna lead you down a very dark path, one direction. But also, if you just, if you just solely rely on emotion, then that could lead you astray. Also, we've got to have that balance between, between the two, even within ourselves. No,
Nancy Yearout 37:53
that's absolutely true, and I think men do need to get back that it's okay to use your emotions. I mean, that's why we're here. We're here to learn. And how are we going to learn? Because we don't have emotions in the etheric body. So we come here to be in these bodies so we can experience emotions. That's to me. You know, if people could realize that that's
Brian Smith 38:16
interesting, so we don't have emotions in the etheric body? No,
Nancy Yearout 38:19
I think that's why we come here on Earth, to learn experience, right? Because when we come out of our body, you don't really, you can't feel like you do down here, so it's different. So we come here to experience. So, yeah, it'd be really difficult if you didn't experience those emotions, then you'd have to come and do it all again.
Brian Smith 38:38
Yeah, I agree 100% like we come here to experience emotion. We come here to experience the the push and the pull to even have to even have difficulties, because as difficulties push us to grow and push us to overcome and if we Yes, I think we come from a place where we don't have that push and pull to experience that so that we can, we can know the contrast. You know, there's old saying, you can't know what light is without knowing what Dark is. You can't know what hot is without knowing what cold is, etc. And so I think that, yeah, I agree. We're here to experience it, and I think also to learn to balance those things out and with I know my experience, and a lot of men's experience, and in our culture, is like, don't trust your emotions, you know. And the reason I became an engineer was because I was like, I like engineering because there's a right answer. You it's math, it's chemistry, it's physics. You know, you can you can design something, you can run an experiment. You know exactly how it's going to turn out. And I like right answers. And it took me a long time in life to figure out that that's not how life is. If you're designing a bridge or you're creating a chemical product, I'm a chemical engineer. You. Then, yeah, that works. But if you're trying to make a decision on who you're going to marry, logic is not going to get you there.
Nancy Yearout 40:07
Mm, hmm, exactly. So, yeah, it's we're here to learn. We absolutely are here to learn. And you know, our angels are here to help us, and God's here to guide us. It's us. This is what I really think. I think we're all down here to learn. I wouldn't have, I wouldn't be where I'm at today, if I wouldn't have gone through tragedy, I wouldn't have connected with God so much, if I wouldn't have been catapulted to, you know, when you get to a point where you're like, What do I do now? That's when you start working on yourself, and you really connect back to God. And I think we're here to learn to connect back to God so that we all eventually go back to Spirit God, whatever you want to say. I think we're here to learn and then we all go back to where we came from originally. That's what I think. We go back to source. Yeah,
Brian Smith 40:57
well, I haven't talked to a person yet who's been on my podcast, who's gotten to where they are. Let's see if this is true without going through some sort of quote, unquote tragedy or multiple tragedies, because I believe those are the things that that do wake us up, and when you can be grateful even for that thing that that hurts you so bad, worse than anything else that ever hurt you, when you can learn to be grateful for that, I think that's where you're getting closer to where we're we're meant to be here. Yeah,
Nancy Yearout 41:28
you're absolutely right. Yes, that's true. That's true. We have to go through the hard things. Life is not easy, and it's not meant to be. That's a hard thing to realize, but it gets better after you start to realize you know that we're here to learn and that. How can I say this? Not everything's going to be perfect, but look at things as lessons instead of it's happening to me. Think it's happening for me on my behalf, because the more you learn, the more you elevate your soul,
Brian Smith 42:04
right, right? And that's that, is that, that, that dichotomy, I guess, is the word of being human, right? And again, we get to the point, we you can get to the point, and I'm not there where you can look at everything as like. This is a lesson. This is here. This is here for me. This is not happening to me and so and that way it does take the sting out of it, at least, right? Because we're not a victim anymore, right? That's it. It's like, God, why did you do this to me? It's more like, Okay, what am I? What am I here to learn? What can I learn from this? And, you know, as as I'm getting older, I can look back and I can see practical things of this, right? So when I say, this is not just theory. I was divorced when I was very young, and I got it was a it was a very short, very fiery relationship. I mean, we were married for like, less than a year, or about a year, and I remember when my wife that I've been married to now for 34 years, she goes, I really wish you weren't divorced, because I don't and I don't really want to date a divorce person. And I said, If I weren't divorced, I wouldn't be the person I am now. So I'm grateful for that relationship that I went through, even though it was terrible, it was awful, it was it was violent. I'm grateful for what I went through, because it taught me something, and it's part of what made me who I am today, right? I got fired from a job when my daughter was nine months old, you know? And it was that seemed like a terrible thing, but it opened up doors and it forced me to take opportunities that I would would otherwise not have taken, if I would have just stayed in that job or was comfortable. I was making good money, I had a salary, and I ended up taking a job that was 100% commission, and it turned out to be great. So, you know, people listen to podcasts. Have heard me tell these stories before, but the reason I say this is like you can look at your own life, you can right. And you know that this thing that when you were going through it was, was hell on earth, it propelled you forward
Nancy Yearout 44:10
Exactly. And it's, I don't know, it seems like it's either a death, a loss of a job, a divorce, you know, it's always something like that. You're absolutely right, because I would have stayed, you know, doing what I was doing. I would have stayed married, you know. But I was pushed. I was pushed, yeah,
Brian Smith 44:28
it's like the, it's like the baby bird getting pushed out of the nest, right? Yeah, yeah.
Nancy Yearout 44:32
And the universe does it too. And if you get too comfortable, you're absolutely right. I thought that was interesting, that you said that, because it seems like when you get too comfortable, that's when the universe really does push up, you know? Okay, you're too comfortable. We're gonna do something different. Now you've got another lesson to learn, just like, what? Yeah,
Brian Smith 44:50
yeah. Well, I believe this, but then I'm like, Okay, enough lessons. I'm at the point now where I'm just ready to cruise for the rest. Oh no.
Nancy Yearout 44:59
It keeps. Going, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I hear you. But, you know, that's my goal, is to really, you know, teach people how to connect and, and I don't want to make it a scary thing. I want to make it a really cool thing, you know, yeah, it's just like, we're, we're these computers that need to plug back into the motherboard, you know what I'm saying? So,
Brian Smith 45:19
well, yeah, I think it's, it's it's really necessary. It is, you said it's our, it's our energy source. I often use analogy of like human beings were like batteries, yeah, we only have so much energy from within. Or, well, that's not really true either, but just using the analogy of a battery, when we have so much energy, and then we have to recharge, right? We can't, we can't always be putting out. We've gotta, we've gotta plug in. Yeah, I was just gonna say that's
Nancy Yearout 45:44
something I can tell the audience. Of course, I do this, but I asked the angels, I put my hands out in the morning just like this, and I say, okay, angels, who are holy and divine, fill me up with your light. And you should do this in the morning, Brian, because, I mean, they fill me up with so much cool light, you know? And you can feel it coming in your hands. It's bizarre. And instead of drinking the coffee, I mean, like, I drink my coffee, but then I'm like, Oh, I'm drinking too much coffee. I just need light. Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. It's like, changing it up and real. I know it sounds weird, but it's true. If you put your hands out like this, and you ask, you know, again, holy and divine angels, you know, just don't call anything in, right? You know, you can feel that the love energy coming into your to your body, you really can,
Brian Smith 46:32
yeah, and, you know, it's interesting. Again, being the rational person I am. I'm like, Okay, is it really energy coming into my hands? You know, this is the way I used to think about it, but now I realize that, you know, some of these things are analogies, but some of them are actually literally true, and they're different ways to plug in. Like for me, I do a gratitude practice every morning when I wake up. Okay, so that's something that works for me. I think about things that I'm grateful for. I take a long walk every every morning before I start work, I walk for almost two hour 45 minutes, and I walk and I listen to podcasts and stuff like that. Oh, I love that, that that charges me up, so that when I get ready to start my day, I've got that energy in the morning. And then I took this meditation practice from guy named Kelvin Chen, and so I try to meditate twice a day, especially during the week, when I'm, you know, I'm doing all the work. So after I walk, I come back, I work for a little while. Then when I shower, I'll meditate. And then after lunch, after after I get off this interview with you, I meditate again before my my afternoon session. So it's like constantly recharging, you know, even during the day. Yeah. And then
Nancy Yearout 47:42
one more thing that I didn't mention that's super, super important is affirmations. I do affirmations every day. My affirmations change, you know, throughout time, depending upon what's going on. But when I don't do my affirmations, things don't go as smoothly. But when I do my affirmations. When I say, you know, actually take the time, and even if I just say every day and every way I'm getting better and better, somebody from Australia or somewhere taught me that, and so I'll say that, or I'm healthy, wealthy and wise. I have sparkling blue eyes. I have different ones that rhyme, that I'll say But, and I think you should say em three times. I don't know why, but that's my deal. And affirmations really, really, you're putting that energy out, and it just heightens your vibration, and it just makes you feel better. And when you put that really good energy out, that's what comes back. So I love affirmations. I love what you do. I gotta start walking in the morning. I'm going to do that
Brian Smith 48:41
out there. It's really funny. You mentioned that that particular affirmation, every day, in every way I'm getting better and better and better, is when I heard it. And this guy said, say that 100 times a day for 100 days. It was a unity. Pastor, actually, I heard given the sermon, and I did it, and I can't say did it for 100 days, but it actually those affirmations work and yes again. So for from a perspective of, does it draw in energy? Does it change your vibration? Does it change your brain chemistry? The answer is yes, yeah. I think it's all the above. It's, it's retraining your brain. I teach people mental fitness. And you know, just like you go to the gym and you work out your body, you've got to retrain your brain, you've got to keep your mind strong, you've got to keep your spirit strong. So those affirmations can be very helpful, because we have so many negative messages. And what I've realized is we come into the world, I believe we come in pure and then we get bombarded by all these messages from religion, from teachers, from parents, from society that says you're less than you're less than you're less than. And to counteract that, we've got to intentionally tell ourselves, I'm not that. I'm this. I. Am, I am divine, you know, and when it comes to connecting, you know, I was always, again, taught that God is out there. God is this big guy in the sky. God is, you know, in charge, etc. And I've learned it's really more about turning within. So even though, you know, there's this, there's this thing about, is God? The universe? Was God? Me, it's the answer is yes, we're all we're all parts of that, and the source of our energy is actually within us.
Nancy Yearout 50:29
Absolutely, yeah, um, affirmations work. I used to say affirmations. I'll tell you this really quickly. We probably gotta get out of here soon, but I'll be with a single mom and I before I wrote my first book, and I talk about it in my first book, I don't know if I have it sitting here. Yeah, I do. It's my first book, wake up. The universe is speaking to the reason I wrote this, I'll tell you what is. I had a mentor, and I became a real estate agent in New Mexico, and I needed to sell stuff, and I was a single mom, and so I had a mentor, and her name was Naomi, and she'd say, draw it in. And I'd say, What do you mean? She'd say, draw it in. And so draw in the business. So I would drive to work, and I'd say, I saw houses like crazy. I saw houses like crazy, and I did. I was Rookie of the Year. I sold tons of houses. But what I learned was and that's why I wrote the book, because I was so excited that I learned that you could draw business to yourself. You could do anything as long as and you have to believe it. Let me just say this. You can't just say it. You have to really believe it with your heart and soul that you are drawing the business to yourself. But these affirmations really, really work, and they really make a difference. And that's how I did well, is using affirmations every day, yeah? So, I mean, I'm just saying it does work. It absolutely works. Yeah,
Brian Smith 51:52
I believe it does. And as I said, I my mind always goes to my logical mind, like, you know, how does it work? And and I think it works on multiple levels, so and it could. So we, if we when we really start to turn within. This is why meditation, or mindfulness, is so important, to start to start to think about our thoughts, to understand that we're not our thoughts, that they don't just happen to us, that we we can control them, and we choose them, and we can choose which ones they will come in. Sometimes it feels like randomly, but we can choose whether we're going to accept it or not, whether we're going to, you know, hold on to it or not. And if you start to analyze your thoughts, most of us have 6070, 80% negative thoughts. You know, it's, it's not the way that you know, you would, you would draw it up if you wanted to. So we have to really intentionally drive those out and replace them with positive thoughts. And then, as you said, you know, in your, in your case, you have more confidence. You start looking for opportunities. You start seeing opportunities and and yes, maybe on a metaphysical level where opportunities do actually exist, you know, yeah, but however it works, it does work.
Nancy Yearout 53:05
It does well, you're talking about reprogramming, which is what we all have to do, because we're all taught this stuff as kids. And I can, I started to realize this happened a few years back. I was saying stuff my mom would say, even come out of my mouth. Where did that come from? And it's a program. So I started to realize, probably like you did a few years back, that I was like, I had to change the program. I had to change, change it up. And it takes a while, but yeah, you start to pay attention to your thoughts, and you start to go, Wait a minute. That's not what I would say. That's what somebody else told me to say, or what my mom would say, or my dad would say, Did you stop doing that?
Brian Smith 53:43
Yeah, you'll Well, yeah, it's your parents, because you spend so much time with them. And then I realize, okay, it's my parents. Got it from their parents, so it's not their fault, right? But it's not just them. I was like, Okay, it's the church. It's the things the church taught us about ourselves. It's the thing our teachers taught us in school. It's the things that the materialists tell us about ourselves, even now, you're just a biological robot in a meaningless universe. You're an accident. You came from nowhere. You know when your brain came online, whenever that consciousness hit that's when you began, when your brain goes offline, that's when you're going to end so, you know, eat, drink and be merry. Because this is, it isn't that sad. I think it's, it's terrible. It's, it's terrible. And, you know, I can't even, I went through a phase where I was going through my dark night of the soul, where that, I entertained that thought for a while, and it's like, it's like staring into the abyss. I don't know people walk around all day, every day, believing that and and function because, because that's not who we are. Yeah,
Nancy Yearout 54:51
well, they don't, and that's why we have so much, so many issues, because we're back to the same thing. We've lost our connection to SARS, right, right? Yeah, yeah, same, yeah. I would say, honestly, by all the people I've interviewed, and you probably interview a lot too, I've interviewed probably 400 and some people on my show, and what I what everybody, the bottom line is connecting. Yeah. No matter who I've interviewed or what they what book they wrote. It's really about connecting,
Brian Smith 55:22
yeah, yeah. I think it's, I think it's about, yeah, I would say just a little bit different way, but same thing. It's about remembering who we are, yeah, because, and it's, I still this idea, I still wonder about, it's like, okay, where are these divine beings that I think Mary Ann Williamson said it, and CS Lewis has said it also, you know, if we could see each other as we really are, we would like we would follow our knees and the awesomeness that we are, that we are so we're these, these divine beings. And we say, Okay, I'm going to go into that biological, weak body on that crazy planet for 7080, years and try to remember who I am. It's like the ultimate game of hide and seek with yourself.
Nancy Yearout 56:07
It is. There's days where I'm like, Well, I really signed up for this, yeah? I said the other day. I will tell you the other day. I said, God, I must have thought this was going to be really easy, huh? Because I wouldn't have said that part otherwise. That
Brian Smith 56:22
seems to be another thing that we do. We're when we're spirit, you know, we forget, and we say, Oh yeah, I'll do that. That'll that'll be that'll be fine. I'll learn so much. And I've heard people that have had, you know, between life, between life regression, say that their spirit guys are going, yeah. Are you sure you might want to think about that, it's like, oh, yeah, I could do it.
Nancy Yearout 56:44
Yeah, I Yeah. I must have been one of those Dude, this is not easy. And you know what? That's okay. I'm really looking forward to going home after this. How about that? Yeah,
Brian Smith 56:54
exactly. And that's the thing. You know, it was funny because someone talked about, you know, Jimmy Carter just passed away as we're recording this like yesterday, yeah. And they said, you know, isn't that, you know, it's tragic, you know, it's terrible. And they didn't say it's terrible, but I said, you know, I think he felt like he could go service better from the other side than he can from here, could from here, which is, you know, maybe true, probably true. But the other thing is, all of our bodies have an expiration date, whether it's my daughter was 15, but it's 15 years, 50 years, 100, 100 years, 110 years. We're all we're not meant to be here forever. So it's not a tragedy when we go home and when people like you and I say, I'm looking forward to going home, other people go, some people go, I wasn't that sad. It's like, No, it's not sad at all.
Nancy Yearout 57:46
No, I It's funny, you know, I do. I actually do. I'm, you know, I want to. There's a lot I want to do before I go, but I'm going to do everything I can before, to help humanity before I leave. That's the goal.
Brian Smith 57:59
That's the way I feel, too. And I have to say, when my daughter passed away, I was like, behind you, yeah, yeah. So when she passed away, I was like, Okay, I'm ready. Let's Let's go. I don't need to be here anymore. But, you know now I'm like, Yeah, I do still have things to do. And I tell people, it's like, it's great, either way, if I stay here for a while and keep working. That's great, but it's also when you when you understand who we are and why we're here and where we're going, then hopefully you'll look forward to it too, because that is, that is our true home, and this place at best, is a shadow of that. You know, it's reminds me, CS Lewis talked about how we're like toddlers playing with mud pies, you know, when we could have a day at the at the beach or something, because you don't even, we don't even understand what's what's waiting for us. And I think the more you know, like you were talking about connecting, the more that we connect, the more we feel that presence and start to have lucid dreams and stuff like that. It's like, you start to get that longing, you know? It's like when you've been on vacation for a while and you're like, I'm ready to go home now.
Nancy Yearout 59:09
Well, yeah, and you start to see the signs. And I'm sure you do, and I talk about it in the book too. I you know, we start to see the signs, because the universe has always given the signs. We're just, you just start to see him when you start to wake up. I mean, I'm sure that's happened to you as well. And you know, it's confirmation that you're on the right path, confirmation that you're not alone.
Brian Smith 59:29
Yeah, yeah. Well, so the thing is, you know, what we're talking about today, is like, as we go through this, you know, and as we feel like we're alone, even though, again, I believe that was set up for us to feel that way, so we could learn to reconnect, but we can reconnect, and we don't have to go through it alone, and we can find like minded people to talk to, which you know, you and I are fortunate to be able to do, but we'd also turn to our angels and our and our guides, and they are not imaginary. They're not you know, we're not fooling our. When we do those things, we do have that source that we can reach out to me too. So remind Nancy, a people of the name of your books and where people can find out more about you. Yeah.
Nancy Yearout 1:00:14
So it's a guide to Angel communication and spiritual laws by Nancy, you're out. You can visit my website, Nancy, you're and my podcast is high road to humanity. And you can also find me on youtube under high road to humanity.
Brian Smith 1:00:28
Awesome. Well, Nancy, thanks so much for being here today. Any last messages from you or from your angels?
Nancy Yearout 1:00:35
Um, let's see. Haley, do you have anything you want to say acknowledge your angel. She says, I love that. Yeah. Blessings to everybody on this holiday season. I wish everybody a prosperous and a joyful 2025.
Brian Smith 1:00:51
Alright. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. You.
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