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Sept. 1, 2020

REVEALING the AFTERLIFE: John Davis’ Astonishing NDE and Heavenly Encounter

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I met John several months ago when I invited him to appear at a Helping Parents Heal meeting. John told a fascinating tale of a Near-Death Experience that may be more detailed than any other I've ever heard. He was taken on a guided tour of "heaven" while he was out of his body and reported some fascinating details.

John's YouTube video has drawn over 100,000 views as his NDE is both extremely detailed and somewhat controversial, with details such as nurses being in heaven.

I asked John to share his experience with my Grief 2 Growth audience. John "died" while having surgery on his hand and found himself going through many of the familiar aspects of the Near-Death Experience culminating with a mission given to him to come back and deliver a message.

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I've been studying Near Death Experiences for many years now. I am 100% convinced they are real. In this short, free ebook, I not only explain why I believe NDEs are real, I share some of the universal secrets brought back by people who have had them.

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00:00:00.000 --> 00:01:19.000
Close your eyes and imagine what are the things in life that causes the greatest pain, the things that bring us grief, or challenges, challenges designed to help us grow to ultimately become what we were always meant to be. We feel like we've been buried, but what if like a seed we've been planted and having been planted, who grow to become a mighty tree. Now, open your eyes, open your eyes to this way of viewing life. Come with me as we explore your true, infinite, eternal nature. This is brief to growth. And I am your host, Brian Smith. Hey everybody, this is Brian back with another episode of grief to growth. And I've got with me today, john Davis and john had a near death experience we're going to talk about today I'm going to read a short introduction. And then we're going to have a conversation. JOHN had a life changing near death experience with He was 21 years old. And as a result, john has never been afraid of dying. In fact, he said he looks forward to it. So he can be with the loved ones who have crossed before him. So, what I want to do with john today, just have john kind of share what led up to your near death experience and why does you no longer fear death since you had it? So john, welcome to grief to growth.

00:01:19.000 --> 00:01:22.000
Thank you, Brian. It's delight to be here.

00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:36.000
I'm so excited. Yeah, I talked to you once before it was several months ago, you presented to helping parents heal and your experience was really fascinating. So if you would just start wherever you like, if you want to start before what led up to it or start in your experience. Just Just take it from there.

00:01:36.000 --> 00:14:07.000
Okay, Cheryl, I'll give you the I'll give you the whole rundown. Yeah, yeah. I was I was in my parents house one weekend, and I was riding one of their mopeds. It's something that we did every single weekend. It was it was fun. It was no big deal. And as I was writing it one summer afternoon, I turned the corner really fast. And there was a squirrel sitting in the middle of the road. So in order for me to avoid hitting the squirrel, I made this huge right turn and it crashed into a tree. And I hit in such a way that I had to have the tendons on my right hand surgically, surgically reattached to the bone.

So the day of the surgery comes

and I've never had a surgery before, I had never had any kind of anesthetic before. So this was all new to me. So I'm laying on the table and they tell me that they're going to give me a shot. And that's going to knock me out so they can do the surgery. So as they started to give me the, the anesthesia through my through my veins, I could feel it going through my body up to my arms and my shoulders down through my neck and then my chest And then to my heart, in the very second that it hit my heart, my heart stopped. I had some kind of allergic reaction to the anesthesia. So the very second that I shut my eyes and died. The very next second, it seemed like I opened up my eyes. And I was standing in the most beautiful, perfect marble building that I can ever imagine. And I'm going to have to, you're going to have to try to visualize with me on this because I've tried to describe this before. And it's so hard to describe all of what I saw. So I'm going to try to do the best I can with it. So I was standing in the middle of this building, and it was a marble like corridor. And as far down as you could see, you couldn't see an end of this corridor on the left hand side were these beautiful ornate doorways or tunnels that look like they've been cut out of the marble. Absolutely pristine and perfect doorways. To the very right of those doorways about four feet. There were these tables. They again, they were marble tables, and they each had four benches around the table so people could sit at each end of the table. There were square. I also have to mention too, that during this whole process, there was somebody who was standing next to me, who was talking to me in my left ear. I never saw this person, but throughout my whole near death experience, it was a guy it was a it was a guy who was standing next to me telling me what I was seeing and what I was looking at, because I had absolutely no idea right about this time was that was seen this He told me, this was an orientation center. And I didn't think at the time anything about that I was having surgery or that I had an allergic reaction and that I had died that didn't even occur to me. I was totally simply engrossed in what I was seeing. And so I just listened. I just listened to all the way through this whole, this whole story. And he told me this was an orientation center. There was, there were people, two people sitting at each one of these tables is far down as you could see. Two people into two men, two women, men and women, that didn't matter. My guy told me to walk over and look inside the first doorway or the first tunnel. So I walked over, and I looked in the tunnel and what I could see was just absolutely breathtaking. inside the tunnel, I could see stars. like as if I was looking out on a on a night, nighttime sky, I could see these stars and I could see planets and I could see galaxies. It was absolutely a magical experience. That is a tunnel that people come through when they die and they cross over to the other side. That's the kind of those are the tunnels that they take. Okay. So, my guide then said, look up to your left and look at the next doorway. So I looked up to the next doorway, and there was a man that was coming through and he had his right arm on his left chest. Like what you're doing, you might have chest pain, okay, or you had like a heart attack. You put your hand on your chest and my guide said He had died from having a heart attack. And he looks very dazed. He looked very confused about what was going on. So the woman that was right in front of his doorway stood up. She walked over and she took his hands in hers. And she walked over. And she sat him down across from her at this table.

And I could see that she was talking to him, but I was too far away to see what she was actually saying. All of a sudden my guide said, he said, watch what happens to him in this man who had come through. He was probably in his 80s. And my guide said that he had had he had died from having a heart attack. So he died, he came to the tunnel. When it got to the edge of the tunnel, he saw these two people sitting at this marble table. So she was holding his hands talking to him. As I was watching him, his appearance began to change. He was an 80 year old man when it came through the doorway. But as he was talking to this counselor, he became younger and younger until he was probably in his late 20s or early 30s. Her job as an orientate er was to help people remember that they have just finished a lifetime and that they're home now. And whether you want to call it Heaven, or you want to call it the other side, that's our that's our true home. That's what we exist for eternity. Yeah, it was it was absolutely amazing. So when she was done talking to him, and he was back to his old self, either 20 or 30. He stood up like he was finished. He walked over to the right of the, of the, of the table and he walked down three Marble steps. And I could see all of this as he walked down these three marble steps to a garden. And I know people have described to gardens on the other side that they're absolutely beautiful. But they are, they are so hard to describe how beautiful they really are. flowers and plants and bushes and trees and the grass. The gardens were almost like they were alive. Just absolutely beautiful. What was happening to this man is as he walked down those three steps and he walked into the garden, there were people there, a lot of people and they were there to greet him from coming back from his life. They were hugging him kissing him welcoming him home, saying what a great job you did. You did great. Now you're back home again. And that was absolutely unbelievable to me that when we die, we go through a tunnel. We have an orientation if we need it. And sometimes people don't need the orientation because they are much closer to the other side and others, especially kids, when kids cross over, they don't need to have an orientation because they just came from there. The orientation is for people who, who may have lived a long, long life, and had forgotten where they really came from. And so that's where those counselors really come into play. And it was fantastic. I wish I could describe to you what it looked like. But as I looked down this corridor, there were people coming through the corridors through these tunnels, all the way down this entire corridor. It was very busy. People were passing over, people were crossing over all the time, and these counselors would get up and help them and bring them back to these tables. balls in help get them orientated. And my guy told me that this was an orientation center. And it was only one of the different kinds that are there. I guess he didn't have time to show me the rest of them. Okay, wow. Okay. But that was called the orientation center. And now from

From now on, what I'm going to share with with you are the different places that he took me to. On the other side. The next thing he took me to was a building. And every time he took me somewhere, he showed me the outside first, before showing me the inside. So the building he took me to next was another Greco Roman building with white columns, beautiful white Grecian, Roman columns out front, and they were formed in a circle with a dome on top. So if you can picture that in your mind That's what it looked like. It's a circular building with columns all around it. Exactly. Okay. Yeah, exactly. Those beautiful marble columns had a dome on top. So then we walked in. And he told me, my guide said, this is where we plan our lifetimes. Because all of our lives go through a planning process. And we plan them with our main guides before we come into life, so that life isn't, it's not just a random accident. There is purpose. There's reason. There is a drive behind every lifetime that we lead, to learn to learn lessons and to grow from. When I first walked in, there was a table and he was standing by it. And there were two scrolls on the table. One had a blue ribbon on it, and the other one had a red ribbon on it. And I didn't know what these were at first, my guide said these are your scrolls that you were Right, the major points of your lifetime on. And everybody has these scrolls. These are the types of scrolls that everybody writes down, where they're going to live, what kind of life they're going to have, what their parents are going to be like, are they going to go to school or they're going to go to college, what's their career going to be or they're going to have a lot of money or they're going to have a little bit of money. All of that is prepared ahead of time on these scrolls. So I walked over, and they went to unscrew roll, or I picked up the blue scroll, and I and I took off the ribbon. And I opened up to scroll on the table. And I could see that it was written in black calligraphy writing. And when I tried to read it, all of a sudden the scrolls folded back up again. And my guides said I'm not allowed to read that until I finished this lifetime. But he was trying to show me that our lives aren't an accident that every every thing is actually planned out for a reason. And I thought that was just absolutely fascinating. So

00:14:07.000 --> 00:14:11.000
it's planned out, but boom, we come here we forget it. We forget the plan.

00:14:11.000 --> 00:14:55.000
That's exactly, exactly correct. Okay, he said, he said, we forget it. Because if we knew what we were supposed to do, we wouldn't be testing ourselves on the other side or in heaven. Everything there is absolutely perfect. It's beautiful, and it's perfect. And it's hard to experience learning something. Like if you were to suppose to go through a breakup, to learn what it was to go through a breakup and have forgiveness, for example. You can't really do that on the other side. Because there's no negativity. There is no such thing over there is a breakup. You just don't want to see each other anymore. You just simply say that, but there's no there's no animosity emotion.

00:14:55.000 --> 00:14:57.000

00:14:57.000 --> 00:17:32.000
yes, exactly. That only exists here. Okay. Anyway, it's it was absolutely fascinating. Yeah. So the next thing he took me to was the other score was you said there was another school did you know there was another one there and I couldn't see I didn't open up that one. Okay, okay. Because he was actually taking me one place to another. So we were just we were just going place to place. The next thing he took me to was the largest building I had ever seen. Again, it looked like it was marble. And I can still remember looking down this marble at the outside of the building. And it was so long. You could not see the end of it. Well, I didn't know what this building was. Until he took me inside. When I got inside this building that could tell it was a library. It was the most beautiful ornate library I had ever seen. There were people walking around people sitting down at tables and chairs, people were looking for books. And this was so strange for me because they're right about this time during my experience, I was starting to think something must have happened. And I died. Because, you know, I know that they don't have anything like this at the hospital. Wow. Yeah. So I thought, okay, something really must be going on here. But I didn't think to ask any questions. I just looked at all the people that were that were busy doing all these things they wanted to do. And there they could actually, well, when I was when I was growing up, I grew up a Catholic. And when I was growing up, I'd always thought that when you died, you were just a ball of energy, and that you existed somewhere, but that you didn't have any kind of

presence. or

any kind of shape? I just thought you were a ball. Yeah. Everybody there. looks exactly like we do. Okay. They have they have substance. Yeah. Everything over there has substance if you want to sit down, you pull the chair out just like you do here and you sit on and it's solid. Your body is solid, the tables around you Everything is solid, just like it is here. But it's a different dimension.

00:17:32.000 --> 00:17:46.000
Yeah, some people seem to have this belief that we just become like a, like you said like a ball of energy, right? We're just floating around like these disembodied blobs. So it's interesting when when I hear people say, Yeah, you do have a body you can sit down.

00:17:46.000 --> 00:23:41.000
Yes, absolutely. You can do all of that. Okay. And so we're looking in the library. And he tells me now he wants to take me to the left hand side of the library. So So we're going over there. And he shows me on the left hand side are these rooms. Just like our libraries now have study rooms you can go into library on the other side, also have the study rooms. So he showed me, one of them. And you would step down about two or three feet into a sunken type of living room. That's what it looked like. There was a woman sitting there. She had her back to me. She had long, dark, flowing hair down to her waist. And she was watching something that looked like it was a flat screen TV. I'm sure that's not what it was. But that's what it looked like to me when I was watching. Sure. And he said, Look at what she's watching. So I looked over there and she was watching on the TV screen she was watching a battle that had happened between the Native American Indians and the American cavalry. Some hundred years ago, it was watching live history. And I asked this person, I'm assuming it was a guy that was with me. I don't know for sure. That was a guide. I asked him please explain to me how is it possible that she can be watching something that happened 200 years ago, when we didn't even have video cameras back then. that right? Yeah, how could she be watching this? He said that everything that you experience in earth, everything is recorded by God. And I had absolutely no idea how that was possible. But, but it was and it is possible to go back and look at any period of history anywhere at any time and see what really happened. So she was watching this this American Native American battle. And here's the most amazing thing. Not only do you have if you're interested in learning something, there are so many ways to learn and to grow. The other side for us, we don't just sit around playing harps. We actually go to all these different things like going to classes, going to lectures, going to concerts, going to libraries, they're the whole idea. Behind the other side, is learning and growth. Those love to learn, they love to grow. That's what happens a lot on the other side. Not that that's all you do. We do all kinds of things to what you love. You love to learn, study and in grow. It's a lot back home.

While he told me that while we were watching this girl, watch this video, he said that you're not limited to only watching, you can actually step in to living history on the other side. Hmm. So let's say let's say Brian, you always loved studying the history of World War Two. And you are always fascinated by the normally the Normandy landing in France. You could go to one of these rooms. You could pick up a chip, put it in what looked like a video machine but I know it wasn't that it was far more technology advanced than that. But you could put this chip inside this machine and all of a sudden it would show you what happened during the Normandy van during the Normandy advance in in France. But only Not only that, but there's a place you can go where you can actually step in or walk into living history on the other side. Hmm. So you could walk in there and you could actually be standing on Normandy beach, taking in the smells, the sights, the feelings, everything that happened during that battle. And that's what that's with anything. You can do that with your own childhood. Did you ever see Star Trek where they had the holodeck? Yeah, yeah, it was kind of like that. Yeah, we could, you could go back and you could see everything in history, every part of history that you wanted to see. Yeah. With this. I was just amazed to learn that there are so many ways over there to learn things. And one of the favorite things people have is learning and gaining knowledge. That's what it's like. That's why this library was so big. Okay. And he told me that there are libraries for everything they have libraries for, for the history of painting. They have libraries for the history of music. Hmm. libraries for history of, of just plain old history of a certain time period. Yeah. Everything that was recorded in the past is there. Okay. So that was absolutely phenomenal. The library was just I didn't want to leave because I wanted to sit there and watch and see what else you could see what you can see everything. Yeah.

00:23:41.000 --> 00:23:51.000
So and then you also revisit you said, I think you mentioned Can you revisit your own life, you know, when you come back and see your own childhood or your children's when they were young? Yeah,

00:23:51.000 --> 00:24:28.000
absolutely. You can see all that. Yeah. It's all as real as real. This is absolutely phenomenal. Yeah. So that that Next thing, so that so that was the library building. The next thing he took me to was another large building. This one looked like a stadium. And it was a stadium that was covered. The roof was covered. It wasn't open, it was covered what it was, but I walked in, and there were thousands and thousands of seats in this planetarium. And you know what a planetarium is, right? Yeah.

00:24:28.000 --> 00:24:34.000
Yeah. Okay. Okay. Good projector, universal, whatever on the ceilings. You can look up and see the stars and the planets.

00:24:34.000 --> 00:27:31.000
Yes. That's exactly what this was locked in. And there were thousands of seats. Everybody was gone. It was all empty. Hmm. And this is the first time that I had heard a voice that was outside of the voice to my left ear or to outside of my guides voice. Another voice said, Please sit down and we'll begin the show. So I sat down, and all of a sudden, all the lights went off. I looked up at the ceiling. And this other voice in the background said, It was almost like this person in the back, was running the actual show and have a planetarium works because he said, Please sit down, and we'll get started. So we started it. And all of a sudden up on the ceiling, all of our planets began to show up. Your reign is Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, all of our planets. The voice said, when you look at the stars, meaning me and everybody on Earth, all of humanity, this is what you see. And it just showed our galaxy, huh? Then Then it disappeared. Then the voice said, when we look at the stars, meaning everybody who's on The other side, this is what we see. And all of a sudden, Brian, all of these different planets begin to show up. It first there were hundreds. And then there were thousands. And the hundreds of thousands of different planets showed up. are somewhere Brown, somewhere blue, somewhere green, somewhere orange, somewhere red. And the voice said there was far more life in the universe than you can possibly know about. In my and here's the here's what blew me away. Earth is not the only place that we can go to have a lifetime. Yeah, that's interesting. Isn't it though? Yeah, absolutely fascinating. That we can go to other planets. People come to this planet, because it's the hardest one of all. Hmm, this planet is negative. You have people die here, you have people get sick. You have accidents happen. You have wars, you have starvation, you have corruption, you have all of these negative things that happen on this planet. Hmm. Apparently, all these other planets don't have that. And in order to learn, in order to learn quickly, people come to the earth to experience learning lessons. And not all of them are pleasant. Yes.

00:27:31.000 --> 00:27:52.000
I might like to interrupt you there for just a second. I think it's a very important point. You know, we have people talk about, you know, we all wish the earth was better, right? We all wish to have heaven on earth. we all we all wish we could not have these bad things happen to us. But what I hear you saying is we actually come here intentionally to experience these things that we call negative while we're here.

00:27:52.000 --> 00:28:26.000
Yep, exactly. And, and the reason is, is because we can learn so much faster. There are people on the other side who don't want to come here. Hmm. They'd rather just learn going to some other planet or going to some other world and having a life experience that way. But if you want to learn quickly, and you want to advance your soul, you come to a place like this. Yeah, where, where sometimes it feels like everything is so heavy. And

00:28:26.000 --> 00:28:48.000
I think, john, I think right now, because I'm listening to my thinking of my listeners, and a lot of my listeners have had children pass. Yeah. So they're thinking, why would I plan this? Why would it come to a place where this happens? And I think about the racial stuff we're going through right now, I think about Coronavirus. And people are saying, you know, why would I plan it? So how would you answer that?

00:28:48.000 --> 00:30:26.000
That's a hard one that I didn't see all the details about that. But it's not when something like that happens to a family. And the people are definitely it's just Draw. It isn't necessarily them the plant that that chose that it was the person. Take that chose it. Yeah, good point. Yeah. Because I didn't know what the reason was. But the reason this happens is a lot of times is because the person who gets sick, has chosen that for their lifetime. Yeah, to maybe teach others what it was like to experience that. Because in my life, the people that I that I have lost, I have learned more from having that loss take place than I would have ever learned if I was on the other side, huh? Thousands of years to learn what you can learn in the lifetime. So it's definitely not pleasant. It's not something you want to experience. But we are here to learn lessons and especially, it is I think it's the worst to lose a child. I have lost parents, friends. But I've actually never lost a child. We have two, we have two teenage boys. And I think I would be hard tested to realize what it would what I would have to do, how strong I would have to be to be able to get through that. And I just don't know what I would do.

00:30:26.000 --> 00:30:53.000
Yeah. Well, I think as you said, I think we, we plan, we plan our lessons. And, you know, we think in a lot the point you made, we think, why would I have planned this but we don't think you know, the other people involved in this planning too. So maybe it's maybe it's they planned it for their for their soul experience, you know, so there's, it's everything that we do impacts, you know, everybody else and said, I'll just always about me, you know, how would I have planned this? Yeah,

00:30:53.000 --> 00:30:57.000
yeah, that's exactly. That's exactly.

00:30:57.000 --> 00:31:31.000
So so the planetarium he was is trying to tell me that there are so many other worlds that exist. And here's the part that really got me fascinated was that we can incarnate in have lifetimes on those other planets. Yeah, we don't have to just come back to Earth. And the other planets have evolved way past having to deal with starvation or wars or corruption. None of that exists there. That just exists for the lucky ones to come to Earth.

00:31:31.000 --> 00:31:52.000
Yeah, well, this planet, you know, And that, to me, it's like, yeah, this planet seems so primitive to me. You know, it's like, you would think we'd be past this by now. But, you know, maybe it's, maybe it's this way by design, and you're saying I was thinking about cyclists and about reincarnation the other day, and there was like, Okay, well, you have to keep coming back to Earth over and over and over again. It's kind of nice to know that we don't have to come back here all the time.

00:31:52.000 --> 00:31:55.000
Exactly. You don't have to come back here at all. If you don't want to.

00:31:55.000 --> 00:32:56.000
We'll get back to grief to growth in just a few seconds. Did you know that Brian? As an author and a life coach, if you're grieving or know someone who is grieving his book, grief to growth is a best selling easy to read book that might help you or someone you know, people work with Brian as a life coach to break through barriers and live their best lives. You can find out more about Brian and what he offers at WWW dot grief to www. g ri e f, the number two gr o or text growth gr o wt h 231996. If you'd like to support this podcast visit slash grief to growth slash g ri f the number two gr o w th to make a financial contribution. And now back to grief to growth.

00:32:56.000 --> 00:33:39.000
Yeah, that's the neat thing and the only reason people do is because, like you've heard of near death experiences where the mom or the father is above their body looking at their children. They're offered. They're offered the chance. Do you want to come back? Or do you want to stay? And almost all the time they want to stay to be with their kids? Yeah. Yeah. They just want to be with their kids as much as they can. And the lowly, brutally hard to lose a child. But what parents forget is that many, many times that was charted by the child for something they wanted to go through. Hmm, wow.

00:33:39.000 --> 00:33:42.000
Yeah. That's, that's good. Yeah.

00:33:42.000 --> 00:34:07.000
Yeah. So the planetarium part about that was, I think that was probably my most favorite part. Yeah, you can go to other worlds. You can see other planets. There are other other places that don't have wars and don't have sicknesses and don't have kids who are dying that only exists on this. world. We finish this planet once we finish here. We don't have to come back unless we want to.

00:34:07.000 --> 00:34:30.000
Yeah. It's really good to know for people that are struggling, that they're struggling here and they hear about, I have a friend we mentioned reincarnation, she would literally start crying. Because she has such a tough life. And she's like, I never want to come back to this place again. Please don't tell me have to come back here again. She doesn't. Yeah.

00:34:30.000 --> 00:34:42.000
And that's, that's the most beautiful part about it is because you don't want to come back here again. You don't have to come back here. There's so many other worlds to go to. Yeah. Really beautiful.

00:34:42.000 --> 00:34:44.000
So what was after the planetarium,

00:34:44.000 --> 00:46:43.000
the planetarium, those were mostly the big buildings that he wanted to show me. After the planetarium. He took me to a beach and all these things I want to share with you now all these different buildings. These are things that people do on the other side for fun. They enjoy learning, they enjoy reading, they enjoy painting or whatever they might love to do cooking. All of it is done because they love it. They don't have to do it because they have a job. God has given everybody gifts. And maybe your gift is singing. Maybe your gift is working on cars, maybe it's being a architect. Your gift you can utilize on the other side as much as you want to. And there's no other reason than doing it because you love it. You just love doing them and that's your gift. And that's why a lot of people here on Earth, strive or they know what they wanted to be when they were very young. Because they had programmed that like if a little girl comes in, who knows from The age of seven or eight, that she wants to be a nurse, then that is definitely a god given gift for her. If she wants to come into Earth, look at her potentials see what she can achieve with God's gifts and live life that way. And then when she gets back to the other side, she can still be a nurse. She can still do those things. But I have to do it for work. Okay. Okay, the next thing he took me to was a beach and an ocean. And he said we have many oceans here. He was just one of them. And this beach, it was absolutely the most beautiful beach you can ever imagine. It had white sand. It was so pristine. And it had ocean water. It was so blue in so clear. You could see all the way to the bottom of the ocean floor no matter where you We're standing and what I touched down the water was lukewarm. I just wanted to go jump in there and just swim. It was so fantastic. And there were palm trees there. And it was the most beautiful beach I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of beaches growing up in California, this beautiful, gorgeous beach. There was nothing like it at home. There's nothing like it here on the earth was absolutely just fantastic. After the theater, he took me to all I can think of is he took me to a meadow with beautiful flowing mountains or hills, and it was large. It was absolutely a beautiful Hill. And all of a sudden, I saw animals come jumping down From that hill, and I said, What are these animals for? And he said, Every one of these animals that you've ever loved, or that anybody has ever loved, is on the other side. And I could see and as I was standing there, I could see two of my dogs. And I could see two of my cats running down the hill. And all the animals play together until their loved ones from Earth, cross over to the other side and come back and get them. Wow. Yeah, it was absolutely and I started crying. It was such a feeling of unbelievable love, that they're all there waiting for you. And that they play with each other and that they're happy. And they don't have cancer anymore. They don't have any kind of sickness anymore. They don't have disease. They stay like that for eternity. Just like Like us, yeah, we had cancer, we had some kind of disease that took us over. That doesn't stay with us on the other side, because nobody dies. Nobody gets sick. Nobody ages over there. Everyone stays the same age around 20 or 30. So the polls were absolutely incredible. And then he took me to I do have more buildings. I forgot to mention this. He took me to a theater looking building, just ever here like you walk into a theater. You sit down and there's one big screen that you look at.

He did that with me. We sat down and the screen, the screen came on. And my guide said, this was reset. This is the past life screen room that you can actually Go here. And you can take a look at and see how many past lives you've had. And that was at that point, I was a little bit skeptical because I didn't really believe anything about that. I'd never been told anything about that. Okay. So the screen came on. And instead I'm going to show you three of your past lifetimes. One was a monk, I was a monk with a shaved head. I was wearing a red gown like a monk wears sandals. And my job over there was to teach the children about the monasteries of Buddhism. When I first saw that one, I realized Okay, reincarnation is real. Hmm. I knew that was me. Even though I didn't look the same. I could still see that was me. Interesting. Yeah. What? Yeah. The next He showed me was I was a wheel barrel, shoe repair person, something like that I was I had a wheel barrel. It was like in Russia somewhere or somewhere in Egypt that had cobblestone roads. Mm hmm. And my job in that lifetime was to repair shoes, interesting wheel barrel and I was pushing it around with different shoes that I fixed for people in the, in the little area. So that was that life. The third one he showed me was a was a fisherman, a fisherman on a little raggedy boat, that I would throw out the Nets next to the boat and pulling the fish. And those were those three lifetimes in that building that he showed me that points. I realized, okay, I do believe in reincarnation. I have been he took me to another building and you have probably heard about this. This building, again was round. It was a theater. When you walked in, it had seats everywhere. But the difference was that to theater had the screens all the way around the whole top of the theater, so it wasn't just one screen. There was the one of the screens. And he told me what it was. He said, this is where you go, when you review your lifetime. Okay? So we sat back and all of a sudden the screens came on. And I could see myself as a little kid playing or doing the things that I did when I was little, interacting with my parents, going to school, meeting friends, doing everything on the weekends, and and this was all being played on these screens that were on top. Mm hmm. That's so that's what's called a life review and you get to actually have a life review and Look at your life. Look at the things that you did. No one judges You, God doesn't judge you and you don't judge you, you and your guide sits down and looks at your life and looks at the things that you really thought you did well. And they also sit down and look at a lot of the things that you wish you could have done differently. But there's no judgment. And that's what I thought was so fascinating was that you can just come in, review your life, every ask lifetime to see how you did. And then you can go back and look at those scrolls. And you can see how did you compare to the life that you lived to what you wanted to accomplish on the scrolls? Well, it can be really simple it can be I wanted to come into life because I wanted to learn patience. Or I wanted to learn how to love my kids or I wanted to learn how to How to be a better friend in there very simple types of goals that we have those goals that we have when we come into life. Yeah. Okay, the next thing he took me to it was called the gardens. And this was a place over there. That was absolutely

undescribable there were flowers for miles around that you could actually go to sit there and just smell the flowers. There were thousands upon thousands of rows of purple flowers, white flowers, red, orange, and there were other colors too, that we have that we don't have here. And you stand there and smell the aroma, melon, you can. It's absolutely beautiful. And he said people can go here, when they want to come for meditation. So if you meditate in life, you can also meditate on the other side. Wow. So that was that. The other thing he took me to was what I would call the sports arenas. He took me to a place where there were so much green grass, so many sports fields. That again, you couldn't see the end of how long these last and it was like going to watch a football game. But the grass never ended. It was you could play any kind of sport that you wanted to play. You could play baseball, basketball, football, soccer, rugby, golf, anything you could play with, or they're on these sports fields. Watching, I was watching these guys playing soccer. And I wanted so badly to go jump in there and play soccer because your body feels great. Yeah. Yeah, you don't have any aches or pains. Yeah. Over there, you can't get sick. And you can't break bones. We don't have to use lungs to breathe over there. We have a body just like we. But we don't have lungs to have to breathe. So the best thing is you don't ever grow tired. Yeah. Don't get tired there. And you can spend all of your time doing what you love to do. Visit with friends, visit with loved ones. Take a walk with your dogs or your cats or paint or be a craftsman. You can be anything. It's absolutely fantastic.

00:46:43.000 --> 00:46:47.000
I know we don't have to eat the Can we eat? Can we enjoy food? Yeah, we can.

00:46:47.000 --> 00:47:05.000
Okay, but we don't have to eat to sustain ourselves. Yeah. And because there are a lot of people here who love to cook. Yeah, I love to cook. Yeah, yeah. Look over there. Any, anything you'd love to do here? You can do over there.

00:47:05.000 --> 00:47:36.000
You know, it's interesting. As we're as we're having this conversation I think about some people think, oh, when we go there, we're gonna miss the stuff we have here. I think it's, and we say Oh, and then you say, well, then we get these things there that we have here. I think maybe we have the things here that we have there. It sounds like this is this is a reflection of their of home. That is true, because everything that comes here comes from the other side first, right? Like our bodies. Our bodies are even more perfect over there than they are here.

00:47:36.000 --> 00:48:35.000
Yeah. Yeah, this is kind of the shadow. This is kind of, yeah, that's exactly it. That's exactly a good way to say it. Yeah, absolutely. And then the last thing that happened is my guide took me to this field and the field had knee high grass and wild flowers in it. Absolutely. Be beautiful and the smell of the flowers was incredible. So, as I was standing there, another gentleman walked up. He was about two feet from me. And he was so bright that I couldn't see his face. And I couldn't see his body. all I could see was that he was wearing a white robe

or a white gown of some kind with a

00:48:35.000 --> 00:48:37.000
with a red

00:48:37.000 --> 00:51:27.000
sash around the waist. And I could see he was wearing golden sandals. He looked at me and I couldn't I couldn't see him but he lifted up his hands. And he said, You must tell them there is no death. Hmm and so all these years I have been trying to Tell people as much as I can. That death isn't real. Death. Just Wow. Yeah, that part was I was blown away by that. And some people said it was Jesus. But I don't know who it was. But he was different than the other people. Mm hmm. He just was had much more energy had much more intelligence much more spirituality about him. That you can just feel Yeah, yeah, he just said tell him there is no more depth. There is no death. Wow, I forgot to add one more thing here. Do you still have a couple minutes? Absolutely. Okay. Here's one thing I forgot to enter that I have thought about for so long. Remember when I said that? You can do anything you can. You can paint you can ride bikes you can build you can be a carpenter you can do on a deal. There are also people over there who specialize in knowing about anointed about certain, certain aspects. They're historians. They're historians of maybe the late 20th century, or they're historians have World War Two. You can go to these places over there and visit with them, and also learn. So there are many ways for people to learn. And then the very last thing he showed me was a castle. And it was a beautiful castle. The kind of castle you see in England, has all those stones has all the rocks has all of the beautiful flowers and plants outside. And he said, Let's walk in. So I walked in and everywhere that I could see there was red carpet on the floor like You'd see nowadays with castle red, beautiful carpet. And on the walls of this castle, there were live size paintings of the people that had lived in that castle. The Royals, the Queen's, the kings, the princesses, the princesses all had these life.

00:51:27.000 --> 00:51:29.000
Life's life.

00:51:29.000 --> 00:52:37.000
What am I trying to say? I've sighs Yes, yes. No had life size paintings. So you walk in, and you can see these paintings on the wall, all the way down for how for us how many people lived in that time period. So on the first, right to the left, these pictures were life sized paintings of these people and they were dressed in the clothing that they wore. During that time, and this is another way that people on the other side go and learn. Not only can they go to the past life area, or go to that room that was in the in that, in that library, they can go and see the physical history of what a castle looked like. Because everything that was beautiful on the other side was duplicated here on the earth plane. Mm hmm. So this so this castle is beautiful as it is. isn't here because it was built first on earth? Right? You know what I mean? Yeah,

00:52:37.000 --> 00:52:43.000
I think you're absolutely right. I guess what we get backwards. I think we think that we invented things here and it's kinda like the other way around.

00:52:43.000 --> 00:54:39.000
Yeah, that's exactly it. Exactly. So here's the part that was just absolutely amazing to me that I still, to this day, can't figure out how this works. In front of each painting, let's say it was King George, for example. King George would have his clothing that he wore back then. And his face was painted so that you could see what it looked like. Hmm. Well, right in front of every single painting, there was a, there was a podium, or lectern. And there was a, there was a book on it. I walked over, and I looked at this book, in the book contained the lifetime of King George, it was written, every single thing that he believed was written down. His childhood experiences were written there. So if you wanted to go learn about George King George, you can go to this library when he grew up and lived in, look at this book, and learn all about him because nothing is hidden. All all knowledge is somehow by God is recorded. So you could go there, and it even had Converse. sessions that he had had with other people in that in that castle, it was, yeah, it was that detailed. And it was it was really designed to look at the decisions that he made. When it came to war. Again, it was all about Okay, what did this king do when it came to war? Or when it came to making decisions for his people? Was he being selfish? Or was he actually helping his people? Wow. So all these things are in there are in all of these different books.

And that was the last thing he showed me. Wow.

00:54:39.000 --> 00:54:46.000
So um, but at some point, were you given a choice to come back or how did you transition out of this place?

00:54:46.000 --> 00:56:20.000
I didn't, I didn't get a choice. The very second that.

And the let the last thing the last thing I had was when the person told me, You must tell them there is no death. Very second, he said that I woke up back in the hospital with these doctors all looking down at me. And we said he's back. He's back. And I was physically dead for six minutes. Wow. And that's the craziest thing I don't understand is it felt like what he took me on was a two hour journey of the other side. Yeah. Because it felt that long. How can he possibly his showed me all of those things in six minutes. Yeah. So the time somehow the time is different there. Yeah. Doesn't exist here. And they were just amazed that I came back at all. After had Wi Fi, the elective surgery to my hands. So it was just and I think it had been two weeks for me to actually Try to understand what I experienced. I went to libraries, and trying to find books on near death experiences. And there really weren't very many at the time. But I found a couple. And I began to realize that that's what I had. I had a near death experience.

00:56:20.000 --> 00:56:22.000
Where did this happen, john?

00:56:22.000 --> 00:56:25.000
I don't know the year but it was Oh, it was

00:56:25.000 --> 00:56:26.000

00:56:26.000 --> 00:56:34.000
Okay, so 85 So yeah, near death experiences were not well known then. That was that was that we're just starting to be some some books about it. Yeah.

00:56:34.000 --> 00:57:00.000
Yeah. Raymond Moody's books life after life. Yeah, but I was absolutely blown away. And I really hope that this information, the experience that I had will help you and your listeners, it was so profound, and it was so it's so much a piece of my life now that I share almost anybody that who wants to hear about it, because that's what he told me

00:57:00.000 --> 00:57:58.000
Yeah, well, it's it does, it helps so much. And I've listened to many near death experiences. Yours is one of the more detailed ones I've listened to. and it explains so much of what you know, we're trying to piece together like what's, what's this tunnel thing? You know, what is the tunnel that some people experienced, but not everybody experiences? Exactly even said that orientation. Not everybody has to go through that and the different aspects of the other side because I've heard people say, Well, if it's a real place, then why do people see different things, but they're different there. You might end up in a different place when you happen to land there. So yeah, it's very, it's very comforting. It's very reassuring. It explains, you know, reincarnation and why we might do that. I know. So planning is a new concept for a lot of people. And some people really struggle with it because they say, Well, if I plan this life, I certainly wouldn't plan it this way. But it's a different perspective while you're over there, right? Because we're coming here for a goal.

00:57:58.000 --> 00:58:46.000
Yeah. In what still interesting is that when you're on the other side, and you plan it a lifetime, your lifetime seems like it's only two hours or two weeks, when you may have a lifetime that lasts until you're age 80. But over there, because there's no time, they don't think that way. Yeah, they, they just think I want to go in and learn this lesson. I want to know what this feels like I want to grow from it. And that's why I think sometimes people take on too much. Because they want in a perfect environment, like the other side, you know that your lifetime was only going to be a little while. But over here when you get here, a lifetime seems like a real long time. But to them it doesn't.

00:58:46.000 --> 00:59:57.000
Yeah, I think of this. I'm starting to think of this as kind of like VR. It's kinda like virtual reality. And so when we go when we sit down to play a game, in the game time is totally different than the time that they're in the room that we're in. So we say I'm going to play This game but a lifetime in the game. So we look at this from the other side, I just imagine we're thinking, Okay, well, I'm gonna live about 80 years. That's, you know, maybe you don't even have a concept of time when you're over there. It's just like, yeah, by 80 years, I'm going to do this, this this. Yeah, but to plan this, I'm going to be poor my whole life. That'll be fun. And I remember I interviewed Natalie Steadman. You know, Natalie. Natalie is no, no, she had a near death experience. She was blown up in an accident, and I think it was Afghanistan, but it was an improvised an IED explosion. So she finds herself on the other side, she goes through these different environments. And the last environment she's in, she's actually planning out her injuries. So she's with these other people. So I'm going to come back and I'm have these injuries. And she's like, would it be fun? Like she didn't have a leg? Or what if she was blind? And she said, she even kind of describes it in the third person kind of thing. Because she's like, when I was over there at that all this stuff would be really cool to experience. But when we come back into the body, we're like, oh, now I have to live with this.

00:59:57.000 --> 00:59:59.000
Yeah, exactly. That's

00:59:59.000 --> 01:00:31.000
cool. kurup Oh, her books is incredible Scott the application of impossible things, just really profound experience. But it also reminds me my daughter, my daughter passed away Shana, when she was young, she she said very clearly one time. I like to I like to break my leg and we said, why would you want to break your leg? So I want to know what it feels like to walk on crutches. And we're like Shana, don't don't say that was a few months or years later, she tore her ACL and was in a cast for like three weeks, and then she had to walk. Then she had to have surgery, and she end up walking on crutches. But

01:00:31.000 --> 01:00:33.000
I had ACL surgery.

01:00:33.000 --> 01:00:59.000
Oh, really? Yeah. So yeah, I think I really appreciate you sharing this because I think it's so profound. I think it's so helpful for people. Yeah, it really puts it really puts this life in perspective. And I think if we can keep it in perspective, and keep in mind that that is our true home. That's where we are. This is this is a training ground. This is a place we come to learn that maybe it can make it a little bit more tolerable. tolerable people.

01:00:59.000 --> 01:01:03.000
But that's wonderful. I think you're right.

01:01:03.000 --> 01:01:18.000
Well, john, I really appreciate you doing this. It's great to have you on and to share your story with with so many people that, you know, hopefully this will go, this will go far and wide. So, you you enjoy the rest of the day. And thanks for being here,

01:01:18.000 --> 01:01:20.000
too. Brian, thank you so much for having me.

01:01:20.000 --> 01:01:20.000
All right, you have it going. YouTube Talk to you later. Bye. That's it for another episode of grief to growth. I sure hope you got something out of it. Please stay in contact with me by reaching out at www. Grief to growth calm, that's grief the number two or you can text the word growth to 31996. That's simply text growth gr o wt h 231996. So if you're watching this on YouTube, please make sure you subscribe. So hit the subscribe button and then hit the little bell here and it'll notify you when I have new content. Always Please share the information if you enjoy it that helps me to get more views and to get the message out to more people. Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day.
John J Davis Profile Photo

John J Davis

Near Death Experiencer

John J Davis had one of the most extraordinary NDEs I've heard. He was taken on a guided tour of heaven and describes places that not many have reported on.

He was returned to Earth with a mission which he shares in his accounting to Grief 2 Growth

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