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Feb. 7, 2024

🧬 Unveiling Your Authentic Path Through Human Design with Raquel Reyna- EP 338

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Join us on the Grief 2 Growth Podcast as Brian Smith engages in a compelling conversation with Raquel Reyna, a revered figure in spiritual psychology and human design. This episode takes you on a journey into the heart of human design, revealing how understanding your unique design can transform your life and lead you to authentic growth and healing.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- **The Essence of Human Design**: Discover the foundational principles of human design and how they can illuminate the path to your true self.
- **Raquel Reyna's Transformation**: Hear Raquel's inspiring story from corporate success to a fulfilling career aligned with her spiritual blueprint.
- **Navigating Life with Human Design**: Learn practical tips for applying human design principles in your daily life to navigate challenges with ease and confidence.
- **The Power of Alignment**: Understand the impact of aligning your personal and professional life with your human design for profound transformation.

Raquel Reyna, Master in Spiritual Psychology and Human Design Expert. Learn more about Raquel and her transformative work at [Raquel and Davidian's Human Design](

**Join the Conversation:** After listening, join us at to continue the discussion. Together, let's explore the transformative power of understanding our true selves through human design.

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Brian Smith  0:00  
Hey everybody, this is Brian back with another episode of The grief to growth podcast. And if it's your first time here, this is a space dedicated to exploring the depths of life, the journey through grief and the pathways to growth and to healing. Whether you're a first time listener or a returning member of the community, I'm glad to have you back with us or have you with us today. Today, we're honored to have an extraordinary guest. Her name is Raquel Reyna. She's a master in the realms of spiritual psychology and human design. She's renowned for a transformative and revolutionary teaching methods. She's got a master's degree in spiritual psychology. And she's established self internationally found in the creative coaching certificate, certifications, I'd say, and leading certifications and for radical transformations, the dream rave and rave cosmology. Her journey is a testament to the courage of fallen one's calling, she transitioned from climbing the corporate ladder where she was a global representative for a company. And she appeared on shows like The Tyra Banks Show the view to embracing your true path in her 40s. She discovered she's a splenic projector projector or splenic projector, I have to ask her how to pronounce that, and human design. And she was and that was a catalyst for this dramatic shift, and allowed her lodge an online career that's authentically aligned with a true self. And she now serves over 60,000. And she calls them mutants worldwide. So she's got a huge impact. And I'm glad to welcome Raquel to the show today.

Raquel Reyna  1:26  
Thank you so much for having me. I need to get your version of that bio, because that was really great. Thank you so much for that.

Brian Smith  1:34  
I'm glad to have you here. But I have to start to ask you because I probably butchered the pronunciation what's a splenic? What was it again?

Raquel Reyna  1:43  
Well, you know what's so funny is a lot of people do say spleen ik, and I say splenic. But I think it's probably either way goes so good.

Brian Smith  1:51  
So what is that?

Raquel Reyna  1:53  
So the modality that I use the most with my clients is a system called Human Design. And it shows you your different aura types, and one of them is the splenic projector. And so when I found that out, it really was the catalyst for me to transform my life. And it changed my life so radically, and on such deep levels, that I realized I needed to assist other people with the knowledge. And so I had been on a spiritual path for a long time. But this was sort of the piece that really helped me on a practical level, on how to sort of live a life that I loved, and I felt really good about. So it's one of the auric types in human design. Okay.

Brian Smith  2:46  
And I've heard of human design, but for people who haven't explained to people what human design means. Yeah,

Raquel Reyna  2:52  
so human design is a system and it merges the astrology. So it uses the astrology system, it uses the chakra system. It also uses an ancient study called the eaching. And the Kabbalah, with the modern day Sciences of the neutrino physics, and quantum physics. So it merges all of these things together. And it gives you sort of a blueprint. And it's not as much knowledge as it is an experiment. And so the knowledge asks you to experiment with your strategy. So it says that each person has a different strategy for success. And because, you know, I had so much my pain in this life is more around financial, I had a lot of financial loss, a lot of career struggles, and a lot of bankruptcies and being homeless being broke, and not really understanding how to live on this earth. And not really knowing how to figure that out. And so I and I tried a lot of different things. And I started a lot of spiritual teachings and the law of attraction and the secret and I did a lot of healing work. And, you know, my, one of my greatest traumas, stems from my dad losing his business when I was in high school. And so it was like, it was like financial trauma, which, you know, is hard in on one level. And so this was the system that helped me decipher what I was doing wrong, not wrong, but how I could do things through this experiment. That opened a pathway for me to kind of begin my healing on that level around the you know, figuring out how to not work in careers that I really hated and was kind of desperate for most of my life in that area.

Brian Smith  4:58  
Okay, well from your bio sideline You are fairly successful in your career. And you. So how did that work out for you?

Raquel Reyna  5:05  
Yeah, so that actually was later in life too in the correct. So the corporate career I did, starting in my late 30s. So, so and it was pretty good. But, you know, I've always been a spiritual practitioner. And so I came to my spiritual path really young, right? When I was, you know, in my 1920 years old, I had a spiritual awakening and a spiritual calling. And I started traveling all of the all over the world. And I worked with different shamans, and I was very out there, I was not very grounded, sorry, my dog likes to work with me. He worked from home, you know? Yeah. And so then I tried to create a life as a spiritual practitioner. And in those days, it was, you know, before social media before you do before, any of those things that could have helped me maybe at that time. So I was just a broke spiritual practitioner, basically, you know, traveling around, I had pretty much unable to kind of take care of myself financially on that level. And so when I did go back to school, to get my master's degree, I kind of put things aside the spiritual and was like, Okay, now I'm going to make some money. And I'm going to get really practical here. And I did get very lucky with that career, because it was all women. And it was entrepreneurial. So it did support me for a good seven years. And but there was a point, as I was doing that work, that I again, started to feel that I wasn't fully being recognized, and I wasn't fully living my calling. So I tried to get out by having my own entrepreneurial business, and I tried a lot of different things. And I invested in a brick and mortar business to try and get out of the corporate thing, because the corporate thing was like draining me. And so on one level, there was success, but on an inner level, I was feeling completely soul defeated and crushed. So I invested in a brick and mortar business to for passive income and to try and get out of it. And it was definitely not passive income it was. So you know, I was commuting. And for those of you who know LA, I was compute commuting on the 405. It basically took me like, three hours to get there and three hours to get home. And it was like, you know, well, that was days. I mean, it was, it was excruciating. And there was people stealing from me, and it was a money drain. And basically, that was when everything, I just lost everything. And I, at that point, realized that I was a splenic projector. And the first thing you learned about a splenic projector and human design is we are the aura type. There's five different order types in this system. And we're the aura type that will not be able to work long hours, we can't really keep up with everybody else. And we can't initiate like a manifester in order to make things happen. Interesting. And so in that, what they're saying is that each aura type has a different strategy for success. And because I had tried so many things, you know, the law of attraction, the secret, you know, I've been studying for so many years, and I was losing all my money. My accountant said, you're about to lose your home, you're going to basically lose everything because I had a manager stealing from me, I had 20 Something employees, and they were just, I mean, it was pure chaos. And it was one of those moments when, you know, your whole life is falling apart. And I thought, well, I don't know what else to do. So I'm going to study this system. And it was so eye opening. And so it's a really powerful experiment and everybody that I brought it too, is blown away by it. their whole lives are like make sense. And the thing is about it also now it's one of the fastest growing sir terms on Google. So it's still hidden. It's still new. But it's expanding and more and more people are coming to it and more and more people are getting excited by it. And so because it was so radical for me, I felt like God, if I had just gotten this information two decades before, I would have, it would have, like, been so much easier in my life. And so now a lot of my clients are, you know, in their 20s, and really young and using this information to help them kind of build careers more to who they are. Yeah, that's

Brian Smith  10:35  
really interesting. So you mentioned there, you said five types, I believe, right. So the splenic projector, what are the other what are the other types, so

Raquel Reyna  10:43  
there's also the manifester. So a lot of people have heard that before, you know, the manifester. And the interesting thing about the manifester is they are going to have an easier time manifesting things, building businesses having success on that level. And but what's interesting about it, is that they're only 8% of the population. So like, why, you know, have you heard of the secret? Oh, of course, of course, right. It's kind of like everybody's heard of it. And it works on a level with the law of attraction and those spiritual principles. But why the, but it doesn't work for everyone, and why isn't everybody living their best millionaire careers and lives and, and so human design kind of helps a little bit, get clear on why that is. And so 8% of the population will really succeed kind of utilizing those tools, and they're called Manifest errs, and they can go out and initiate things and make things happen. And according to this knowledge, they are the aura type that built all of humanity. So for the last 411 years, according to this knowledge, we were built and ruled by the manifester or a type. And so that's changing though, and it's moving more towards the projector so and the projector is a type that needs other people. So it's more of a collaboration. And the manifestos are the lone wolves, and they can kind of do things on their own. So the manifest errs are one type that projectors are another, and then 70% of the population are generators. And generators are really going to be that energy that can work nine to five, they can work long hours, they are, they have sustainable energy. However, and this is a big however, with the generators is that that energy is such a huge commodity, that it has to be satisfied in the work that they're doing. So they have to have this energy of satisfaction. So if you have a generator fuel that's in a work, dynamic that's causing them frustration, then they're causing sort of an aura pollution on the planet. So if you imagine 70% of the population in a work or career that they don't like, they're like this cloud of frustration, and so, and so 70% of the population, if they just learned their human design, they could shift that if they're feeling frustrated in the work they do into being more satisfied. But of course, it's, you know, it takes courage to kind of follow these follow the inner the this kind of knowledge, because you have to go against maybe what your mind is telling you. So, basically, what human design is saying is that the mind is an outdated system that we've been using to strategize our lives. And, you know, it's really interesting, though, because I've been, I've been really researching, like, the amount of human species that we've evolved from there was like, at one time, five different species, and now there's only the homo sapiens, right, the homo sapiens evolved because of the mind. So it is a really important thing that we use to get to where we are, you know, because I mean, humans basically rule the planet now. And yet we're evolving out of the mind. And so what human design is saying is we're having an evolutionary stage, where there's something more intelligent to rule our choices in our life. And the intelligence is more like a vehicle intelligence, which is when you can, you know, shift out of the mind and what some people might refer to Do more is like the intuition or something like this. But what human design is saying is that each person has a different type of intuitive and we call it our inner GPS system. And each person has a different type. And so that was also so the splenic part is the inner authority. So there's different little ways that you can decide what's correct for you. Okay, so, so to get back to your question, sorry, there's the projector, the manifester, the generator and the reflector. Okay, so the reflector is the, the, the other aura type.

Brian Smith  15:38  
Okay. And I've heard something about this before. So it is sounding familiar as you mentioned it. But we've all heard of the seeker. And we've all heard of the law of attraction. And and I used to be in the church, it was called prosperity gospel, and basically just said, if you just think the right thoughts and play the right things, and good things will happen to you. And you can live a life of ease and health and everything. And they almost make you feel guilty if you push back against them, because they say, Well, that just means you're not trying hard enough, right.

Raquel Reyna  16:15  
And that's exactly where I was, you know, I felt I had tried everything. And I was so desperate, because I really did start attacking myself, because that was one of the things that you do and you know, spiritual communities and, you know, you think I must be really doing something wrong. And you know, you can't help it because you're like, Okay, I'm meditating, I'm holding the frequency. I'm doing all these things that's still not working. And so what the greatest gift I gave myself with human design was like, Okay, you're not doing anything wrong. It's just experiment with a different type of strategy. Try something else. And it really took me off the hook to be like, Oh, wow, I'm not designed to live like that. I'm not designed to work that many hours. I'm not, I don't have it in me. And it really freaking helped. And it helps a lot of my community. And a lot of people are obsessed with the knowledge now. It's, like I said, it's growing. And it's just little pieces of knowledge that help you with exactly things like that, where it's like, you know, that just did not work. So, you know, how can we do things just a little bit differently? Right.

Brian Smith  17:30  
So the human design, I heard you mentioned several different things that we're familiar with astrology, Kabbalah some other things. How do we how do I find out what my type is?

Raquel Reyna  17:42  
Yeah, so in human design? Well, there's a there's now software that puts it all together for you. So you can actually grab your free chart, we have the software on our website, it's Raquel and So if you're curious to know which your aura type is, you can just go to Raquel and And then in my book, I go I my book that just came out in August, it's called Are You immune, I go step by step through each one of the aura types, and help people to kind of read their chart because you first look at it, and it looks like you're looking at another language, right? It's like, what is it? mean, I have trouble with astrology because of all the symbols and numbers. And, you know, it's confusing. So I try and break it down super simple for people where it's like, okay, this is my aura. This is my inner authority, and I kind of break it down so that you can follow along. And the thing is, for me is just the gift it gives people to help them particularly in things like finding their life purpose, finding their careers, you know, people who have struggled in different areas, like manifesting, it's really, really helpful. Really, really helpful.

Brian Smith  19:09  
Yeah, I, I'm really fascinated to hear about that. Because as I said, we've all heard of these things. And so there's, there's basically, two of the types of guests that I've heard of or two of the ways of thinking. One is just power through and work hard, right? If you if you just work hard enough, you know, work 70 hours a week, and I've heard people say that, well, the way I got to where I am, is I work 70 hours a week or 80 hours a week, and I've always thought I can't, I can't do that. There's no way and then the other one is just what just think the right thoughts and then magical things will happen to you. And I think a lot of us, you know, we're like well, neither one of those things is working for me. That's

Raquel Reyna  19:48  
exactly how it happened. For me. It was like when I invested in that business, I thought well, you know, I'm just gonna do the manifestation techniques that I that I'm going to visualize the success So I'm gonna visualize it working. And then you know, at one point, my accountant said, You got to wake up in the morning, and get there before the doors open, and you got to stay there until the doors closed. And I'm like, I was already burned out. And I had already been working at corporate two hours trying to get out, and I was already burned out from corporate. And then I was burned out from doing this. And my soul, my literally, I was crying every single day, and I thought, you know, I'm gonna lose my home, probably, I'm gonna lose everything. But I was just studying human design. And they said, you know, if you follow this strategy, and if you follow this experiment, the universe arranges things to align for you to be successful by following this strategy. And I was like, Well, I don't know, I'm gonna try it. So I literally decided to just sleep in, I went against what everybody told me, I went against what my accountant was saying, and everything. And I was like, you know, at this point, I'm so burned out and tired and fried, I don't even care anymore. Like it, take it from me, you know, I'll start over, I've been homeless before, like, if it happens, you know, I'll just visit my friend couches. I mean, it's a lot harder in your 40s, than in your 20s. So this was like, because it happened to me my 20s. So but you can kind of get away with it, then. When you're in your 40s People are like, Get your shit together, you know. So I was terrified, but I also was desperate. And so I just decided to sleep in. And I slept in on I was like, I'm gonna let the chips fall where they may luckily, at the very last hour, I was able to sell that store. And so I sold it. And was able, so I slept in and I started studying my human design chart. And I just woke up, and I said, every day, I'm just gonna do this, I'm going to study it, I'm going to follow this. And I was, I mean, it was literally by the grace of the Divine, you know, if you want to call it God, or whatever it was, like the grace of God coming in also, with this knowledge, that helps me too, like, this is the strategy I'm going to use on the practical earth plane. And so I just studied it. And then I got a buyer to take care of, you know, buying the store. And I had already stopped corporate because I couldn't do both. I was trying to do both for a little while, then I gave up the corporate because I was like, I'm gonna die. So I gave up the corporate and then I stopped going into the store, somebody luckily bought it. And so it was a because when they bought it, it was enough money to kind of help me be without a career without a job for a while. And I just thought, Well, what this is the opportunity to experiment with this. And so that's how I was able to kind of create my business, which now this and that, that was, that's already been over seven years. So you know, seven years of somehow I managed to survive, and financially, like, logically, I could have never figured it out. You know, I could have never figured out how it was going to happen. And so I just kind of surrendered. And then slowly but surely, you know, I tried to do other businesses. But everyone kept saying, Oh, we want to know about that human design thing. And I just kept studying it because I felt I had to, to from you know, because it was the only thing that worked. So I was just studying it, studying and studying it. And then everybody's like, hey, I want to know about my gates, I will have tell me about this. Tell me about that. And so in human design, when you're a projector, your strategy is to wait for the invitation or to wait for recognition. So even though I thought I was going to do what I thought I was going to do a spiritual business, because the corporate career was business, I bought a bit I thought, you know, I'm spiritual business, it kind of made logical sense. But everybody kept asking me for their human design. And I kept thinking, Well, I don't know that much about it. I'm brand new to it still. And they're like, oh, but tell me so I was getting recognized and invited to share about this information. And so I followed the strategy which is wait for the recognition before you go out and make something happen, which I'd never done my whole life. I kept just make going out making something happen. I was trained, like, Oh, listen to the intuition and go do it, make it happen. So I just did it in a totally different way. And that's how I was a able to, you know, pay off my debt at that point I was $100,000 in debt, by the way with that store. So I paid off my debt and replaced my corporate salary. And now I work a couple hours a week. I mean, maybe more than a couple hours a week, but I'm on my own schedule. I sleep a lot, I relax a lot. And my career has now developed in a way where it's really an expression of my truth.

Brian Smith  25:31  
Yeah, that's so that's fascinating to me, because we, you know, we were kind of told, okay, fit into this mold. This is this is the way things are supposed to be this is this is the way to success. And I see so many people, especially young people, really struggling with what they're being told to do. And, and even if you're, quote, successful, feeling burnt out feeling like this is not fulfilling to me, this is not satisfying to me. And when we tell them, we just just work harder, this is the price you pay for, I don't know living on the planet, or whatever it is.

Raquel Reyna  26:06  
And that's the place that I get a lot of my clients, they're at that place where, you know, I don't know if I should go to college, because I don't want to be in debt. I don't know what I should do, I don't know where to go. And I also get a lot of people who have done high end coaching, where they've invested in these, you know, programs that are teaching them how to run businesses. And so they're there, they're trying the systems that work for other people, but not working for them. So I do get a lot of people at that point, have severe burnout. And I've tried everything and nothing else is working. And that's when they kind of come to the knowledge to try something different. You know, and experiment, see if it if it helps.

Brian Smith  26:56  
Yeah, that that's true. And I think that I think a lot of us come to things when we're kind of at the end of our road. It's like, okay, I've tried it. And like you said, we when we finally surrender, we find out okay, I can't do this anymore. I give up, I can't figure it out. I don't know if that's when the universe steps in or, or guides or higher power or whatever it seems like but that's that's kind of the point we have to get to.

Raquel Reyna  27:20  
That's absolutely it. And, you know, the thing is, for me is I can, I've always been able to feel my guides. And I've always been able to, I've always felt that I've had like a really deep connection to God, like that has been one of the things that was really big for me, but I never really understood what action to take. And that's the place for me where I got very confused. And so I was able to understand that action. And I often explain this as this map code as a GPS system. And what's interesting about this is the E Ching is where you find your gates in human design. And the E Ching is actually correlated to your DNA code. So there's a lot of books written on this on this the pattern of the codons with your, the codons with the eaching hexagrams. It's really fascinating. This is not my study, but I've read a lot of books on it. And there's all it's kind of like sacred geometry, where you find these patterns and spirals in nature, and it correlates to mathematics. Well, it's the same thing with our DNA code and the eaching. And the eaching is this ancient mystery school knowledge. And it's, it's, it's involved in the human design in town. And so I tell people, it's kind of like reading your DNA code, and you get like a blueprint or a fingerprint that's unique to you. And so and it's also called The Art of differentiation. And this is also really important because we're so oftentimes in our society conditioned to do things the same. So like, you're kind of conditioned, like, This is what life should look like, like you, you do a you do B you work nine to five, then you retire and then you get your, you know, your your 401 K and, you know, it's like people think like, oh, this is what life should be. And then if something you know happens in your life looks different, or you don't fit into that. You're like that, that doesn't work for me. I don't I don't feel that I can do that. is showing you that like we each have a unique calling. We each have a unique puzzle piece. We have something really important that we're here to bring our life and that unique puzzle piece needs to be fully expressed, for you to feel fulfilled, know, to feel like you're living out your calling. And so it's kind of like this is what I help people do is to find that little uniqueness that's just for them, and help them to kind of, you know, fill their piece in the grand puzzle of life. Yeah,

Brian Smith  30:33  
so it's you, I noticed in return, you talk about, like, it's not just written in the stars, this is I always ask people for questions. But when they're coming on the program, I very rarely used them, but you had some great ones. And you had one about like, you know, it's not just written in stars, it's written in your DNA, which is kind of what you touched on. Because, you know, a lot of us have fallen out with thick oil, astrology is just, I don't know, ancient thinking. And that's not really real. But DNA is very real. And so it sounds like you're saying it's not, it's not. And it's not either, or, it's both.

Raquel Reyna  31:07  
Yeah. And that's what's interesting. I like when science kind of matches what spiritual practitioners are saying, because sometimes people need that logical piece, you know, to look at the science. So it makes sense to their logic, because logic is important. People like to know, oh, if I plant this seed in the ground, and I water it, I'm gonna get an apple tree. Like, it's really important that people kind of, you know, understand the logic of things. And so yeah, there are these different kind of ways of scientifically showing you that there are unique things, obviously, in your DNA code is very, very unique. But also, I like this notion of understanding your your DNA code, or your calling is really unique to you. And it's really important to kind of allow yourself to express this uniqueness. And I think that you know, people want to, or that's a common theme, like, be yourself. But sometimes, and what human design is saying is, you first have to unravel all of the places where you're living as you're not self, all the places where you absorbed things from your parents, or your teachers or society where you've absorbed things to be something that you're not. So that's a big part of the process to kind of interesting. Yeah.

Brian Smith  32:46  
And that brings us to another thing that you had said, and I love that you said, the search of understanding the big three, who you are, why you're here, what is your purpose, which is three of the questions that I think that everybody needs to ask and answer. And you say we consult with stars, the prophets, the guru is the priests and personality assessments. But we're not we're missing the bigger, more accurate question who you are not? I think that's kind of what you were just talking about. Is that right? Yeah, absolutely.

Raquel Reyna  33:11  
I think that, you know, and what, what, what human design really does help is to show you, like, where you are consistent in your energy, and where you are absorbing from somebody else. And so like for anybody who's an empath, you know, you kind of absorb people's emotions. And so what human design starts and helps show you is like, okay, so if you are absorbing someone's emotions, how do you know what your emotions are? You know, how do you know the difference? And there are ways to know that. And so that was huge for me because I'm a person who's very empathic I was absorbing amplifying all the emotions of everybody around me. And so it was causing me to be very extreme in my emotions, and some people are just the opposite their emotions have been shut down or repressed or like pushed down so you can kind of see where the differences are and some people you need to help them express their emotions in some people you want to help them to like know, those emotions are not yours. And so it's a really like, you know, eye opening type of thing to discover. What's your uniqueness? Who are you? And how can you you know, kind of best live in you know, what it is that's wanting to be Are through your life. Yeah, yeah.

Brian Smith  35:02  
Yeah, what you say reminds me of, and I, as I've been studying life for as long as I have been, you know, we come in and we are unique in anybody who's had children, if especially if you have more than one child, you realize that we don't come in as blank slates, we come in with, with certain personalities, certain characteristics. Again, some people might say that's astrological. Some people might say it's DNA, whatever it is, but then society says, Okay, this is how you have to be your parents say, this is how you have to be your teacher say, this is how you have to be, this is the path to success. And then we forget who we are, we're like, we don't even know who we are at some point. And we don't know which emotions are ours, we don't know which emotions aren't ours. You know, we just know, this is what we're told this is this is the path that you need to follow. So I hear what you're saying about like, how do I get back to who I am, I think that that's a really an appeal to what you do.

Raquel Reyna  35:59  
Yeah, that is a big huge thing is all the voices in our heads that have led us to certain choices in our lives. And because they're so in gray, depending on how ingrained they are, you know, to put some people are more rebellious. But even rebellion is actually just the flip side of the same coin, you know, so like, if your mom tells you to do a, and you decide to do the opposite, because of that, oftentimes, that action itself is still conditioning, because you're like, rebelling to be the opposite. And that's, that's what I did for a lot of years. And so it's really important to kind of understand why it is we're doing what we do. And so many people don't take that time to unravel that. And so they just may go about life feeling just a little bit frustrated, or feeling just a little bit like I don't like my life. And that's when we see a lot of people kind of numbing out, right? Or too much TV or too much alcohol or too much food or, you know, just like numbing out to the life that maybe they don't like, and really sad, you know, it's a lot easier than people think. Because it's just one moment at a time, you know, noticing like, Oh, I'm actually more like this. And because of what my mom told me, I went in this direction, you know, and kind of just awareness and insight opens the doors to possibilities things that you couldn't you cannot even think happening like you once you have an insight, then all of a sudden, a new pathway opens, or you see an opportunity that you may not have seen. So I think a lot of people feel trapped in their life or trapped in a career or trapped in a job. And when you're in that career, and this definitely happened for me, I couldn't even see, you know, my mind. I was like, I don't know what I can do. I you know, I don't know of any other career I could do. I don't know, you know, my brain couldn't figure it out. Right? And so sometimes like the Insight is what opens the door.

Brian Smith  38:30  
The title of your book, I love it. I want to talk about that you said is it? Are you immune stepped I stepped as human design design guide to unleash your genius, understand uniqueness and thrive during times of transformation. Why are you a mutant? What does that mean?

Raquel Reyna  38:45  
So in human design, there are three circuit groups. One is individual, one is tribal, and one is collective. And so the collective are those people that are here to share. They're the ones who helped us create community or all of the infrastructure like libraries, parks, things that are free, the tribal is going to be more about the business. It's going to be about family, and all the places where you act more in that way where Oh, this is my group. And then the individual is the one that doesn't fit in. You feel like an outsider, you might have been called, you know, an outcast or, you know, the one who is different from society. And the one that is different from society is really needed. Because I think one of the greatest examples is like Steve Wozniak, if you guys remember Steve Wozniak, he is the guy who created the apple Computer, right? So he was like the nerd in high school, no one understood him, he was an outcast. And he's like TINKERING AWAY in his garage. And at that time, we didn't know what computers were. So he was just a weirdo, right? He was somebody where we're looking, what is that guy doing in his garage. And so he was, what society needed to break away from what everyone else was doing to do something totally different. And to create a new path for all of society. So the individuals are very, very important. And we lovingly call them mutants. The Mutants are the ones are not going to fit in they, you know, they're not going to be a part of groups very easily. And we all have mutant in us, by the way, everybody has all of the gates and we all have tribal, we all have collective, we all have mutants. But some people have a little bit more than other people. So you might have 75%, more of the moon. And what's interesting about this is that come 2027 We're moving into a new era, and the wheel is shifting, and we're moving into the era of the individual. So all of those things that were more selectively tribal, which would be things like, it's really important to, you know, when you're, for example, if you're a woman, you need to start looking for your husband, by a certain age, you need to have kids, you need to, you know, do all these things get the the white picket fence and and that is a tribal agreement that over the last 400 years is confirmed by the aura mechanics that we've collectively been in. So there's a collective shift that's happening come 2027. So in four years, where there's gonna be a new shift, more towards that individual. So that individual that's here to break away to do things their own way to just discover a life that's more unique to them. So the reason why so many people are having this like discomfort around things that they're pushed into, that they don't really feel a part of, and they're feeling this bubbling up this discomfort, this calling to be something different, is because we're literally changing the mechanics so that everybody is going to be moving into the era of the individual. So everybody needs to self actualize. And that's basically what it's saying. And so this book is really telling you how to first understand who you are, by knowing your human design chart, and then get ready for this new time. Where if you're relying on a, you know, thinking that the government is going to take care of you or the you know, your your old business models going to take care of you, or these old structures that we used to rely on the 401 K, or whatever all these models are breaking down. And what human design is saying in the next four years is the time that you need to become more self reliant. You need to figure out a way to make yourself happy, you need to figure out a way to make money as your unique self, you need to figure out a way how to heal your body more, and heal yourself not based on old, outdated systems, even the school systems. It's another thing why so many homeschool, so many new ways of learning so many new education models. So many new systems have money like the Bitcoin and you know, all of these things, where it's like the, you know, all of them, the PayPal apps and Zell apps, and, you know, they don't want trading in the banks controlling everything anymore. This is all systematic decline of these tribal organizations that we once relied on. And now it's more about self expression, self awareness. And so people are feeling not so the book is about discovering who you are. Basically, all the things we just talked about was like, Who are you? What are you relying on that you might not want to rely on? And how can you find your own footing in a world that is falling apart on a lot of different ways? You know, and like we have less we feel less confident in our leaders maybe I mean, I don't I'm not going to get political, but some people feel less confident in the leaders and the leadership and relying on things outside of themselves. Well,

Brian Smith  45:10  
I want to interject there for a second, because we say we don't want to get political. And that's like a thing. We're supposed to say we're not supposed to get political. But that's true on both sides in the US anyway, we have two sides, basically. And both sides are not confident in the leaders. I mean, there's nobody happy, there's 70% of people in this country right now, are unhappy with the two choices we've got coming up for the next election. So that's, that's not really a political statement.

Raquel Reyna  45:41  
Well, you're absolutely right. And the reason I said I want to get political simply because I personally don't like talking about it, because I don't, I just can't like, I'm just like, Bull. Yes, both slides are nuts. There's no, like, if you're gonna rely on anyone, that's what I mean, is any leadership out there on both sides are unreliable? You got to figure out how to lead yourself. Yeah. And that's,

Brian Smith  46:09  
that's an interesting proposition for someone because I'm, I've been around for a long time. So I'm still part of that traditional thing that I expect, you know, there'll be a government and the government to be responsible and to, you know, take care of us to a certain extent, I guess. And I it concerns me when I see so many people saying, yeah, the government sucks, both sides suck, I don't care. I don't want to I don't really want to be involved in it. And that's, that's a political thing, I guess. But, but practically speaking, I don't know how this this manifests, and 2027, we're all individuals?

Raquel Reyna  46:44  
That's a good question. You know, everyone has a prophecy and the, you know, there's different prophecies, I have my own kind of vision of it. And I personally think that really, what it's just about is that each person kind of has to find their own ideology, you know, especially now with so much of like, what we saw around the fake news, and like, you don't really know what to believe. And like, even with all of the things that are coming out around, you know, these, there's so many conspiracies that you don't know what's true, that's true. And then with AI coming out, now, there's all these deep fakes, where they're literally able to AI avatar you. And so we might not even know, when we see someone speaking in on video, we might not even know if that's them or not. So you know, the idea here, and what I write a lot about in the book is, you might not be able to rely on anything you're seeing, you might not be able to know what the truth is. And so how do you stand in not knowing the truth? And what do you rely on? Yeah. And so instead of going nuts, and trying to figure it out, and spinning out of control, and going into confusion and fear and like not knowing, you have to be able to trust what is correct for you. And what human design is saying is that, like, if you can deeply trust your own self, then no matter what goes on out there, no matter how nuts, whatever side of the leadership, or how much they're fighting, or how much this person says, this is the truth of what's going on. No, this is the truth of what's going on. Or this is like an instead of have even needing the truth, choose a side, you just go inside yourself and say, This is my truth. And with that said, I honor and respect your truth. Know, Like, okay, that's good for you. But that's not good for me, you know, and so instead of trying to, like, push our agenda onto other people, we just accept everybody's ideology, what people are believing and choose our own truth.

Brian Smith  49:02  
Yeah, that's a that's a really fascinating thing to think about. Because, you know, in a way, things are definitely breaking down. And I hear some people say, well, things have to be torn down for something new to be built. And that's what I choose to believe because I have to I have to remain optimistic. But it is scary. Because you mentioned fake news. Ai, there's, you know, some people are thrilled about AI. I think AI is the greatest thing other other people say ai ai is going to destroy us. And as you said, we're not going to be able we people can can fake our voice now. They can fake and very soon it will be video, and we won't be able to know whether something was really said or done or not. So what this allows us to do, as you said, is to start trusting ourselves and to be rooted in our own truth. Regardless of what's going on around us.

Raquel Reyna  49:56  
That's exactly it. That's exactly it. And so what this what the my book is, it's really a guide to help people step by step, begin that process of trusting themselves learning who they are unraveling, what's not them, looking at the places where they relied on something that wasn't good for them. And it's not always the case like sometimes your parents teach you well, you know, sometimes you, you've gotten graded education from a teacher or parent or whatever, and you want to maintain that. So it's not everything you know, is bad, it's just discovering which ones you want to keep for yourself. And then being able to really radically, I say, it's radical self reliance. Because if things are falling apart, let's say even, you know, the hospital systems or whatever, you know, when when, when we did see things really breaking down, instead of buying into the battle, is really taking care of your own health, like really taking care of your immune system, your stress, like really knowing how to self heal self care, radically self rely on who you are, trusting what you know, trust and who you are. So when things get rocky, and we've seen some rocky times over the past life, you know, as you all walked through 2020, with me, we've seen some rocky times. And according to human design, they say things are gonna get more rocky. And so that's what this is about is like really helping people to discover, like, what makes them unique, and how they can radically self rely during times of transformation, during rocky times.

Brian Smith  51:58  
Yeah, that's really, that's really fascinating. I think I'm more of a collective person. So it does scare me a little bit to hear people say, well, we just want to, we want to do our own thing. But I'm also very much into, we have to be self actualized. And that's how we contribute to the collective because of if all if we're too, I think it's about balance, if we're too much into the collective that we don't take care of ourselves. And I've seen people do that. And I think that's one of the issues we got now. Because we're trying to, you know, basically stamp out automatons it's like, this is the way you have to be, this is the way you have to work, this is what you have to think. And I think it's important to teach people self reliance, that then they can then turn around and be their best self for for all of us.

Raquel Reyna  52:46  
So well said and I mean, I think the idea here is like when people were taught, in the past, you've been taught, sacrifice the self for the good of the country, right? sacrifice yourself, for the good of the family, sacrifice this self for the good of your corporation. So think about even like corporate models, where it's like, the individual doesn't matter, as long as the bottom line is good. You know, as long as this company is making a million dollars, go ahead and work yourself to death, you know, these, this is the shift that needs to happen. Yes, we want you to have business success. But we want the individual to be healthy, whole and satisfied in the work that they're doing. So that's the transition. It's not that we want, you know, the collective and the roads and the tribes, the families and the businesses tend to fall apart, they won't I don't believe that we're going to have a mass falling apart. That's not what I believe. I just believe that that shift needs to happen. And it might be hard to get there. Because what that means is people have to release control, because and corporations need to release the way they did it before. Because if they think oh, well, if I let that person take care of themselves, I'm not going to be making the millions because that's all they know. And so yeah, you have to shake things up a little bit in order to do things differently. pletely

Brian Smith  54:11  
agree. And that is you said that was thinking about, you know, with the pandemic, a lot of people started working from home. And corporations are like, well, we're gonna have to let you work from home and now it's a health thing. And now people are saying, I like working from home. This works for me, I don't I don't want to go back to the office and you've got some corporations with that control thing. Like, No, you need to come back. We need you here and I see people leaving literally leaving jobs because they're like, I'm not going back into the office. It doesn't it doesn't work for me does it? I'm not doing a three hour commute. That's that's not a life.

Raquel Reyna  54:47  
Working from home is my heaven.

Brian Smith  54:52  
I've been doing it for 30 years. And God

Raquel Reyna  54:57  
that does for you that If

Brian Smith  55:00  
I was working from home before working from home was cool. And I don't understand cubicle life, I've been blessed, I've never had to work a cubicle job I've always been, I was in sales, I was an engineer, I was always in and out, I could set my kind of my own schedule. But again, I see a lot of people now saying, You're not going to control, you know, 70 hours of my week, I'm not going to spend, you know, because, you know, you're, maybe you're paying me for eight hours a day, but you want me to drive an hour and a half each way. People are saying, I'm not going to do that, I think that's a good thing for our society. I

Raquel Reyna  55:37  
absolutely agree. I think people really found during 2020, when they were able to work from home, the freedom, you know, the freedom to like, have your day back, and be able to go to the store when you want and, you know, take care of your dog and like just kind of live your own schedule work at night, if you're more comfortable sleep during the day, you know, kind of let the flow be in your own flow. And I agree, I think so many people took that on. And I think the companies that don't get on board with that are going to suffer. And that's just one thing, you know, but I think there there are plenty of things that are like that, where, you know, things are changing. And it's really important not to try and control. And it's really important to kind of let this new change happen. And hopefully, people start to see that there's a lot of beauty to it.

Brian Smith  56:27  
Yeah, well, I just I, for me being the age I am I remember, you know, back when I first started working in the early 1980s, you know, you would go to work for a company. I worked for IBM, for example. And the deal was you got to work for IBM, you are for IBM for 40 years, they give you a gold watch, they have to give you a pension, and what you do whatever they tell you to do, they you move wherever they tell you to move, and it was. And then when that contract started falling apart, it took a while before the workers realize, okay, they're not taking care of me. So why should I be loyal to the to the company and I see people now saying, Okay, I'm going to be I'm gonna be an independent, independent agent, I might work for you, as long as it's work that works out for both of us. And that's a much more healthy relationship.

Raquel Reyna  57:13  
I absolutely agree. And that is the model that I think we're breaking free from. And a lot of people even, you know, are deciding not to go to college and my nephew, he's Wani, and he got into one of the best universities, Chicago University of Chicago. He was there for a couple of months. And he's like, you know, I want to do my own business. And now he's already like, has a successful business. He's in San Francisco. He's doing like one of the, you know, apps or whatever. And he's already running a hugely successful business. And he's, like, 1920 years old. And so it's like, there's a lot more models available now. And just the the system of going to college getting a job doing that till your, you know, your retirement that it has. It's still there. But it's not ruling everybody like it once did.

Brian Smith  58:05  
Right. Right. Exactly. And I think that's really important. Because, again, people, even my, my daughter graduated from high school 10 years ago, the question was always like, Where were you? Where are they going to college, where they're going to college? And I started realizing that's not in the year 2023. Now that time, whenever the year that was 2017, when she graduated, it's like, no, she was when I was 2014 when she graduate. But you know, there are different ways of doing things. And I tell people, if I were coming out of school now, and I didn't have that kind of mindset, instead of going to college, I would learn to trade. And that's, that's a job they can't take away from you. You know, it's funny how things are kind of switched around as those blue collar jobs being an electrician being a plumber, stuff like that. Nobody can outsource.

Raquel Reyna  58:54  
Yeah, yep. And that's it is like learning, you know, that there's a lot of options. And I love you know, exactly that if you give your children more of a freedom, you know, it's like, my sister was horrified that her son she because she, we come from, you know, it's based on education, our family, you know, very intellectual. She's, she is an Ivy League. And so she, she, it was like, the fact that and her other her other son didn't go to college at all. So like, I love the third generation. So like, really, they break this these cycles. That's it. It's like there's so many options. And I love the fact that you're able to like give your kids those options. And I really think that's super important. And that is one of those pieces where when you let your kids be themselves, and you let them really follow what it is they're like leaning into what they're inspired to do. I think that if you really let people lean into what's correct for them, the doors gonna Open the past and open. And there's a lot more opportunity now than you know, when I was graduating from high school and college, there's so much more opportunity. And I think that's a that's a very exciting thing.

Brian Smith  1:00:12  
Yeah, I think it has to because again, it's getting back to being who you really are, you know, and saying, Okay, I'm I am not the corporate sit behind a desk kind of person, I am more of a work of my hands kind of person. And there not being any, you know, any shame in that, like we tried to do, you know, in the past and saying, everybody, you know, follow your path. And so this thing about human design, and giving people the freedom to dig into who we really are, and to live that authentic life sounds really important.

Raquel Reyna  1:00:46  
It's a good tool, it's a helpful tool to use to discover a purpose, a path, a life that you're going to feel really good about. And ultimately, like you said, I think asking these deeper questions are really, really important. And it's just so easy to let live kind of, you know, dictate itself or your parents dictate, or, you know, or what you think you should do, dictate and get you into situations that don't feel very good to you. And, you know, there's a lot of tools, I'm not saying, human design is the only tool, it's the tool that worked for me, right? You know, and there's a lot of tools out there, but it's a great tool to help people kind of live a life that they love. And it sounds so cliche, but really, that's what we're here to do is to find out how we can, you know, make the most out of what is happening right now, as humans, you know, and being here on the planet and, and figuring out why we're here and what we're meant to do. Yeah,

Brian Smith  1:01:57  
well, the big questions, the things that are really important. So we're crazy. Go ahead. Yep. Remind people where they can find your website. And I know you have usage of that. You can get a free charter your website, so at least get you started in the right direction. Yeah,

Raquel Reyna  1:02:13  
so the website is Raquel and dividend dividend is my husband. We both this is what we do. We're both human design guides and experts and we, we on our website, you can get your free chart. And then are you a mutant Raquel Raina is available on Amazon, or audible. And so once you get your free chart, you use that as your guide. And then are you immune is it's a it's a step by step it's easy way to kind of learn your chart.

Brian Smith  1:02:48  
And you said Raquel and videon? Can you spell that for me?

Raquel Reyna  1:02:52  
Yeah, so dividends my husband, it's D It's D A V i d, ay ay n.

Brian Smith  1:02:59  
That's why that's just like it sounds. Alright. Just wanted to be sure. All right. Well, it's been great meeting you and having you here today. Thanks for doing this.

Raquel Reyna  1:03:07  
I love your questions so much. It's really, really wonderful to connect with you. Thank you so much. All right. Enjoy

Brian Smith  1:03:14  
the rest of your afternoon, YouTube right. Bye bye.

Transcribed by

Raquel Reyna Profile Photo

Raquel Reyna

Author/Mystical Human Design Teacher/ <A

Raquel Reyna, a revolutionary Human Design teacher, has her Masters’ degree in Spiritual Psychology. She has been on a spiritual journey of awakening since age of 23 when she traveled the world going through a Shamanic initiation with one of the most powerful Shamans in the world. She is a spiritual shock igniter who has since helped countless people transform their lives by understanding their personalized success code in her Internationally known Creative Coaching Certification School, she founded.

Her new book, Are You a Mutant release date 9/1/2023, she is an Author, Influencer, and Transformation Initiator. Serving her community for the deep personal transformations we are going through individually and collectively. She now utilizes shamanic principles, Law of Attraction, psychology spiritual development tools, and Human Design mastery to unleash an entirely new level of education for people to awaken to their truth and live a life reflecting this truth, she is committed to the service of humanity’s awakening.

At one time, Raquel was climbing the corporate ladder and a representative for her company traveling the world, speaking on shows like the Tyra Banks and The View; until she gave up her corporate career in her 40's, with no safety net, for a creative entrepreneurial dream. She launched online after learning she was a Human Design Projector from a whole new perspective on how to #nothustle her way to success. She has since interviewed such thought leaders as Marianne Williamson and David Avocado Woolfe. She has been featured in the… Read More

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