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The Grief That Comes With Alzheimer's- How To Cope

In this deeply personal video, Edward Grinnan and I explore the challenging journey of grief encountered when caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease. Through heartfelt storytelling, we uncover the layers of loss, the strength found in presence, and the poignant moments that connect us even as memories fade.

Key highlights from our discussion:
- The universal challenge of feeling like there's no path forward in grief.
- The importance of staying present with Alzheimer's patients, who live in the 'pinhole of time.'
- Strategies for meaningful communication, avoiding correction and fostering connection.
- Understanding grief as a self-centered emotion that can act as a barrier to love.
- The comforting perspective that those who have passed on are in a better place, freeing us to celebrate their memory rather than remain in sorrow.

Join us in exploring love, loss, and the lessons we learn from being present with those we cherish, even in the silence of their final days. Don't forget to like, comment about your experiences, and subscribe for more insights on living and coping with grief.

### Hashtags:
#AlzheimersGrief, #CopingWithDementia, #GriefJourney, #PresenceInGrief, #MemoryCare, #DementiaCaregiving, #EmotionalSupport, #LoveAndLoss, #HealingJourney, #EndOfLifeCare, #LifeAfterLoss, #GrievingProcess, #ComfortInGrief, #LivingInPresent, #MindfulGrieving, #Grief2Growth– – – Let’s Connect: – – –

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