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The History of Spirituality on Earth in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Vedic Traditions ~ a Preview”

Quick Description:

Kelvin and I discuss the 30th November talk, a lecture by George Hammond on the 30th of November 2014. George, Kelvin, and others had a series of visits from a group of beings on The Other Side. These beings had a specific message about the four major faith traditions: Vedic, Islamic, Judaic, and Christian, and how they have been involved through various lifetimes across millennia.

Important Links:

Kelvin's letter to introduce you to the talk:

The 30th November Talk Website:

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Kelvin is Executive Director & Founder of the “Turning Within” Meditation and Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundations and is an internationally-recognized meditation teacher featured in Business Insider, Newsweek, and Kaiser Health News, and has taught meditation at West Point and in the U.S. Army, including on the DMZ in Korea. Kelvin has been meditating for 50 years, has taught meditation for 49 years to thousands of people in over 60 countries, and his past life memories reach back 6,000 years. He graduated from Dartmouth, Yale, and Boston College Law and has lived in 7 countries.

Kelvin also organized the 30th November event held in Alexandria, Virginia, in 2014, where a talk was given by George Hammond, who gave the history of spirituality on Earth in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Vedic traditions over the past 10,000 years, as shared in quite some detail with him by the founders of those traditions -- who are all now on the Other Side.

We discussed how that event came about and what topics were covered in that talk -- so a sort of preview today of the 30th November talk -- so that you will have a better idea of what it is about before you all actually go to that website and listen to it yourselves.

Also, on Wednesday, 30th November 2022, this year at 12 Noon Pacific (3 Eastern), Kelvin will conduct a Q&A worldwide for all who have watched that talk over the past 8 years.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:59 What Is the 30th Of November Talk?
00:05:01 The History of Spirituality Over The Last 7,000 Years
00:07:03 Who Is George Hammond?
00:10:36 George's Recently Deceased Sister Visits Him
00:16:51 Maharashi Mahesh Yogi Visits George
00:20:00 Jesus Visits George With Maharashi
00:21:14 Shankara Joins The Conversation
00:22:46 The Cast of Characters Comes Together
00:25:00 Who Is Guru Dev?
00:26:18 The "Holy Tradition"
00:30:31 What Does It Mean To Be Enlightened?
00:32:56 Maharashi Is Surprised He Didn't "Merge"
00:33:51 Do We Merge Into "The One"?
00:36:57 Who Are The Movement?
00:38:13 Is Jehovah "God"?
00:42:05 The Origins of Karma and Dharma Concepts
00:43:45 The Prophetic System
00:44:33 Unintended Consequences
00:46:16 How "The Talk" Was Delivered To George
00:50:22 The Jesus Project (follows the Prophet Project)
00:51:49 The Soul Groups
00:53:18 There Were Dozens Of People Who Followed Jesus
00:54:17 People Who Saw Jesus' Crucifixion Still Carry The Trauma
00:57:44 No More Divinity Worship Or Gurus
01:01:31 Jesus' Real Teachings
01:09:39 The Origins Of The "New Testament"