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Unlocking Spiritual Wisdom and Understanding from Beyond the Veil | Frances Key & The Team

Are you looking for spiritual wisdom and understanding when it comes to what causes us to do the things we do? Look no further. Frances Key, author of the spiritual book series "The Team", shares extraordinary spiritual insights channeled from her mother and soul team after her mother's death.

In this profound interview with host Brian Smith, Frances reveals eye-opening spiritual perspectives to help you understand life's deepest mysteries.

Learn about the invisible spiritual teams working behind the scenes across dimensions for human evolution. Discover how your thoughts and actions contribute to collective energetic spheres influencing world events. And find out why self-condemnation comes from pride rather than humility.

Frances also explains the urgent need for inner work and raising consciousness in order to impact outer change. As well as how forgiveness can set you free and interrupt cycles of revenge.

If you've ever wondered what lies beyond the thin veil separating this world from more eternal realms of spirit, this video provides stunning wisdom to unveil divine truth.

Tune in now to begin awakening your own connection to spiritual guidance so you can live more fully, lovingly and harmoniously.
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00:00 📚 Introduction to Frances Key and Her Works
01:56 ✈️ Beginning of Spiritual Communication
03:51 🌀 Spiritual Teamwork and Soul Dynamics
07:08 🌐 Global Events and Spiritual Perspective
09:20 🎙️ Unexplained Recording from Frances's Mother
14:05 🌍 Addressing Global Conflict and Inner Violence
17:46 🤝 Overcoming Personal Challenges and Forgiveness
24:24 🌌 Vibrational Spheres and Collective Consciousness
34:19 🌀 The Role of Individuals in Shaping Humanity's Future
41:24 🌱 Growth Through Self-Forgiveness and Humility
47:29 🌍 Navigating Life's Challenges with Spiritual Insight
56:33 🌟 The Interconnectedness of Thoughts and Universal Wisdom
1:03:06 🌌 Embracing Life's Journey and Spiritual Assignments
01:11:02 📚 Frances Key's Other Literary Works