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Venia R- Her Near Death Experience Led To A Lifetime of Learning

Venia R had a Near Death Experience that was just the beginning. Have you ever wondered about life's mysteries beyond the physical realm? Join us for an intriguing journey with Venia Hill, an Air Force veteran who shares her profound near-death experience at 17. Her out-of-body encounter unveiled energy fields and challenged her perception of self. Venia's exploration of spirituality goes deeper, questioning the superficiality of race and gender.

**The Awakening**

At 17, while in Italy, Venia faced a life-altering moment. Her near-death experience led to an extraordinary revelation. Hovering above her own body, she sensed an extended energy field, redefining her understanding of life and death. She realized that beneath the surface, race and gender are mere facades, masking our true, interconnected selves.

**Venturing Beyond**

Venia's journey didn't end there. She delved into astral travel and encounters with otherworldly dimensions. Themes like reincarnation, soul interconnectedness, and the fluidity of time and space unfolded.

Venia also offers a unique perspective on animal souls, viewing them as vital components of life's tapestry. They, too, have distinct purposes and lessons to share.

**Reimagining the Divine**

Venia's understanding of God challenges common beliefs. She envisions God as a loving, omnipresent energy source rather than a distant, judgmental figure.

Venia Hill takes us on a journey beyond our physical world in this brief exploration. Her story invites us to ponder the mysteries of spirituality, near-death experiences, and life's profound lessons.

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🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🌟 Venia Hill had a near-death experience at 17 while in Italy due to caffeine pills, during which she left her body and entered a white, loving, and divine realm.
03:21 💫 In the spiritual realm, she saw numerous souls, each with unique energy fields, and felt immense peace, love, and awareness.
05:41 🌌 Venia emphasized that in the spiritual realm, there is no concept of race, gender, or physical identity, and our true essence is purely spiritual.
15:35 ✨ She connected with her own soul, realizing that her earthly self was just a small part of her overall soul's existence.
22:39 🐙 Venia explained that the soul, like an octopus head, sends aspects of itself to experience various realities, but the soul itself never incarnates.
28:47 🤐 Venia acknowledged the limitations of language in describing her spiritual experiences but aimed to share her insights as openly as possible.
30:14 🚀 The speaker describes an out-of-body experience during a near-death experience (NDE) where they traveled with a guide through a portal of energy into space, encountering various phenomena.
35:58 👽 They discuss seeing different forms of beings and space traffic during the NDE, including three-dimensional and interdimensional entities, suggesting that there's more to the cosmos than commonly known.
37:21 🛸 The government's alleged cover-up of alien existence is mentioned, with the speaker suggesting that some of it might be due to the aliens' desire for anonymity rather than just government secrecy.
50:21 💡 The speaker shares that during their NDE, they understood the purpose of their life on Earth, which involved karmic obligations and helping others.
55:38 🌟 The speaker discusses the planning of life experiences by the soul, emphasizing that most of what we go through is planned, even though it may not always seem that way from our limited human perspective.
01:00:33 🔄 Reincarnation is believed to be true, and past lives are experienced concurrently on the other side.
01:02:25 🌌 There is no time or space on the other side; everything exists in a constant now.
01:04:17 🤯 While in the void, experiences and information are understood simultaneously, but on Earth, they may appear as separate events.
01:06:44 🐾 Animals have souls, but their souls are different from human souls. Reuniting with pets is possible on the other side.
01:08:11 🧩 Autism is seen as a unique spiritual lens through which some individuals experience life.
01:09:34 🕊️ God is not confined to one being; it's the source of all, and everything is part of the fabric of love.
01:12:21 ⚖️ There is no politics or religion on the other side, as there are no opposing sides; everything is harmonious.
01:17:11 ⚖️ Karma is about balance, not necessarily good or bad; it aims to correct imbalances in our experiences and existences.