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Why Meditation Isn't Working For Me- with Kelvin Chin

Why meditation isn't working for me is a common search I recommend meditation to all fo my clients. I can't count how many have told me, "I can't meditate. Meditation isn't for me."

I've been meditating for about 15 years. I've studied several types of meditation, used apps, and bought devices. For several years, I meditated without missing a day.

When I learned Kelvin was offering "Turning Within" as a class, I wondered what I could learn about meditation. Not that I know it all. But, I found a practice that worked well for me.

I've been training with Kelvin for about two weeks as of the recording of this episode. His technique is simple, easy, and effective. Kelvin has taught experienced meditators to improve their practices, and his technique is easy enough that a beginner probably will pick it up easier than someone seasoned, like me, who has learned all kinds of wrong information.

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Kelvin Chin is an author and Life After Life Expert. His first book “Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems” is a nonreligious approach to overcoming the fear of death. And, his new book, “Marcus Aurelius Updated: 21st Century Meditations On Living Life” is a collection of 67 essays ranging from Emotions, Life Principles, Meditation, and the Spiritual.

Kelvin is Executive Director & Founder of the “Turning Within” Meditation and Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundations, and is an internationally-recognized meditation teacher featured in Business Insider, Newsweek, Kaiser Health News, and has taught meditation at West Point and in the U.S. Army, including on the DMZ in Korea. Kelvin has been meditating for 50 years, has taught meditation for 49 years to thousands of people in over 60 countries, and his past life memories reach back 6,000 years. He is a graduate of Dartmouth, Yale and Boston College Law, and has lived in 7 countries.

00:00 Introduction
04:14 How Kelvin Got Into Meditation
09:47 Kelvin’s Time with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
11:38 Meditation Should Be Easy
14:01 Turning Within Meditation
16:25 Cultural Differences
20:19 Myths About Meditation
26:33 Waking State Versus Meditative State
27:49 My Two Weeks Working With Kelvin
30:27 Monkey Mind
35:21 The Houston Astrodome Analogy
38:51 Other Meditation Techniques
42:05 The Benefit of Turning Within For The Dying
45:00 Being Alone With Your Mind
47:08 Who Are You Really?
50:12 Why Would You Meditate?
54:43 Why You Don’t Have To Meditate For Hours
55:50 Turning On The Automatic Parasympathetic Switch
59:27 Falling Asleep In Meditation Is A Good Thing
1:03:04 Get In Touch With Kelvin