Sept. 17, 2024

What I Learned From My Talking Cat- with Nick Musica EP 387

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Imagine learning profound life lessons from your furry companions—lessons in mindfulness, patience, and acceptance. In this heart-opening episode of "Grief 2 Growth," host Brian Smith sits down with Nick Musica, an animal communicator, healer, and founder of *My Cat Schooled Me*. Nick’s journey into animal communication started with an unusual catalyst—psychedelic experiences involving the sacred cactus, San Pedro, which helped him connect with animals on a spiritual level. 

With over a decade of experience, Nick has worked with countless people and their pets, helping to foster deeper relationships and communicate beyond the physical realm. He believes that animals have the ability to reflect our emotions and even guide us on our spiritual paths.

✨ How Nick’s cat, Chucky, became his greatest teacher
✨ What animals can teach us about living in the present moment
✨ How San Pedro opened Nick’s mind to the unseen world of animal consciousness
✨ Why our pets’ behaviors often mirror our own energy

Nick shares incredible stories about his clients and how animals offer us life lessons we might overlook. Whether you're curious about animal communication, meditation, or just want to understand your pet better, this episode will leave you with a fresh perspective on the power of our animal friends.

👉 **Watch now to deepen your bond with your animal companions!**

#AnimalCommunication #PetWisdom #SpiritualConnection #Mindfulness #NickMusica #Grief2GrowthPodcast


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Brian Smith  0:00  
Close your eyes and imagine. What if the things in life that cause us the greatest pain, the things that bring us grief, are challenges, challenges designed to help us grow to ultimately become what we were always meant to be. We feel like we've been buried. But what if, like a seed. We've been planted, and having been planted, we grow to become a mighty tree. Now open your eyes. Open your eyes to this way of viewing life. Come with me as we explore your true, infinite, eternal nature. This is grief to growth, and I am your host, Brian Smith, hey everybody. This is Brian. Welcome back to another episode of grief to growth. As I said, I'm Brian Smith. I'm your host, and I'm glad you're here today. So whether you're a longtime listener or you're joining us for the first time, wanna let you know this show is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of life and uncover deeper understanding of who we are, where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going. Today, we've got a fascinating guest. His name is Nick musica, and Nick is the author of our Nick is the owns the website my cat schooled me, which is talks about lessons that he's learned from his cat. His journey with feline companions has opened up new perspectives on new perspectives on mindfulness, on patience, acceptance, and surprising ways that animals can teach us about ourselves and our place in the world. And Nick is a animal communicator who not only communicates with his own animals, but also connects with other people's animals on their behalf. So in our conversation today, we're gonna talk about some of the lessons that Nick has learned through communicating with animals and help help you maybe understand about how your animals would like to communicate with you a little bit better. So with that, I wanna welcome Nick. Musica,

Nick Musica  1:56  
thank you so

Brian Smith  1:58  
much, Nick. It's great to have you here. Really fascinating story that you have about communicating with animals, because some people don't are not even aware that's possible. So hopefully by the end of this show today, people will understand it is and I understand your journey started maybe off with some psychedelic experiences. Is that how it started?

Nick Musica  2:18  
Yeah. I mean, there's been a few milestones along the way, and psychedelics has certainly been part of it. So it's about 2017 I got introduced to, or maybe reintroduced to, psychedelics. And you know, the 20s it was, it was something different. It was experimentation. So I experimented a couple times, but in 2017 I got introduced to a cactus called San Pedro. And I didn't really understand the context, and I went to this, it's a ceremony. It's a sacred plant. And, you know, it's used a lot in South America and for generations, for a long, long time. And it was a, it was a wonderful, humbling, fantastic experience. It was amazing. Yeah, tell me about it. Tell

Brian Smith  3:08  
me about the experience. Yeah. I

Nick Musica  3:10  
mean, I've done it more than once, so, so it's become part of my, part of my bag of experiences. It's, I like to kid that my therapist is a cat and a cactus. And so I've been, I've been spending time with San Pedro about every six to 12 months since 2017 for folks who are into meditation, it's, it's sort of like meditation on steroids, at least that's my perspective, in terms of the connection that it gives you. And the day sort of starts out like this. You get there early in the morning, around eight o'clock ish or so, and you sit down with a group of people. There's an introduction about the background of the plan, where it comes from, in South America, and a little more context around it. And then everyone gives an intention for the day, what they're looking to get out of it. And then you, and then you drink some cactus, which you should do rather quickly, depending on how it's, how it's given to you some folks, it's, it's in a tea. I've only done it where it's powder mixed with water. And so here's the thing about cactus is that it sort of wants to come back into a cactus form after it gets dehydrated and you add water to it. And so the longer that it stays in a cup, that like it goes from liquid and slowly transforms into like a gummy worm of sorts, right? And that's you don't want to drink that each of that that's going to be a little terrible. So you want to get it down as best and as fast as you can. And also it's hard to get down, like you need to earn it. You need to earn the experience. You can get a little nauseous, and the guideline is Don't, don't let it up for the next 45 to an hour, because then we're back at square one, like we didn't. Take anything, essentially. But once, once you're past that 45 minutes to 60 minutes, you're in the clear for keeping it in your system. That doesn't mean that in an hour, two hour, three hours, that it's not going to come up again, right? So in the beginning of the time after you drink the cactus, you could qualify that as throwing up as just a biological response to it afterwards. We don't say throwing over vomit, we say purging, because it's really there's something else going on at that point that's, yeah, biological, but there's something else that's running. You're in tune with something greater than yourself. And if there's something that has to come up, it's really tied to not that. Oh my god. My stomach feels queasy because I ate something, but there's something that has to move, that has to get out of you and, and that's, it's such a wonderful thing that didn't happen for me for a long time, and then the past couple years, it sort of snuck up on me and and the purging, while it's awful, It's, I mean, there's nothing enjoyable at the time afterwards, it feels fantastic because something is no longer there. Yes, we're leaving. It's gone, and now it's just sort of the manifestation of believing.

Brian Smith  6:11  
Now, is this similar to Ayahuasca?

Nick Musica  6:16  
I have never spent any time with Ayahuasca, so I'm going to go with Yes, because I've heard stories similar, yeah, yeah. But so there's ayahuasca, from what I understand, can, like, shoot your soul out into the into outer space, and you're spending time with entities that, like, just are not on the planet, right? Yes, that's true. Have you had time with it?

Brian Smith  6:40  
I have not, but I've read a lot about it. Okay, okay,

Nick Musica  6:43  
I would say that San Pedro is that there's a book by what's his name, Carlos Castaneda, I believe, and he's and in the book he, I think he's talking about San Pedro, and he says it's essentially about a gentleman in the states that goes to Mexico, meets a guy who knows all the all the old ways of of tuning into spirit. And he's like, why are we doing this? And the phrase that comes out in the book that got my attention was, it helps you live the right way. And so that that for me, that really landed, because you see things, you're shown things, but it's very, instead of like ayahuasca, where it's like outer space, and who knows what's going on over there. I don't know San Pedro is really about this experience on this planet, in this body now, it's very now, right? Where Ayahuasca? I'm not quite sure if that's always the case,

Brian Smith  7:41  
yeah. And so I know you, you said you did some psychedelics in your youth. That was, I would assume, was more recreational. I was

Nick Musica  7:50  
out of curiosity mushrooms, because reasons you know that that type of thing,

Brian Smith  7:55  
yeah. So when you started doing San Pedro, what was your What was your intention?

Nick Musica  8:01  
Well, first, it was a complete framework shift, right? Because going to a dead show, taking too many mushrooms is way different than sitting with San Pedro and and the conversation going around is, you know what? Why'd you come here today? Well, I heard you could talk to God, Oh, interesting. Okay, and so, like, now I'm playing catch up, because really, here's how it showed up. Was a buddy of mine calls me and he says, You're going to come on Saturday, right? And I said, I don't know what you're talking about. And he said, Well, he said, we talked about this a while back, and you said you would come if the other party couldn't, couldn't make it. Well, this party can't make it, so you said you would go. So it's Saturday. I still don't know what you're talking about, and the more you explain it to me, the more I'm going, like, I don't like. This is not sounding all that interesting, just because it felt so foreign to me at the time. And but I decided to go. I have a lot of trust in this individual, and I decided to go, and my intention going was least the first time. I couldn't even tell you what it was. I really don't remember what it was at all, because it was sort of, I felt like I stepped into something that I should be in, but I didn't really understand what I was doing. But it was, it was, it was magical in terms of just what you're it changes everything. It changes your view on existence and what is possible. That was the big thing that it did for me. Like meditation has been super helpful in terms of consistency and building skills. Same page has been very helpful in terms of, like, one time you could sit down with it and you can see what is possible.

Brian Smith  9:39  
So can you explain you told me about the experience of taking the tea or the powder with the water, yeah, what did you What did you see?

Nick Musica  9:49  
It really depends. Sorry, so I've done it. I've sat with San Pedro more than 10 times at this point, and it shows up in very different ways depending on what. You need. And so my intention after the first time, because, what did I know the first time? My intention after the first time was clarity, like it's, it's clarity is, is very inconvenient, and it's also very helpful, right? It can be inconvenient, but it's also it's always very helpful. Always, always, always. And so when something shows up, it's, it's what you need right now to move forward. So for example, when the animals were showing up, my intention was like, if there's anything that has to get out of the way, let's just do it. Like, I want to get back, I want to get on the path for for these animals and have these conversations. And that was the first time that I puked, purged and and that was surprising. And now it was, it was, it was a rough time for me. I never had a rough time with it before. And I don't know if it was that time or was the time after, and I've never had an experience like this before or after, but what I saw like written in your mind's eye, like you can see things, you can hear things, you can feel things come through in various different ways. What I saw in my mind's eyes I was laying down, was someone, whoever is there, what, however you want to call this, this connection that you have, spirit source, whatever the label is you want to give it. But there is a guide, I believe that shows up with with San Pedro, like mushrooms, not so much from what I understand, Ayahuasca. I really don't understand that part. But there is a guide that brings you through this experience when, after you take San Pedro, and I'll say the the guide, or guides, at one point, wrote right in front of me, Animal Awareness, like it was so clear someone writing this out, almost like on a chalkboard, and you're sort of going, what are they writing? And then it, and then it, it's, it's just right in your face. And it was just extremely, extremely clear. And so the awareness of all the dynamics around how animals show up on the planet, off the planet, and the various ways that they support us is what I took away from that. So,

Brian Smith  12:02  
when did the animals start coming through? Was it the first experience, or was it later on,

Nick Musica  12:06  
animals started to come through outside of San Pedro. San Pedro, like I said, gave me very quickly, helped me see what was possible. Like, it just, it just opened the veil and, like, just change things. Meditations been core since the animals showed up, and I was off and on for a while, since around 2017 but once the animals showed up and they showed up, about a year and a half ago, I went to I went to a medium. My wife and I went to a psychic fair here in Carlsbad, where we live, and we took this little loop around the the booths. Didn't really see anyone, and then we approached it from the opposite direction and and right in front of us was this woman. Her name is medium Adelita. She's amazing. And I went to my wife, and I said, Hey, Joel, what do you what do you think of her? And my wife said, that sounds great. Why don't you go first? And so I sat down and and she starts by drawing this, Adelita started by drawing a heart. And she goes, this is, this is either a formal romantic relationship or it's an animal. And it turned out to be Henry. So Henry was my cat who lived to be 22 and the last two years of his life were going back and forth to the bed, right, and checking, checking the food right, getting hydrated, blood work, like everything you can do to treat the symptoms of old age for an animal, for a cat. And in hindsight, it was really, it was really, it wasn't so much about making the animal comfortable. Was about making Henry comfortable. It was really about making me comfortable, as the person who was just didn't want to let go of Henry at the time, yeah, and so, you know, I'm thinking about the past two years when she circled animal, and then she says the messaging is, you did too much, and she didn't know anything about what I just said. She didn't know anything about the past two years, back and forth to the vet and all that, right? So that landed pretty, pretty, pretty sharply. And as I'm like, it was the first time that I sat with the medium. I've been to a psychic before, but I've never been to a medium. It just wasn't in my lens of things I wanted to do. I was very skeptical, like, it just wasn't a thing for me that that's that's changed quite a bit. And so, so as as I was catching up to understanding them, having this conversation with my cat, who was 22 when he passed and spent 20 years since he's been on the planet, she says they're now showing me, Doctor Doolittle, she's talking about her guides. They're now showing me, Doctor Doolittle, they're showing me that you can talk to analysts, and it's going to be easy for you, okay? And I thought, man, like, I've never heard anything more truthful in my life. I couldn't tell you why, but, like, that phrase just really was a whole bunch of truth in it. Wow. And so, I mean, that's sort of how I felt, like, how can like, and also like, how can you possibly think this is true, but, but also like, it's, it's 100 True, right? So I go home and I do the meditation that I've been doing off and on for a while and consistently, sometimes more often than not, but, but doing it over the past few years. And I sit down, I meditate, and I tune into my living cat chucking, and immediately I see this bright white like it's the type of light that you would associate with, like a higher level being, like a spirit guide or an angel or something like that. That's least, that's how it's written about. And and my thought was like, There's no way, there's no way my cat is a higher level being, like, it's just, that's just not what's going on, right? So I call her up and I say, this is not this isn't working. Never mind being easy. It's not working. And her response was, Well, you're expecting things to show up in a very specific way, and that's not how this works. Just be open to the information, and what you get is what you get. Okay, so I gave it a second chance. I gave it another shot, and I bought animal communication books. There's so many of them, I No idea. And I booked a couple animal communication sessions with folks who do this, you know, all day long. And and as I was getting up to go to one of those sessions, to come to this computer for for a zoom session, I was getting up for my dining room table, and I get this flash. I get this flash of Return of the Jedi. I see the ghost of Obi Wan and Yoda. And I'm realizing that one this is coming from Chucky. And so that white light was coming from Chucky at the first time, he showed me who he was, broadly. Now he's showing me who he is specifically, because the what came through was the student teacher relationship. And I was like, oh man. Like, I'm I'm not the teacher in this situation, right? And and I get on the line with the animal communicator, and, you know, she validates what we're doing today, and we're here to see Chucky, and she goes to, do you know who he is to you? I go, oh yeah. Like, he just literally showed me about a minute before I got here, and then we spent our time talking about him. He's been, he's been wonderful. I mean, it's amazing. It's amazing how a lot of folks, and I'm guilty of it to some degree as well, obviously, you know, just sort of dismiss this, this aspect of animals and in everything, really, at this point, I know it's everything, anything with a with a life source, there's, there's a consciousness tied to it, and because we have thumbs and credit cards, like, we're like, like, we're the bee's knees, right? Like we're the higher level thing on the planet. Like, look at all the things we've done. Like, yeah, look at all the things we've done, right, all the things we've done, but animals, and, I mean, I would argue animals and trees and like all the things you pass by when you're driving on your car or your bike ride or your walk there, there's something going on there, and there's an opportunity to to get quiet. And if you can find that, that place where you can connect with them, it's a it's a magical, magical thing that's

Brian Smith  18:02  
a really, really interesting, interesting perspective. Because we do, we feel like we are the we are the top, we are the apex, whereas we're as good as it gets, you know. And as evolution come along, we have all these lower forms, so to speak, and then we're the highest form. And you're right. Look at what we've done. And I'm on Facebook a lot, and I love the videos of animals when they're showing empathy, where they're where they're rescuing each other, where they're showing all kinds of intelligence. And people think just because we can do these specific things with type intelligence that we have, that means we're better than they are. But, you know, you watch a spider building a web. That's pretty incredible feat, you know, yeah, and that's just one thing, you know, bees, birds, all the animals, the things that they do. So, um, your cat, Henry, he's still with you. No,

Nick Musica  18:55  
Henry is the one that passed Chuck I'm sorry. Uh, Chucky still, still here. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Brian Smith  18:59  
So what is, what is chucky's take on, on your relationship now,

Nick Musica  19:06  
with with he and I? Yeah, it's interesting. I mean, he, he get, he likes to give me corrections. It's really funny, like he really is here, here's, here's the broad scope of animals. For as far as I can tell, is we all made an agreement to be here right before we got here. We said, This is what it This is so funny. He comes. He comes at very interesting, very specific times, and there he is. Aren't you serious? And so we, I believe there's a syllabus that we, we subscribe to before, before we get here, right? These are the things I need to work on. Here's where I'm going to go work on it, in this, in this life, in this body, on this planet, and and we don't, we don't get here without support. We have support that comes with us in one form or another. I mean, you could just from a biological perspective. We are given everything we put. Possibly need, right? We may process it to death and make it not good for us, but we are giving everything, given everything that we need. And I would argue that animals are part of that, right? We have guides that come through, and animals are there, are here to support us, and he does the same thing for me. So really, from that perspective of teacher student. It's proven itself to be true. And so there's been multiple times where he has given me corrections. And so I'll give you a couple examples. So one time he does I try to do meditation every morning, I have a little space where I just sit down. It's usually the same time, give or take same, same space and, and sometimes he comes and sits my lap like he just did. And, you know, one time I'm sitting there just what I felt was dilly dallying, you know, not getting into the the meditation the way I wanted to. And I just, I'm sitting there just stroking them on the head, petting them. And, you know, internally, I think, okay, like, it's time to stop screwing around. Like, let's, let's get down to serious meditation business, right? Yeah, and, and what I heard was, but this is the meditation, right? Just spending time with each other, this was the meditation. Like, appreciating each other, was the meditation. Oh, yeah. I mean, like, So, simple and so right on. Like, it's amazing. Like, what do we, like you and I can go for a walk on the beach, go for a hike. We don't have to say anything. We're just enjoying each other's time, right? Like, we don't have to force the situation. We can just simply enjoy each other's time. And there's a lot to be said for it. There's so much that is, like, go, go out to eat someplace, and what's the latest and greatest? Like, you see four people at a table, everyone has their head in their phone, right? Is there any appreciation for the living being next to you for not as much there was right, right? And so that was sort of the lesson of like, but like, right now, while we're having time with each other, like, this is really where we get to just be with each other. It's pretty good, you

Brian Smith  22:02  
know, it's funny. I love that. And I usually, when I meditate, I go up to my bedroom and I sit on the floor, and my dog likes to come up and lay on my lap when I'm when I'm trying to meditate. And I've started to, you know, used to be like, like that, push her away, you know, it's time to meditate. But now I'm like, you know, I'll still get my eyes closed, but I'll just, you know, rub her head and just because she wants to spend time with me. And I, I enjoy spending time with her too. So they, a lot of times, we do take that time, that meditation time, too seriously. And I think that's what one thing animals can teach us

Nick Musica  22:35  
for sure. Yeah, agreed, agreed. Yeah. And he's, he's proven repeatedly. I mean, here's, here's one, here, here's, here's the animal communication lesson. 101, right. So a lot of times animals are here for that support, that that I was talking about, and they, they show that through, through, through lessons. And one, one lesson is, is super easy, how it manifests. It's like this mirror or modeling type of behavior that shows up, right? So for for some folks, the mirroring, you may have heard someone saying, to some degree, like, my my dog is so lazy. Well, why do you say that? Because he sits on the couch all day long while I play video games,

Brian Smith  23:19  
right? Yeah, yeah, no. Okay,

Nick Musica  23:21  
so the dog's lazy, you know, all day long, just sitting on the couch. So there's a mirroring behavior going on there, right for me, because I will sit in front of the computer and I'll grind for too long in front of the computer. I get a modeling behavior from Chucky. So every night, seven o'clock, eight o'clock at night, he will be ready to play. He's at the top of the stairs. He's at the bottom of the stairs. He's calling me. He's, he's, he's, it's play time every night. And a lot of folks will go, sounds like your cat likes to play? Well, that's because you're looking at it from this 3d dimension. He does. He does like to play. But the bigger lesson here is break out of your your routine like step away from the thing that's no longer serving you. You put your time in. Step out of it. You need more play. Interesting, right? I do. Yeah,

Brian Smith  24:11  
interesting. So when we talk about animals, and you know, sometimes people we talk about reincarnation, some, some people think we we can come back as animals, and people say we can't come back as animals. You mentioned Chuck Chucky being like a higher level being, yeah, do you think Chucky has ever been a human being? Or what are your thoughts on that?

Nick Musica  24:32  
You know, I have no idea. I'll give it a shot. Let's, let's see how this works. I think that, I mean, I was, I was told that he was assigned to me. And it's really easy to say, I feel like that's true. Yeah, 100% so whether he was here before or not, I don't know, or whether he raised his his proverbial, metaphorical. Whole hand, paw energy, whatever it was before he got here. I don't know. Here's something that I heard that I found interesting, was like before we can move on, before we can move on to not being human anymore, because this is where we go to learn the lesson. We need to come back and learn the lesson, whatever it is, whatever that that level is, that we need to meet to have that soul progression. It doesn't seem like animals are on that same path, like it feels like we are here doing the majority of the work. And while they may be here in these little furry bodies or in the trees or whatever, whatever it may be, it seems like they have, I'm sure they're doing their own work, but at the same time, it feels like we're doing the heavy lifting, because we need to do the heavy lifting like they it sounds like I think they've already done it is my perspective. Yeah,

Brian Smith  26:02  
it kind of feels that way to me too. It feels like we're the ones that are kind of lost, trying to figure out who we are, why we're here. And as you said, sometimes people say, Well, look at all the great things we've done, but look at all the things we're destroying our planet. I mean, animals don't do that. They don't. They don't destroy their own habitats. They don't. You know, extinction has just become, I just saw, especially yesterday, about an animal become extinct in Tasmania, and we're doing that. You know, that's that's humans doing that. So I do feel like we've got the heavy lifting to do. And it's really interesting, this, this connection you've got with animals. And maybe some of us can start looking at our animals differently and look at them as, like, you know this, maybe we should be a little bit more that way.

Nick Musica  26:49  
Yeah. I mean, I I've always appreciated animals, always, always, always. And I think there's a couple different ways, like tuning into your intuition shows up. And for some people, it's, it's an event, like, I know a gentleman in New Jersey who had a near death experience, and he came out now he now he hears, He communes with with spirits out of Pat or humans out of past and spirit form. There's other folks who you know, seemingly like they, they come to this, the planet, and they, they know immediately that they there's something going on for them. That is, it's normal for them. But then they say something, and people go, What are you talking about? What? What? What thing did you see over there? You don't see the person over there, right? Like, and so, like, those experiences show up early for me. While I had a what I would consider a tap on the shoulder, since I was about 20, I was, I was having experiences with with dreams I would, I would end up living snippets of dreams that I have. So I learned just a few months ago, I think it was nine months ago, whatever that they're called clairvoyant dreams. So it's, it's like I never had this dream, but it would be similar to being in your car driving in a random city. You go past a random corner, and you see a random person or dog on that corner right, and you go, Oh man, like I dreamt about that person, that dog on that corner in the city that I've never been to. I did that like yesterday or a week before, or whenever it was, but that's that's been happening for a long time at this point, so that that was the thing that was always sort of like just poking at me. I think for a lot of other folks, this this statement rings through. For a lot of folks, have you ever been thinking of someone and then magically, they call or text, or you call and text them and they go, man, I was just thinking about you. This is so crazy, so weird, like that. That's what we're talking about, those little taps on the shoulder. But in terms of, like, did I always know this was a thing for me? I don't, I don't think so, but I think it's the appreciation that I always had, and then it happened to open up. And maybe that's too soft of a of a statement. Happen to open up, but animals happen to show themselves, like it was time for something to show themselves. And this was, this was the easiest thing to show up like it made the most sense for me. Where a young lady who that I currently work with, she, she she has a funny story. She was, she was, she was having a time just trying to understand herself a little bit. And she goes on to Instagram, and she, she says I was looking for a sign. Nick, well, what's going on? Well, you know, you know that I do this furniture flipping I do, yeah, and so when I saw you talking in Santa Barbara a couple months ago, talking about psychedelics and and cactus and animals, I knew I had to give you a call. Oh, why? What's happening? Well, you know about the refinishing furniture, but what you don't what I ever told you was I get this I get this voice, I get this sort of push. I get a tap on the shoulder that says, go down this alley and you'll find the furniture. And every time I hear it, find the furniture. Her, and then there's more. Every time I touch the furniture, I start to glean the stories from the furniture. Oh, wow. And so that's how it showed up for her, right? So, because she has this appreciation for furniture, so it was time for her to open up and and now she's the furniture psychic, right? Like it's part of it. It's not everything she does, but it's part of it, right? So that appreciation aspect for me seems very natural for animals to have shown up and then, and then, at least for me, once I got got out of my own wigs, I was, I was pretty good at putting some like blocks in front of me. Once I got out of my own way, and the animal started to show up for me consistently. I then I went on to, I went on to next door. Are you familiar with next door? Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's like Facebook, but it's, it's your neighborhood, and it's people that you don't know versus people you do. But a lot of the same conversations really right? And I went on there and I posted. I said, Hi, my name is and I'm an animal communicator. That means, like, psychically, and communicate with animals and and free 15 minutes. Like, click, click here and submit your information. And because I didn't know if I could do one of these a day, zero of these a day, 10 of these a day, I didn't know if I could do that for someone else. I no idea, like, it's just showing up for me a lot. And with Chucky, with with horses, with dolphin with, like, it just kept on showing up. And so I put this invitation out there, and I'm capturing information through a Google Doc, so I can see in a spreadsheet, like through the browser, when someone submits the form, you can see the information come through, right? And so I'm just staring at this form after I make my submission. And shortly after I post, like at the first row of information, filling up First Name, Last Name, Age of animal, name of animal breed, that type of thing. And, and I felt the woman come through when I thought, oh yeah, this is going to work. And so, so I yeah, like, immediately like it was, it was super cool and and so I got my process is have the human submit the information, and then I'll talk to the animal, like, on a Wednesday or Thursday, and then I'll get the human on on the line on Friday and debrief. Here's, here's what it was, then we have a chance to unpack what the animal said. But that's the basic process. And so I got her on the line after talking to the animal the day prior, or something like that. And at the end of 1520 I forget what it was minutes she said. So the reason why I wanted to talk to you is because my former animal communicator passed and my me, my friends were looking for or someone new. Would you? Would you be okay with me sending you references? No, I think that's very okay. Appreciate it. Thanks. So first one out of the gate of wondering if this was going to be true or not, right? It seemed to work out pretty well.

Brian Smith  32:50  
So you, you it was like it was Chucky. Was the first animal you had a connection with? Is that correct?

Nick Musica  32:58  
Yes, yeah. And then yeah, was it? Is

Brian Smith  33:01  
it, like random, like you said, a horse and a dolphin? You'd be driving by and see a horse, and it's

Nick Musica  33:06  
Yeah, yeah. So it showed up in, you know, spits and spurts, but also consistently. So there was a case where, like, I was at the Home Depot and and I just saw a dog at the checkout, and I just recognized the dog. This is why I say the like, the appreciation. There's a thing there, like, you don't want to spend time with people who don't appreciate you, right? That sounds silly. And so same thing happens energetically. And so I looked at this dog, and I just, like, felt good on the inside. I probably smiled at the dog, and the dog is not paying attention to me. Dog is looking at the owners, looking outside, whatever, whatever the dog's doing. And then I sort of refocus my attention after i i gave the dog a little bit of energetic appreciation, and all of a sudden I feel this like this, this wave coming back at me, wave of energy coming back to me, like, oh, that's the dog. That's the dog recognizing this interaction, this connection that we have, and then, and then it's gone. But, like, that's how it showed up for with with the dog, for me, things really started to get cooking. And I started to know that, oh, like, I can, I can sort of tune in when I want to, and and then work from there was we went to, went to Mexico last summer, and we went to Cabo. Then we haven't been out of the house on plane for for years because of covid, right? And so we finally get out and, and we're like kids in the candy store. We're just doing all the touristy things. And, and there's this opportunity to go swim with dolphins, and it's in a tank, right? So, and I've never, I never liked animals in cages. I just don't, I don't feel good about it, and this is sort of the equivalent, and they're born there, and they're treated well, as far as I can tell. And but, but I still have this feeling. And at the end of it, we decided we were going to go. And so. There's, there's this one time where we're with the dolphin. Her name is Liz, and it's like SeaWorld, where the dolphins can come up out of the deeper tank and onto this little ledge. And Liz is on this little ledge, and the the trainer is at her nose, and there's six people, three on each side of her, and I was on her tail area and and I thought, well, let me see, let me see if I can talk to Liz. Let's see if she's game to play. And so I felt the connection. And then I felt this overwhelming feeling of sad, and I'm like, oh yeah. Like, because you, because you live in a tank, right? Because, because that's my narrative. Like, this is this, if I was you, I would feel this way. Because, right, right? And, and that's one of the things you can't do right back, back to what Adelita said, like, you you can't expect things to show up in a certain way. You just got to get the information, and that's what you get, right? So to bring your own narrative into it, the reason you feel this way, Brian is, I'm going to tell you why. Like, that's wrong, right? And that's what I just did. And so I recognized that, and just, you know, reopened the channel and and I asked why, and what I got back was one word, I got back family, and then the connection was gone. Okay, so afterwards, I went to my wife, Juliet. I said, Julie gotta, I gotta validate some information here. So I went to the trainers, and I said, I really love to understand. Liz, what's, what's your story is, Mom, Dad, here, siblings, like, what's, what's going on? Oh no, dad's not here. Dad, that's not on the plane anymore. Okay, well, that doesn't feel like it's relevant. What about mom or siblings? Oh yeah, mom's here, and she has a she has a sister. Liz has a sister. Oh, well, where are they? They're in the other pool. What do you mean the other pool, there's this pool that you were in, and there's a pool adjacent, and now I can see it adjacent to this pool and separated by like a two foot concrete wall, right? Oh, well, why are they separated? Well, because when Liz's mom had another baby, Lista, wanted attention from the mom, and and that was causing nursing problems with with the mom and the new baby. So what we did is we separated Liz and the baby. I'm sorry, mom and the baby from Liz, put them in the other pool so that mom can nurse the baby got it. And so when was that? Well, that was three years ago. Oh, and Liz has not seen her mom since no And how old is Liz? She's five. So when Liz was two, her mother and her new sibling were put into the other pool. Wow. Well, that explained. Sad. Okay, yeah, right. So yes, things started to show up for me and horses. I started to volunteer at a an animal rescue. And the horse horses are amazing, if you've anyone who has the chance to be around and they're super healing, like I had no idea what I was getting into it, going through, going through figuring out how, how can I get this thing to work? How can I get this animal communication thing to really work? For me, what showed up multiple times, talking with multiple psychics was, so what do you do with horses? What do you do with horses like molt all the time, it would show up. And I thought, well, maybe I should do something with horses. And so I volunteered for about nine months. And it was, it was an amazing experience. They're just super present, super healing, and very similar to this broader conversation, like you have this 3d aspect, but you know, there's way more, if you're if you want to see it. Yeah. So

Brian Smith  38:30  
what kind of issues do people reach out to you with with their animals? Why? I know there's some. Could you do animal communication for animals that are on the other side, as well as animals that are here. So let's just maybe take those one at a time. So for animals that are here, what do people want to know? Yeah, you

Nick Musica  38:49  
know, it's, it's, it's sort of interesting how the conversations start and then where it ends up, right? So a lot of people, let me just take Chucky as the example, right? Like, why? Did Chucky poop? I could come to someone. I could say, Brian, I hear you. I hear you talk about animals and or talk to animals. And here's, here's something strange that happened with Chucky this. This was a real thing. I opened up my guitar case one day, and I'm tooling around on the guitar and and he goes to take a poop in the guitar case. Now it's, it's normal for him to go into the guitar case. It's not normal for him to start scratching and pooping in there, right? And when I and when I kicked him out, he went downstairs and pooped on the bed, and he pooped on my side of the bed. I want to understand what's wrong with my cat, right? That's sort of the framework my animals doing something in the I want to understand what it what it means, right? And so here's, here's a great example. A woman showed up, and I asked people to give me three, three questions. I say, I will, I will be happy to ask the questions, whether the animals want to answer the questions. I have no control over that, right? I'm just the interpreter. They give me information. I give it to you. That's it. That's that's what I'm here for. And her question was, how do I get my dog to. Not biting people. My dog is biting people. Little, a little chihuahu being aggressive, biting people in the ankles. And so I connected with the little chihuahu and and the dog says, you should ask her about her job. Why am I asking her about her job? Because that's what has to change. Okay, all right, so I get her on the line. She says, so did you talk to my my dog? I didn't. Did you did you tell him stop biting people? I didn't. What would you talk about? He he wanted to talk about your job. What's going on? Well, I'm sort of unemployed right now. That's not entirely true. So what do you do? Well, I'm a private driver. Well, what does that mean? I drive limousines. I drive Uber okay? And how's that working out? Well, I have a lot of spinal issues, and my doctor says that I shouldn't be sitting down for long periods of time. So after like, an hour or two sitting in the in the driver's seat, I'm very banged up. I'm very aggravating in my spine. And so I He says, My doctor says I shouldn't be doing that. So here's, here's what your dog said, Your job's a thing that has to change. And that opened up a whole conversation around how you're spending time. What are you doing with your life in terms of, you know, your your vocation, and what's your contribution is, right? So the reason why, going back to the mirroring modeling, right? Was this woman happy about her job? No, right wasn't right, and so was the dog biting people? Yes. Was the dog biting people because the dog was aggressive? Sure, you can argue that was the dog biting people because it was aggressive and was reflecting the feelings of the owner being unhappy and frustrated as far as I can tell, 100%

Brian Smith  41:44  
Wow. Do you know what the outcome was there?

Nick Musica  41:45  
I don't, I don't, I don't. Yeah, I don't have a closed loop system, right? Like, right? Yeah, it's a moment in time. Here's, here's what the truth is. And now people get to go and do whatever they want with it,

Brian Smith  41:56  
yeah, sure. Well, it's interesting, because animals, you know, again, they don't, I guess they can't sit down and talk to us. And then maybe have other ways of getting our attention, like you said, like sometimes they start to poop in the wrong place, or they start to pee in the wrong place. And, you know, we always want to look for a physical thing, but maybe there's something spiritual that's going on there that they're trying to get your attention

Nick Musica  42:18  
Totally, yeah, you know, I, you know, what I do is not, it's not a substitution for veterinary care. It's not behavioral training substitution. If you need to get your dog to walk better on the leash, you should get behavioral training. Right? If there's something you know, there's a lump on your animal, take them to the bed, right? Like, if there's something going on to, like, do, do the right things. This. This is different. This is very, very different.

Brian Smith  42:47  
So in terms of people that come to you for the dogs that that have passed, or not dogs, but animals, what types of messages do you get from them?

Nick Musica  42:55  
Yeah, I mean, typically people, they want to feel that connection, right? There's there's the loss there, and they want to make sure that they weren't responsible for anything or feel bad about how it played out. Because, I mean, things get messy at the end, right? And I'll use myself as the example, like it was, it was messy, and I wanted to keep Henry around as long as possible, is assuming the situation was good. So my definition of keeping this situation good was, let's, let's tackle the symptoms of of old age, right? And so his message was, you did too much. Oh, shit. Like, oh language, I don't know if, I don't know if we're okay doing that was, you did too much, right? So, oh, like, so I shouldn't that was a lesson for me, like, so we it would have been okay at that point, whatever that point was where there's the signals that I was not accepting to pick up around, like, like, I'm sort of, I'm sort of done. Like, our time here is wrapping up. Let's talk about that, right? And my reaction to that was, well, how do we prolong this, right? Yeah, and

Brian Smith  43:58  
I want to ask you. I know that when I've talked to to pet owners, they always lot of time, not always lots of they feel guilty whether they thought they hold held on too long, or whether they gave up too early. Yeah. And so what are the what are the messages that the animals give us about, about about death, about leaving, yeah.

Nick Musica  44:21  
I mean, there's typically, so let's talk about the physical first. There's typically signals that show up, right? And, and we, I think, generally speaking, we, we don't like those signals, like we have a hard time with death. Human beings do like because this, this little container in this little body, is what we know to be true. And it's not only is it true, it is 100% true, and there's nothing outside of it, right? I'm exaggerating, but like, we're really, we really like our bodies that way, yeah. And my interpretation with animals is they see this experience in in their bodies as sort of a stop on the. Train line, right? There was a before, there's an after, and here's here's the current and, and we're going to keep on going down the path, right? But this is just one stop on the trail train line. So to recognize that there's more to come, and also there was more before, is, I think, helpful, because they're really clear about it. It's an it's another meal in the day. Like, let's not hunker down to breakfast being our first and only meal ever. Like, there's another one coming. It's okay. And the lesson that they typically give is, I mean, this is just a natural part of things. This is just how it works. And so I think if there's if we can accept that, then we can apply that to ourselves. And then, you know, we get to pull out. We get to pull out from the experience of of me stubbing my toe today, and how terrible that was. Well, it's, it's just a toe on a foot on a body that walks around like it's, it's way bigger context, like, let's stop talking about the toe already, right? Right? And so we, if we're open to it, we get to see the bigger picture, or minimally, and go, Man, I think there is a bigger picture, right?

Brian Smith  46:11  
Yeah, I think it's such an important lesson. And that's, I think that's why we hold on to ourselves for so long. You know, we can't stand the end of life of for ourselves or another human being, and the same thing with our pets. And I that makes sense to me because of that higher perspective, that I don't think they lose when they come in, that they don't fear death the way that we do, because it's not the end for them, it's for us, right,

Nick Musica  46:36  
right? And so I think every I don't want, I don't want to sound like I'm giving advice. I don't want to do that. But here's here. So here's some considerations, like, when the signals show up, pay attention to them. If your animal is in pain, pay attention to them. Ask them what they would like to do. Maybe have a sense of it. Maybe you don't. But minimally, like we all may want to ask, like, what's, what's, what would you like to do? Like, we just got, we just got some news. How would you like to spend the rest of your time? And with one young lady who came to me with with a with a critter, with a with a cat who is in bad straits, she's like, well, what, how should I How should I like, what should I do? How should I spend the rest of my time with them? And the response was, like, how would you like to Yeah, like, like, do you want to go back and forth to the vet every day? Do you want to be sad about this every day? Or can we, can we enjoy our time until we can't enjoy our time anymore? What's How would you like to do that? Yeah,

Brian Smith  47:38  
I think one of the lessons that maybe pets are here to teach us, because most of our pets have a shorter life expectancy than we do. You know when we when we get a dog, we know it's we're probably going to outlive it. When we get a cat, we know we're probably going to outlive it. So we kind of know that that's part of the that's part of the deal going in. But we get into it, and we were like, we forget it's, it's like we never want to, we never want to let them go and, and I think that's one of the things that maybe having a a cat or a dog, you know, is here to teach us it's like, we're all going to make that transition that that, you know, I think for, I think about for kids a lot of time, that's going to be the first death that they're going to experience. Yes, it's a death of a pet,

Nick Musica  48:20  
yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think the the temporary nature of it all is a super important thing for us to just constantly remind ourselves. This is all temporary. The good feelings we're having right now is temporary. The bad feelings we're having right now, that's also temporary, like it's, it's, it's a sine wave for going up and down and up and down to our destination, right? And the time we have on the planet is temporary as well. And so however we want to approach the realities of the situation, be it, not permanent, being it, reacting to everything emotionally or not being it, how you spend your time being, what you focus on being at what your thoughts are. Thoughts are real things. It all starts there, and then it projects out from there, right? Your thoughts turn into actions or inactions, depending. So if we can, if we can, just accept these universal truths of there's more, and this is temporary, and there's a syllabus, and I just need to do the right things and but I'm doing the right things, and it's still hard. It is hard, right? Like, that's just how it goes. It's just how it goes. Sometimes it's easy and times, sometimes it's hard, but when you get on the right path, those are the right hard things to work on, yeah, yeah. Or you can be on the wrong path, and that's the wrong things, and they're really just trying to shoot you over to the right path.

Brian Smith  49:44  
Yeah, exactly. Now I know, in addition to animal communication, you also help people develop their own intuition. So how does that work?

Nick Musica  49:53  
Yeah, yeah. I mean, like the young lady who who showed up with the with the furniture, uh, had another, another gentleman show up. Who he's gotten visitations from his dad for a while, and he shows up and says, you know, I want to, I want to experience the same thing that I just experienced. He he had a super trippy experience of like, being in outer space and moving very quickly. It sounded like astral projection. And then at the end of it, he sees his father's face, and there's, there's a bunch of things that showed up, but like, that was, that was the core of it, these visitations from his father, and he says, I want to have that experience. The thing that I described, I want to have that experience again. Okay, well, we probably can't do that really. We just, like, think about the best food you ever had that one night at that restaurant with that company and that waiter and like, you can't duplicate that. It's never going to work. Everything is going to fall short to that. It's just not going to work. But you can have other good times with people. You can go out to good restaurants like you can, you can figure out what makes sense for you. And so the conversation was, was that, well, let's now that we have this thing that's working, like, let's work to expand it. Let's work to stabilize it. Let's work to have similar type of experiences, not the same, but similar in this vein of experiences and and so we did, and so working together on what this means and contextualizing what it all looks like, how to, how to manage it. Energy management is a huge, huge thing. And once you, once you open it up, like, you got to figure out how to manage yourself. You need to figure out how to shut it down. Need to figure out when you're going to tune in. You got there, there's a hygiene aspect to it, like, there's, there's some funk out there that you can that, you know, just sort of builds up. It's like, it's like plaque on teeth, like you gotta, you gotta keep cleaning it, or else, or else. It's just, it's not gonna be that finely tuned machine anymore, right? You gotta change the oil, or else, the the Ferrari just doesn't run as fast as it used to, right? Yeah,

Brian Smith  51:56  
what types of things do you do for your for your spiritual hygiene. Yeah,

Nick Musica  52:01  
for me, it's, it's, I would think about as a trifecta. There's, there's the the consistent morning meditation. I mean that that's sort of, that's, that's the equivalent of the gym like that. That just keeps me in good working condition. San Pedro is, I have a really good relationship with that cactus. It's super, super helpful for me, whether that's someone else's thing or not. You know, a lot of folks have good reaction to psychedelics. Some folks don't, and it depends on what you're trying to get out of it, the set and setting of it all. So if I had to encourage people, I would say, 100% without a doubt, do meditation 100% if you talk to anyone who does anything like I do, or mediums or psychics, that typically, the commonality is meditation. Yeah, right, I can say I, I could have done this without San Pedro 100% it showed me what's possible super fast, but I could not. But it's not a daily meditation. It's not the daily discipline. So I so you need the meditation. And then there's the the cleaning of of the of the system aspect, like there's, there's an intentional just wanting to clear your system and doing a meditation where we're not just necessarily tuning in today, but we're we're intentionally working on the hygiene. We're intentionally working on clearing things out.

Brian Smith  53:30  
Okay, awesome. Well, we're coming to the end of our time together. I appreciate you. You doing this. It's been fascinating talking to you. So I know we talked about some of the things you do. If there's anything else you want to let people know that you do and let people know how to find you, that'd be great. Yeah, yeah, I

Nick Musica  53:48  
would say thank you. Thank you for that. So go to my cats school. you can, you can get an animal communication session there. You can submit a form and say, I want to work with you one on one, whatever makes sense for you, for other folks, here's what I like to encourage is, this is how it happened, to open up for me. Like, if people come to me and they say, I want to learn animal communication, sure, I'll I'll show you, I'll teach you what I do, to do it. But I think the bigger, I think the bigger win is, like, the gentleman that I was talking to, like, let's not try to get that thing. I think it's too early for that thing, for a lot of people, but I think we have a chance to open up your channel and manage your energy and tune into the greater aspect of things, source, spirit, whatever you want to call it, that's the bigger win, and you can do that with meditation. It is harder to do it, just like listening to a tape or something. There is a benefit when you work with someone one on one, to to be in the space that and I've heard this multiple times, like it's different when you and I sit down Brian versus when I go to do by myself. It sounds self serving, but it's but it's true until you build. The skills until you can actually generate that meta, that energy by yourself and get into that space easily by yourself. It certainly helps. It's a mentorship, right? Think about anything, anything. It's always helpful to have someone who's done it before. You to go, no, no, come over here. This way. Just do a little bit more like this. Yeah.

Brian Smith  55:18  
It's really interesting, because we talked about, you know, you talked about the medium person you met before. And I happen to know a lot of mediums, and a few animal communicators, and almost every medium I can think of, with only a few exceptions, studies like crazy. They study under other mediums. They they do. They do the meditation, all that stuff too. But it, takes the it takes effort, it takes something to build those skills to the point where you want them to be. I would say to people also, and you can tell me where they agree with us. But you know, anybody that has a pet, start working on communication with your pet. Know the intuitive commission you've already got? I've been, I've been amazed by the things like, I can I know what my dog is thinking a lot of times, you know? And it's not because, it's not just because of the physical communication, you know, we have that that sense, and I know she knows what I'm thinking, so that they already know what we're thinking. So we have to figure what they're thinking

Nick Musica  56:17  
Totally, yeah. So, so if we could round it out with one, one tip for animal communication, right? That's what we're here to talk about a lot anyway, is communicating with your animal in the 3d but like the realization before you can get here, is the animal is a sentient being. I appreciate my animal. My animal has Can, can do it or not do it, right? They get to make a choice. But in order, best to communicate with your animal in the VE there's, there's three points we can go through. One is you say exactly what you mean. So for example, with my little boy, Chucky, I don't say get off the piano. I say get to the pink blanket. Different, right? Because, because here's what happens if I say, get off the piano. Chances are I'm thinking piano, I'm visualizing piano, right? And he's going, but I'm but I'm on the piano. Yeah, right. You're saying one thing. You're visualizing something else. So what you say and what you visualize should be the same thing, and then feeling tied to it. But there's, there's, there's an energetic communication to it. So there's a woman that I was working with a few months ago who said my dog doesn't go out and use the bathroom at nine o'clock at night, I opened the door, I asked the dog to go out and do the business, and the dog doesn't go out. And I asked, well, how do you feel about going out at night at nine o'clock? Oh, I don't like it, okay, but it's okay for the dog. Oh, right. So you need to feel good about it as well. So if we have that trifecta of say it, say what you mean, visualize what you mean, and feel what you mean, that trifecta is your best chance for a good outcome.

Brian Smith  57:51  
Wow, that's awesome. That's a great way to wrap up. Well, Nick, thanks for being here today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Back

Nick Musica  57:57  
at you. Brian, thanks. You.

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