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Near Death Experiences

While each Near Death Experience is uniquely tailored to the needs of the experiencer, there are universal truths present in many of them. By studying NDEs, we can get many of the benefits of having an NDE ourselves without the trauma. NDEs teach us about our purpose for being here, what we can exp…

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Mindful Musings

In these short segments, I will share wisdom I have gathered over the years, answer questions from listeners, and make observations.

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Stories of how others have overcome tragedy in their lives can provide us with inspiration and make us not feel so alone. If we live long enough, every one of us will go through difficulties. Knowing that others have survived things like the loss of a child or a spouse, a suicide in the family, a s…

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Suicide Survivors

The suicide of a loved one can be particularly difficult to navigate as feelings of guilt and shame can often cause complicated grief- grief compounded by other negative emotions that must be dealt with before we can process the grief properly. These guests share how they have handled suicide i…

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Shining Light Parents

Shining Light Parents is Helping Parents Heal's term for parents who have a child who has died. The term has two meanings. One, we believe our children are Shining Lights, doing great work in spirit, cheering us on, and guiding us- even bringing us together. Second, we aspire to become Shining …

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Toxic Religion

Religion is supposed to bring us hope, peace, and joy. What about when it does just the opposite? It might be time to rethink your religion.

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Spiritually Transformative Experiences

Closely related to the Near Death Experience is the Spiritually Transformative Experience. An STE might or might not be out of body. A NDE is almost always an STE. But, a Spiritually Transformative Experience doesn't necessarily mean the physical body is dead or near to death.

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Afterlife Explorers

These are "experts" and/or laypeople who have made it their business to understand this thing we call the afterlife; but it actually the "everlife". We never die. We just transition.

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