Send me a Text Message I met Christine many years ago in her Facebook group that prays for people to have after death communications with their loved ones. I didn't realize she had such fascinating stories about her experienc...
Send me a Text Message LIVE Q&A with the filmmaker of "Best Documentary" winner Living with Ghosts, a seven-year exploration into the nature of consciousness and whether after-death communication can or should be facilitated ...
Send me a Text Message When Aaron Schaeffer died, his mother Cathy Jane Jensen knew that could not be the end. The "loss" of her son set her on a quest that has turned into a worldwide mission. Religion asks us to believe wit...
Send me a Text Message Marla Hughes has worked with children her entire life in a number of different capacities. At the transplant unit of UCSF Hospital in San Francisco she taught children about exercise, nutrition and rela...
Send me a Text Message As of today, Friday, October 25, 2019, The Forever Angels- Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact, is Dr. Atwater's latest book. Next week that will no longer be true. I was fortu...
Send me a Text Message I have never had as much fun in an interview as I had with P.M.H. She is full of joy, as you'll see by the first few seconds of the video. Dr. Atwater is a pioneer in the field of the Near Death Experie...
Send me a Text Message Reverend Bill McDonald has led a fascinating life. From early childhood, spanning over six decades, he has had spiritual and out of body experiences. He performed heroics in Vietnam. He has traveled the...