Subscriber-only episode Send me a Text Message I prepared this talk to give on Sandra Champlain's Sunday Gathering. I've revised it just a bit and recorded it for you, my podcast friends. If you haven't heard it (or if you ha...
Subscriber-only episode Send me a Text Message Today, I was proud of myself. I did something that's not been easy for me to do. Today, I said "No." Thanks for your support. Stay tuned for more exciting stuff next year. Check ...
Send me a Text Message You guys keep asking tough questions. This one revolves around punishment in the afterlife. It seems a lot of people are upset that there might not be punishment after we die. Is that what the NDE tells...
Send me a Text Message Celebrity gossip? Just two millionaires behaving badly? None of our business? Will Smith slapped the sh*t (using Chris' word) out of Chris Rock on live national TV. And, the country can't stop talking a...
Send me a Text Message After my Bengals made an improbable and incredible run to the Super Bowl, our city was left with a choice as to how we view our future. I realize that in this choice, there's a life lesson. Joe Burrow l...
Send me a Text Message Today's Mindful Monday Moment comes from a coaching client who asked what we do when the desire to please others becomes detrimental to our lives. Thanks for your support. Stay tuned for more exciting s...
Send me a Text Message Today's offering is on the 22nd birthday of my daughter Shayna who passed away in 2015. This is the seventh birthday without Shayna here with us. The birthdays of someone who has passed are bittersweet....
Send me a Text Message This mindful Monday moment was inspired by a comment on Penny Wittbrodt's NDE. A viewer wrote that she was tracking right along with Penny until Penny said we choose to have tragedies in our lives. This...
Send me a Text Message In this short episode, I share tips for content creators and content consumers. So much content is available for free. But, it takes time and effort to create it. What do content consumers owe to conten...
Send me a Text Message My reflections on turning 60. As Joe Walsh said "Life's Been Good to Me So Far" It's been a great 60 years. It's a good time to reflect on where I've been and to think about where I want to go. Thanks ...
Send me a Text Message Do we get to choose when we die? If we don't choose, who does? Is it God? Is it just random? Which answer resonates with you? Which answer has evidence to support it? If you have a question you'd like m...
Send me a Text Message I thought it was time to release this special episode. Sometimes I hear from people who have just discovered the podcast and don't know my backstory. After two years of doing this, it's time to review t...
Send me a Text Message I have begun producing a series of meditations/contemplations for your enjoyment and edification. I will sell these on my website and through other outlets. I will make some or all of these available to...
Send me a Text Message 2,000 days 48,000 hours 5.479 years That's how long it's been since my life changed forever. June 24th, 2015 was the day that my daughter Shayna Elayne left this Earthly plane. Today is December 14th, ...
Send me a Text Message Coronavirus, race relations, the economy, the election... everyone is on edge. Everyone's been impacted. During these trying times, there are a few things we need to remember. Thanks for your support. S...