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Hey everybody, this is Brian, back with another episode of Grief to Growth and the day.
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I've got with me Joshua Cameron.
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And Joshua is a Utah native, born and raised.
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He joined the army at the age of 19, for eight days after September 11th he deployed to his first war zone in the Balkans.
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While he was there, he was recognized for valor and service by the joint chief of staff, the highest ranking officer in the US.
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Later he deployed to Kuwait and Iraq and even has a comical stand up comedy bit about how terrible the conditions were for soldiers there.
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He spent the last 10 plus years in the medical field, from combat medic to pediatric, medical research and data analytics, where he worked on the largest longitudinal study of his kind while he was at the University of Utah.
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He now helps people who suffer from chronic pain in their minds and their bodies and helps them find a pain-free life by guiding them from to a place of perfect health.
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So with that, I want to welcome to Grief to Growth Joshua Cameron.
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Oh wow, hey, thank you so much.
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I really appreciate you holding the space here.
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Yeah, it's good to.
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It's good to meet you.
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You've got an interesting background, and, and how did you get into helping other people with their pain, though?
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Well, there's a long journey, right?
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We often, well, really, we can only see the world from, you know, a place of who we are.
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And so if we are stuck in grief, well then, alls we're going to see is grief, and there's really no room to help others.
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And you know, I've had, you know, in order for me to hide, you know, as a child, as a survival mechanism, to hide from the grief of growing up in an abusive household.
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I really, you know, buried myself in a lot of fantasy novels, and in those fantasy novels are people who are, you know, given a, you know, monumental task that, you know, they probably didn't want to do it and it was very difficult for them, it was very scary for them, and yet they stepped up and did it anyway, and so I really resonated with that, which then, you know, brought me to this idea of oh well, you know, I'd really like to help out, I'd really like to add value.
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Now, the problem is is that if we don't know how to help ourselves, well, we're going to be clumsy at best at helping others as well.
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And so I really had to learn how to help myself and took a lot of chaos, you know, whether it be you know from, you know going from.
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You know child abuse, and you know both mental and physical to then you know PTSD, just, you know different things that you, you know, can't unsee.
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You know in a war zone, and just how that reach havoc on relationships.
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And as that falls apart, you know, I realized that all the walls that I erected, you know, in order to protect me, well, what they did was, you know, I erected these walls, they hey hide me from this pain.
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Well, the problem is the wall doesn't discriminate.
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So if there's anything that's good to come in my way, it's going to block that as well.
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And that's usually why people go through the dark night of the soul and everything changes.
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Because during the dark night of the soul, which is where, you know, typically people feel like their life is kind of falling apart.
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Well, all the walls collapsed.
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And when all the walls collapse, well then the heart is open and it can actually, you know, receive the signal and then from there, you know, just found a.
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You know the idea of when the student is ready, the master appears.
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That certainly happened in my life and had a chain of them, you know, some I found on YouTube, some I actually paid for you know quite handsomely for you know mentorship and guidance and yeah, been a very fascinating road since then.
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Yeah, so you're also in the medical field.
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So how does that, how does what you do helping people with chronic pain relate to like just the traditional medical training?
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Well, so the traditional medical training you have the Hippocratic Oath, right, do no harm.
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Problem is is we've abandoned that, right, because we've abandoned that for a very, very long time.
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I mean, unfortunately, the medical system.
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I was very blind to it.
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Medical systems, no, no different than any other organization, right, it's very, you know, susceptible to just doing the bidding of.
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You know their largest donors and you know, back when my mom was, my mom was young, well, what those donors said is, hey, you know, we're going to have to do that.
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You know, pregnant women, you should smoke because it's healthy.
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And then later on they said, hey, you know a person who wants to eat well and be healthy.
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You should cut out all that fat and replace it with sugar.
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And then they said, oh, hey, you and chronic pain, why don't you go ahead and take these opioids because they're completely safe and non-addictive?
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And you know, hey, you know, why don't you go ahead and take this experimental, you know whatever?
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Yeah, and it's, it's.
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And so that really woke me up to oh, okay, so we're not really here to help.
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I mean, the ER is like acute pain.
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Acute pain is amazing, right, the RQ pain system, you know.
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Acute care system, you know, you break your arm, you have a heart attack, you have a stroke.
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We're incredible, incredible.
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But when it comes to chronic conditions, it's just oh, well, here's a pill.
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Oh, you've got, you know, downstream effects.
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You've got side effects?
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Well, we've got another pill for that.
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So we call that a win and and so trying to, you know, help others and you know, work in pediatrics, right, the uh long school study as a part of was called ECHO, you know, environmental influences and child health outcomes, and the point of that is to look at a whole lot of different variables.
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Right, there were a whole, you know, conglomerate of studies, you know, packed into into into one, and one of those was, you know, a group of ladies who were trying to get pregnant.
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And as they're trying to get pregnant, well, they're giving a lot of urine tests and in those urine tests they're testing for phthalates and, you know, bpa.
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And then here we are, you know, bringing these, their kids, in, you know, eight, 10 years later, and then we're taking pictures of their teeth and we're correlating okay, how much BPA was in their urine.
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And then we correlated to okay, what are their teeth breaking down?
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And can we create this correlation of, you know the.
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You know the hormone disruptors and the you know endocrine system disruptors and tie it to, or at least suggest that this is something you know that could be causal, or at least should be.
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You know, look into further.
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You know we take blood samples, we take microbiome samples, height and weight.
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You know, go through a whole list of you know genetic questionnaires and so it really got me to okay, well, this is amazing.
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You know, man, I'm helping kids for one.
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This is great, it was a lot of fun.
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And then when the pandemic happened, the hospitals were the most backwards.
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They seem to be the ones that weren't following the science.
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They seem to be the ones that were the most just trying to make everyone afraid.
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And that was really strange for me.
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Our hospital here, you know, when.
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You know, at the University of Utah where I was working, you know when everyone quit wearing masks and they said, oh, by the way, you know, it looks like masks actually don't work.
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The hospital took like six months before they quit wearing masks, as if they wanted everyone to be afraid, like.
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And then when I started doing a little bit of research like hospitals, you know I mean third, the third leading cause of death, it's like what?
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And okay, well then, I have got some, really, you know strong questions to ask myself.
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Is this something I want to be a part of, right?
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Is there a better way to help?
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And you know, by being able to ask myself better questions, what leads me to better paths?
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And I'm not saying that doctors are the problem.
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Doctors are just part of a system and you know, and so chances are, you know, you run into a doctor who probably wants to be able to help out.
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Now, that said, he's very confined.
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You know he or she are very confined by.
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You know what the insurance agency is going to carve out for the amount of time.
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You know, with the pharmaceutical, you know company is going to say what they're allowed to do, and so you know they're victims to the same system, and I didn't so want to be a part of that.
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And so, just in search of something better, you know, I found Peter Sage, who taught me about consciousness, and he's he was the youngest trainer for Tony Robbins back in the day, and Tony Robbins is really good for, you know, helping people get from a place of feeling like they're victims to.
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Then you know, hey, I'm going to go, seize the world.
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I'm going to go do, I'm going to make it happen.
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I'm going to swim upstream and make my dreams happen.
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And Peter is more of a flow state and much more about, you know, kind of a Taoist Buddhist though he wouldn't necessarily say that right, he's not really religious but much more allowed to happen.
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You know, tune into.
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You know tune into higher vibrations and attract those and then take inspired action in order to make that manifest in the world.
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And then you know from there, because of my affinity towards helping and my affinity towards you know, I mean healing, you know, may not have necessarily been healing in the medical field, but that's effectively the way I identified.
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Well, then a master healer came into my world.
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I thought he was bizarre at first, but since I just learned all this stuff about consciousness, how you know the brain works through neuroscience, through psychology, how even you know scientists back in the 20s, you know talk about how consciousness is primary, max Planck, consciousness is primary.
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You know Neil's board.
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You know everything that we call real is made up of things that cannot be considered as real.
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So, okay, so we already discovered back in the 20s that we live in a matrix right, that everything we call part of you know particle matter, reality is made up of collapsed light waves, that everything's empty space, everything's energy and okay, well, let me give this guy a try, let me listen to him at least.
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Suspend my need to believe or disbelieve, because it seems very bizarre, it's challenging my model of the world.
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And then, from there, just having that ability to say, instead of dogmatically assigning a belief system, well, that challenges my identity, that challenges the way I believe, and instead of doing what I've done so long and sticking the logical frame of mind and just fold my arms like a toddler, be like no, I don't like those vegetables I've never tried.
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No, I don't like those ideas I've never tried.
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Right, I'd been to said, okay, well, what if I try them?
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How do I know?
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So why do you think that western or traditional medicine is so poor handling chronic conditions, specifically chronic pain Cause I know people that have had myalgia, fibromyalgia and different diseases and they're told it's all in your head, it's not real and we just still dismiss those people.
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Because the people at the top have no interests in healing those at the bottom.
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Because if you are, if you're sick and you can't, really it's hard for you to pay your bills, it's hard for you to take care of yourself.
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You feel like you're crazy.
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Well, guess what you're gonna do?
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You're gonna give your power over to somebody else.
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And who are you gonna give your power over to?
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Well, whoever's right there conveniently telling you that they know with a certainty that they can help, and whether that's a politician, whether that's a pharmaceutical system.
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I mean, we're one of, I think, two nations in the world that allow for the types of pharmaceutical commercials even air on public TV, and it pays for about 75% give or take of the commercial income for these channels, and so it's really nothing more than a business model that's based on profit first, no matter what, and if people get benefit, well then that's a happy consequence, and I think that really boils down to that.
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You know, I hate to believe that and I've resisted that believing that for a very long time.
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But the older I get and the more I see it's undeniable, and it's not just me, I guess.
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I'm looking at these commercials on TV for these pharmaceuticals, for these bizarre conditions.
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It seems like very few people would have you know, wouldn't know how the ads pay out anyway, and then they give you the list of all the side effects, right, and it's like I think I'd rather have the disease.
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But yeah, like why are you advertising prescription drugs to people that don't have access to them?
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Right, I have to go to a doctor to get them.
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So it's a weird system.
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Yeah, well, it's a way to condition us, right.
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Why, if you watch CNN, is there maybe an ad for Boeing?
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Are you gonna go out and buy a 7047, brian?
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Right, it's a way to condition us to be like, oh well, these are safe.
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And in kind of the same way, when I was a kid, everyone would ask, hey, what do you wanna do when you grow up?
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I don't know how, about you guys help me?
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And then I was like, oh okay, I do know, I wanna be a marine biologist.
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That's dumb, you shouldn't do that.
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You should do what I think that you should do.
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And so it's really around conditioning.
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And then I ended up joining the army, because I was living with my brother at the time and he and his wife were both in the army.
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And what do you wanna do when you grow up?
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Join the army.
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What do you wanna do when you grow up?
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Join the army.
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What do you wanna do when you grow up?
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Join the army?
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Well, what did I do?
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I joined the army, right.
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How did we get into?
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And then you take conditioning to a very dark place.
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What did we see with 9-11?
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How did we get into Iraq?
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Well, every single news station said 9-11 Iraq, 9-11 Iraq, 9-11 Iraq.
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Oh, we didn't say that Iraq was responsible for 9-11.
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We just mentioned Iraq and 9-11 in the same sentence for years and years, and then all of a sudden, we're at war with Iraq, and so it's conditioning for us to do things that aren't in our best interest in order to fuel that same paradigm that benefits those at the top.
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And it's not necessarily, it's not necessarily for us to say good or bad in a moralizing sense, so it's easy to do so.
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I think it's better for us to say hey, does it benefit us or does it detract from our health, or does it detract from our quality of life?
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I think that if we take morality out of the question and just look at, hey, what benefits us?
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Well, then we'll find that we live in a much better life and we'll be able to find that we can really attract ourselves to paradigms and systems that work much better.
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Because, just like you said, it's so easy to resist because we want to believe.
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We so want to believe desperately because we see these doctors are so nice and they wanna help out, but they're part of a system that controls them, and if we decide that we don't wanna be a part of that system.
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Well then, we start by asking better questions rather than demanding better answers.
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Yeah, yeah, good point.
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So I know you've dealt with some health issues yourself.
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Is that how you decided that you wanted to help other people, and what kind of things have you gone through?
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Yeah, so when I first started to heal, well, I first had to heal myself right, and, you know, because no leader worth or sold it should be trying to lead anyone anywhere.
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They haven't led themselves first, and you know.
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So I was just letting go of so much stuff I didn't know was there.
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They would just come up and say, oh my God.
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And you know it was all through meditation and that's what was so phenomenal is that, you know, I used to have a lot of, you know, chronic, you know, ptsd, felt like I was my own worst enemy.
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I felt like you know that, you know, I mean, for years and years I would beat myself up at night, just you know way, laying myself for all the different mistakes I made and for all you know, for all the times that I said something that I felt was embarrassing and just robbed myself of hours of quality sleep in order to rake myself over the coals.
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And once I started learning how to healing, I really just started shedding that over the course of a few weeks, and you know, I was crying nearly every day, just like tears of joy, just letting all that garbage out.
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And that's when I realized, just so much joy letting that out.
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It's like, oh my God, I, you know, I can actually do this for others.
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And you know same, you know same man who taught me how to heal.
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You know, taught me how to heal others.
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And what's fascinating is, you know again, we, if we convince ourselves, you know, of Only this one paradigm can work for us.
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Well then, the body's got no ability but to listen.
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And what happens if that paradigm isn't effective?
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Well then we trap ourselves in something that doesn't work.
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For instance, I was working with a lady in South Africa.
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She recently lost her husband and he was deteriorating in a nursing home facility and they didn't really take care of him.
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He had big, giant bed sores growing so she had to go over there and take care of him.
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Well, he's like foot and a half taller in her and about a hundred pounds heavier in her, and so just by having to roll him over and try to take care of him for so long, well, she tore her bicep tendon and tore it over and over and over, so for years had extreme pain, and she said that she couldn't even reach up.
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Barely even just try to reach into a cupboard.
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It'd bring her to her knees In South Africa, reaching out the right side window to grab, like a parking validation.
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She couldn't even do that because it'd bring her to her knees.
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She had to actually open the car door and reach out, even then extreme painful.
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She worked with an orthopedic surgeon didn't help.
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Worked with a chiropractor didn't help.
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Went to about seven different specialists.
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Only thing she said that they did is just make it worse, make it more painful.
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I took her through some meditations because that tap her into truth and love, because love is what heals, right.
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So why do we have so much fear in our world?
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Because love is where true power is.
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Love is what heals and if we can tap into the true love with the infinite power of the soul, well, everything changes.
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I've got an incredible testimonial with her as I'm interviewing her and just letting her tell her own story Within four days four days she'd been dealing with this for years within four days she can now reach out her window and not feel any pain.
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She can now reach up to her cupboard and actually grab something and within two to three weeks she had 70% of her range of range of motion back in that arm and because the body, the body's intelligent enough to heal itself.
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The problem is again coming back to Neal's Bohr, coming back to Einstein, coming back to Max Planck.
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Consciousness is primary.
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Everything is energy.
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If we're overlaying a negative conscious awareness, well then we've got no ability other than to run that program in our lives, and our body can't help but to listen to the voice in our head.
00:17:28.517 --> 00:17:48.380
Yeah, well, you've mentioned you bring up Max Planck and Neal's Bohr and those guys, because I've become fascinated with them myself recently and again, going back to, I'm thinking about people I know that have had like chronic pain and the doctors was telling them it's all in their head, and I think you would probably agree yeah, everything is mental, right, it's all it's all right.
00:17:48.380 --> 00:17:56.842
But they're saying in a dismissive way, like it's not real, it's all in your head, and we're just saying, well, it is very real, but it is, it is a mental state.
00:17:57.355 --> 00:18:06.625
Yeah, well, and that mental state can actually come from a spiritual issue, right, because the body is effectively a container for the soul, right?
00:18:06.625 --> 00:18:10.040
And this is where awareness comes from, and this is where our consciousness comes from.
00:18:10.040 --> 00:18:12.162
And this is a model for me, right?
00:18:12.162 --> 00:18:17.175
Nobody knows the truth of capital T, so I have no way to actually show you direct evidence of this.
00:18:17.175 --> 00:18:23.759
But, just the same way that GPS is not the roads that I drive on, it's a meaningful map in order for me to get to my destination.
00:18:24.896 --> 00:18:26.402
And the soul itself is in the superset.
00:18:26.402 --> 00:18:28.201
And the soul is the source of our power.
00:18:28.201 --> 00:18:32.660
And the soul is being drained by, you know, you tune into, you know, news media and you get nothing.
00:18:32.660 --> 00:18:36.576
But you know, fear porn, fear porn, fear porn, be afraid, be afraid, be afraid.
00:18:36.576 --> 00:18:38.375
Russia, russia, russia, right, whatever.
00:18:38.375 --> 00:18:41.521
Well then, we start to, you know, create blocks.
00:18:41.521 --> 00:18:49.138
And if our soul is being drained, well then, everything downstream, right, that in the subset, well, it's going to break down as a natural consequence.
00:18:49.138 --> 00:18:54.463
But the soul is that full power, well then, everything downstream will then heal as a natural consequence.
00:18:54.894 --> 00:19:06.324
In the same way that I was able to help her, you know, attend in drastically, in just four days, and you know, it's incredible when you actually tap into what's true because your heart can feel it.
00:19:06.324 --> 00:19:15.900
But there's times where somebody will say something, you get chills up your spine and it just hammers you, just like it's a way of basically your soul remembering hey, this is true, this is true for you.
00:19:15.900 --> 00:19:17.965
Right, the mind gets, you know, really adult.
00:19:17.965 --> 00:19:19.059
The mind gets very confused.
00:19:19.059 --> 00:19:22.637
The mind gets so convinced of its own brilliance that it traps itself.
00:19:22.637 --> 00:19:26.757
You know Jordan Peterson, if you're familiar with him, he's doing an exodus.
00:19:27.699 --> 00:19:33.422
You know breakout, and you know a bunch of different scholars and he had this idea of the Luciferian mind.
00:19:33.422 --> 00:19:38.361
Right, because the Luciferian mind is so convinced of its brilliance it doesn't care what's right or wrong.
00:19:38.361 --> 00:19:41.143
It says, oh, I already know, I already know all the answers.
00:19:41.143 --> 00:19:47.741
I'm going to fold my arms just like that toddler and say, hey, this is what's right, this is what's right, because, you know, I'm not willing to actually step out and try it.
00:19:47.741 --> 00:19:54.060
I'm just going to, you know, go through a logical paradigm and you know, effectively see, hey, does this make logical sense?
00:19:54.060 --> 00:19:54.618
And it doesn't.
00:19:54.618 --> 00:19:56.117
Well, then I'll dismiss it.
00:19:56.117 --> 00:20:14.843
And coming back to Niels Bohr, if you're familiar with the CIA gateway protocol, right, there was a very interesting quote from Niels Bohr where his son reached out to him just you know, talking about how confusing quantum mechanics is, and Niels Bohr said well, look, you're not thinking, you're only being logical.
00:20:17.528 --> 00:20:18.194
Hmm, yeah, say that again.
00:20:18.194 --> 00:20:18.703
I want to hear that.
00:20:19.335 --> 00:20:25.838
Yeah, so you know Niels Bohr's son very confused very confused over the quantum mechanics reached out to his dad.
00:20:25.838 --> 00:20:28.758
Hey, you know this is super confusing, what's going on here.
00:20:28.758 --> 00:20:34.101
He said hey, son, you're not thinking, you're only being logical.
00:20:35.095 --> 00:20:44.366
It's really, really interesting that you say that, because I was reading some quotes from Einstein the other day and a lot of them were kind of like letting go of the intellect.
00:20:44.366 --> 00:20:53.762
He was like he would use his intellect, of course, because he had a really powerful intellect, but he's like I really get my greatest insights when I move beyond that, when I kind of like go with that.
00:20:53.762 --> 00:21:01.122
And you know, everybody wants to talk about quantum mechanics and quantum theory now and nobody understands it.
00:21:01.122 --> 00:21:01.763
That I know of.
00:21:01.763 --> 00:21:05.003
But it's kind of like you have to almost intuit it.
00:21:05.003 --> 00:21:06.560
You can't really come to it logically.
00:21:07.075 --> 00:21:08.521
Hmm, perfect.
00:21:08.521 --> 00:21:19.519
And you know, when we break down something illogical and illogical framework, well then it can be nothing more than the traditional Buddhist metaphor of a finger pointing to the moon.
00:21:19.519 --> 00:21:22.061
But if you watch the finger, you'll never see the moon.
00:21:23.174 --> 00:21:37.984
Yeah, yeah, I think that's true and I'm starting to realize that more and more and I think again what you're talking about with helping people to heal this chronic pain, and again our tradition, we're looking at the wrong end of it.
00:21:37.984 --> 00:21:43.480
We're looking at the body and still looking at the spirit that's holding that.
00:21:43.480 --> 00:21:44.415
You know.
00:21:44.415 --> 00:21:51.644
You talk about unresolved trauma that we carry around and no one tells us in traditional medicine.