Rebecca and I discussed how the pain in our youth creates wounds in our "inner child" and we must heal through Self-love. Painful experiences are opportunities for us to grow if we do the healing work.
Rebecca Valla MD is a Psychiatrist in private practice in Winston-Salem, NC. She has been a lifelong spiritual seeker, which led to her interest in Near Death Experiences, Reincarnation, and Expanded Consciousness. She is focused in her work with patients on inner child healing, and on Self-love. Much of her work is informed by her own childhood pain, and her learning through psychotherapy, and personal growth.
Spirituality is the core of the self-growth work that she journeys on with her patients. You can hear her own story, and see how she approaches her work, through her YouTube at the IANDS Conference 2016, Videos, Rebecca Valla, MD. The title is: " Self-Love is not Selfish".
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