Send me a Text Message Heidi Craig is the mother of three boys, a credit analyst, and an author. In 2004, during the birth of her youngest son, Heidi found herself out of her body and in the presence of "spirit beings." Heidi...
Send me a Text Message As of today, Friday, October 25, 2019, The Forever Angels- Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact, is Dr. Atwater's latest book. Next week that will no longer be true. I was fortu...
Send me a Text Message This is part two of at least a three part series with P.M.H. Atwater. If you missed the first episode, we covered her fascinating life before her three NDEs and how that led her to become the foremost r...
Send me a Text Message In this eposode, we shared Penny Wittbrodt's near-death experience. She died suddenly and met god. Listen to find out what she found out about energy. Hope that will shock you. Experience the awe-inspir...
Send me a Text Message I have never had as much fun in an interview as I had with P.M.H. She is full of joy, as you'll see by the first few seconds of the video. Dr. Atwater is a pioneer in the field of the Near Death Experie...
Send me a Text Message Chris Batts had a difficult life from the very beginning. Literally tossed in the trash at six months old, Chris experienced rejection for his entire life. He contemplated and even planned suicide. Then...
Send me a Text Message Tricia had a Near Death Experience, after an automobile accident, on the operating table. This was her senior year of college. God had a request/demand for her life that was nowhere on Tricia's radar at...
Send me a Text Message Reverend Bill McDonald has led a fascinating life. From early childhood, spanning over six decades, he has had spiritual and out of body experiences. He performed heroics in Vietnam. He has traveled the...
Send me a Text Message I have heard Ingrid in several interviews before and had the pleasure of having a conversation with her on behalf of Helping Parents Heal. But, I had not read her book "A Brightly Guided Life" until the...
Send me a Text Message Wow. I am so excited about this episode. Natalie Sudman had an NDE in Iraq in 2007. She died when her vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb. Natalie immediately found herself in another "environment" as sh...
Send me a Text Message Dana Stinson-Cumby is the Shining Light Parent of Noah who passed away in September of 2017. In this episode, Dana relates a Near Death Experience that she had early in her life. It's a veridical NDE in...
Send me a Text Message Michelle Clare is a three time Near Death Experiencer, a certified evidential medium, and an intuitive life coach. I met Michele as a test sitter for her mediumship certification. In this episode, Miche...
Send me a Text Message After the loss of a very close loved one or after a deeply spiritually transformative experience such as an NDE, many people feel an intense longing for Home. If we verbalize this, it can be seen as mor...