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Nov. 9, 2021

Jerry Hyde- The Most Dangerous Therapist In The World

You are going to love this guy! I enjoyed this frank conversation with Jerry about what it is to be a man, the ultimate nature of reality, the role of drugs in spiritual development, and much more. Jerry is a self-described: MENTOR, BESTSELLING AUTHOR, FILMMAKER, PODCASTER, PSYCHEDELIC INTEGRATOR, DENIM FREAK,…

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Nov. 3, 2021

Shelley F. Knight tells us the lessons she has learned from the dying

Shelley F. Knight is a positive changes expert who can help you through her written and spoken words. Shelley has been intuitive for her entire life and comes from a family that encouraged her spirituality. She has worked as a nurse for decades and uses that experience along with her…

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Nov. 2, 2021

Shelley F. Knight- Good Grief- Making Positive Changes

Shelley F. Knight is a positive changes expert who can help you through her written and spoken words. Shelley has been intuitive for her entire life and comes from a family that encouraged her spirituality. She has worked as a nurse for decades and uses that experience along with her…

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Oct. 26, 2021

Her Near Death Experience with her child saved her life- an interview with Alba Monn- Part 3 of 3

In Part 3 of our conversation, I ask Alba questions to fill in some of the details of her experience. We learn what the accident is that caused Aurelia's passing. We learn more details about her dreams that predicted the event. And, we learn where Alba is today, after having…

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Oct. 26, 2021

Her NDE With Her Newborn Baby Saved Her Life- Part 3

In Part 3 of our conversation, I ask Alba questions to fill in some of the details of her experience. We learn what the accident is that caused Aurelia's passing. We learn more details about her dreams that predicted the event. And, we learn where Alba is today, after having…

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Oct. 19, 2021

Her Near Death Experience with her child saved her life- an interview with Alba Monn- Part 2 of 3

In Part 2 of our conversation, Alba continues the story of her experience with Aurelia. Alba Monn is an author and a mother who had a fascinating experience with the birth of one of her children, Aurelia. Alba had a near-death experience that changed her life. It was, in actuality,…

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Oct. 14, 2021

Alba Monn- Her NDE With Her Daughter Saved Her Life- Part 2

In Part 2 of our conversation, Alba continues the story of her experience with Aurelia. Alba Monn is an author and a mother who had a fascinating experience with the birth of one of her children, Aurelia. Alba had a near-death experience that changed her life. It was, in actuality,…

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Oct. 12, 2021

Her Near Death Experience with her child saved her life- an interview with Alba Monn- Part 1 of 3

Alba Monn is an author and a mother who had a fascinating experience with the birth of one of her children, Aurelia. Alba had a near-death experience that changed her life. It was, in actuality, a shared death experience, as you will learn when you hear her story. I’ve broken…

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Oct. 12, 2021

Alba Monn- Her NDE With Her Daughter Saved Her Life Part 1

Alba Monn is a mother who had a fascinating experience with the birth of one of her children, Orelia. Alba had a near-death experience that changed her life. It was, in actuality, a shared death experience, as you will learn when you hear her story. This is one of the…

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Oct. 7, 2021

Adam Rabinovitch- Connecting Our Paths Eternally

Adam has dedicated himself to a lifetime of service, prompted by the early passing of his toddler sister when Adam himself was a young boy. Today, Adam Rabinovitch is Executive Director of COPE - a nonprofit grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents and families living with the loss…

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Oct. 7, 2021

An interview withAdam Rabinovitch- Executive Director of Connecting Our Paths Eternally

Adam has dedicated himself to a lifetime of service, prompted by the early passing of his toddler sister when Adam himself was a young boy. Today, Adam Rabinovitch is Executive Director of COPE - a nonprofit grief and healing organization dedicated to helping parents and families living with the loss…

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Sept. 28, 2021

An Interview with Sandra Champlain- creator of We Don't Die Radio

Sandra Champlain is the host of We Don't Die, a popular podcast; the author of We Don't Die, a bestselling book; and the single biggest reason I started podcasting. Sandra was a lifelong skeptic about the afterlife. But, she also feared death. Her investigative and skeptical mind led her to…

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Sept. 28, 2021

Sandra Champlain- We Don't Die

Sandra Champlain is the host of We Don't Die, a popular podcast; the author of We Don't Die, a bestselling book; and the single biggest reason I started podcasting. Sandra was a lifelong skeptic about the afterlife. But, she also feared death. Her investigative and skeptical mind led her to…

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Sept. 21, 2021

Her son, mother, and husband were killed in three separate accidents. She has thrived since.

In this scintillating conversation, Dr. Kovacs and I discuss the nature of consciousness and who we are as human beings. Dr. Kovacs has been exploring the nature of consciousness her whole life. This was greatly accelerated when, within a three-year period, her mother, her son, and then her husband were…

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Sept. 21, 2021

Dr. Betty Kovacs- Consciousness Is All There Is

In this scintillating conversation, Dr. Kovacs and I discuss the nature of consciousness and who we are as human beings. We talk about the deep truths behind ancient myths. Dr. Kovacs has been exploring the nature of consciousness her whole life. This was greatly accelerated when, within a three-year period,…

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Sept. 15, 2021

Silent Lucidity with lyrics

I love this song so much. I listen to it over and over. I had to make a tribute and share it with you. I hope it touches you the way it touches me. 📰 stay in touch, get updates and additional resources from Grief 2 Growth 💵 to…

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Sept. 14, 2021

Toxic theology scarred him early. But, he has recovered. An interview with Dr. Boyd Purcell

I am happy and hopeful to share this special episode with you. All of my episodes are special. But, in this one, I discuss a particular type of pain that some of us suffered at the hands of toxic theology. I hope it helps someone who listens. If you know…

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Sept. 14, 2021

Dr. Boyd Purcell- Christianity Without Insanity

I am happy and hopeful to share this special episode with you. All of my episodes are special. But, in this one, I discuss a particular type of pain that some of us suffered at the hands of toxic theology. I hope it helps someone who listens. If you know…

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Sept. 7, 2021

Barby Ingle- From Wheels to Heals

Barby Ingle is a best-selling author, reality personality, and lives with multiple rare and chronic diseases; reflex sympathetic dystrophy(RSD), migralepsy, PALB2-var, endometriosis, and other pain disorders. Barby is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and president of the International Pain Foundation. She is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author…

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Sept. 7, 2021

Barby Ingle- From Wheels to Heals. Surviving pain and loss of health.

Barby Ingle is a best-selling author, reality personality, and lives with multiple rare and chronic diseases; reflex sympathetic dystrophy(RSD), migralepsy, PALB2-var, endometriosis, and other pain disorders. Barby is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and president of the International Pain Foundation. She is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author…

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Aug. 31, 2021

Leslie Davis- You Can't Eat Love

Leslie Lindsey Davis is the author of the book "You Can't Eat Love" where she shares the lessons she learned on a journey to learn to love herself. Part of the work was finally dealing with the ungrieved loss of her mother decades before. Leslie learned how to name and…

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Aug. 31, 2021

Leslie Lindsey Davis- You Can't Eat Love- How She Lost over 100 pounds

Leslie Lindsey Davis is the author of the book "You Can't Eat Love" where she shares the lessons she learned on a journey to learn to love herself. Part of the work was finally dealing with the ungrieved loss of her mother decades before. Leslie learned how to name and…

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Aug. 24, 2021

Reid Peterson- Grief Refuge

Reid Peterson is the Creator of Grief Refuge, a mobile app that is a daily companion to people in grief. Reid has years of experience working with grief and creating online learning. He has combined the two into a unique app for your smartphone. Reid's biological father died in 2006…

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Aug. 20, 2021

Reid Peterson- Grief Refuge- A Companion App for Your Grief

Reid Peterson is the Creator of Grief Refuge, a mobile app that is a daily companion to people in grief. Reid has years of experience working with grief and creating online learning. He has combined the two into a unique app for your smartphone. Reid's biological father died in 2006…

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